Using real-time indices of behavior to link sustained attention & recognition memory
Please contact Megan (debetten at uchicago dot edu) with any questions, comments or suggestions!
All analyses for this project are included in these python notebooks:
Expt1.ipynb : python notebook that replicates all analyses for Experiment 1
Expt2.ipynb : python notebook that replicates all analyses for Experiment 2
Click the badge to launch the python notebooks:
Some details on the file organization:
- data_expt1/ contains all data files for Experiment 1.
- data_expt2/ contains all data files for Experiment 2.
Within each data folder, each subject has a subfolder with their #
Within each subject folder, there are 3 files
- blockdata_1_* all of the data from the sustained attention phase of the experiment
- memdata_1_* all of the data from the memory phase of the experiment