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TabPFN Cloud Function

This repository contains a Google Cloud Function that runs TabPFN classification models to categorize transactions. It's designed to work with Google Sheets data and provides a simple API for classification tasks.

Note: This is a fork of belalanne/tabpfn-cloud-function. All credit for the original implementation goes to the original author.



TabPFN Cloud Function is built to:

  • Process transaction data from API requests
  • Apply machine learning (TabPFN) to classify transactions into categories
  • Return predictions via HTTP responses
  • Handle authentication and rate limiting
  • Support Google Cloud Storage for model storage and retrieval

Project Structure

Architecture Flow

┌─────────────────┐     ┌───────────────┐     ┌───────────────────┐     ┌───────────────┐
│  Google Sheets  │────▶│  Apps Script  │────▶│  Cloud Function   │────▶│  Cloud Storage│
└─────────────────┘     └───────────────┘     └───────────────────┘     └───────────────┘
                                               │   TabPFN Client   │

Directory Structure

├── .env.example.yaml          # Example environment configuration
├──                  # Production environment variables
├── .env.test                  # Test environment variables
├── .env.yaml                  # Current environment configuration
├── .gcloudignore              # Files to exclude from deployment
├── .gitattributes             # Git attributes configuration
├── .gitignore                 # Git ignore file
├──                    # Google Apps Script integration
├──                  # This documentation
├── cloudbuild.example.yaml    # Example Cloud Build configuration
├── cloudbuild.yaml            # Cloud Build configuration
├── deploy.ps1                 # PowerShell deployment script
├──               # API token management utility
├──                    # Main Cloud Function entrypoint
├──               # Transaction prediction logic
├──           # Data preprocessing utilities
├── requirements.txt           # Python dependencies
├── models/                    # Model files directory
│   ├── .gitkeep               # Placeholder for git
│   └── tabpfn-client/         # TabPFN model directory
│       ├── .gitkeep           # Placeholder for git
│       ├── tabpfn_model.pkl   # Main TabPFN model
│       └── transformers.pkl   # Model transformers

Component Descriptions

  1. Google Sheets: End-user interface where transactions are stored and categorized
  2. Apps Script ( Google Apps Script that creates a custom menu and handles communication with the Cloud Function
  3. Cloud Function ( HTTP endpoint that receives transaction data and returns predictions
  4. Cloud Storage: Stores TabPFN model files for the Cloud Function to access
  5. TabPFN Client ( Core ML component that categorizes transactions using the TabPFN model


  • Python 3.10
  • Google Cloud Platform account
  • TabPFN API token (from TabPFN)
  • Google Cloud Storage bucket (for model storage)


Local Development

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd tabpfn-cloud-function
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
    venv\Scripts\activate  # Windows
    source venv/bin/activate  # Linux/Mac
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up environment variables by creating a .env file:


Deployment to Google Cloud Functions

  1. Create a GCP project and enable required APIs:

    • Cloud Functions API
    • Cloud Build API
    • Cloud Storage API
  2. Set up environment variables:

    • Create a .env.yaml file based on the provided template
    • Replace the placeholder values with your actual settings
  3. Deploy using gcloud:

    gcloud functions deploy infer-category \
      --gen2 \
      --region=your-region \
      --runtime=python310 \
      --source=. \
      --entry-point=infer_category \
      --trigger-http \
      --memory=2048MB \
      --timeout=540s \
  4. Or use the provided deployment script:



API Endpoint

Once deployed, your function will be available at:

Request Format

Send a POST request with the following JSON structure:

  "transactions": [
      "date": "2023-04-15",
      "description": "PAYMENT *GROCERY STORE",
      "amount": -45.67,
      "account": "Checking"
      "date": "2023-04-16",
      "description": "DIRECT DEPOSIT SALARY",
      "amount": 1200.00,
      "account": "Savings"

Response Format

The function returns:

  "success": true,
  "results": [
      "date": "2023-04-15",
      "description": "PAYMENT *GROCERY STORE",
      "amount": -45.67,
      "account": "Checking",
      "category": "Groceries",
      "confidence": 0.89
      "date": "2023-04-16",
      "description": "DIRECT DEPOSIT SALARY",
      "amount": 1200.00,
      "account": "Savings",
      "category": "Income",
      "confidence": 0.95
  "request_id": "20230415_123456_789",
  "mode": "tabpfn"

Google Sheets Integration

This function integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets through the provided Apps Script. A comprehensive implementation is available in the file included in this repository.

Setting Up Google Sheets Integration

  1. In your Google Sheet, go to Extensions > Apps Script
  2. Create a new script project
  3. Copy the contents of the file from this repository into your script editor
  4. Update the CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL variable at the top of the script with your deployed function URL:
    const CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL = '';
  5. Save the script and reload your Google Sheet

Using the Google Sheets Integration

Once set up, the script provides:

  • A new "Transaction Categories" menu in your Google Sheet
  • Automatic detection of transaction columns
  • Batch processing to handle large transaction sets
  • Color-coded confidence scores
  • Error handling and reporting
  • API usage monitoring

To use:

  1. Create a sheet with columns for dateOp, transaction_description, and amount
  2. Add your transaction data
  3. Select "Transaction Categories" > "Predict Categories" from the menu
  4. View the results in the automatically created columns

Advanced Features

The Google Sheets integration includes:

  • Batch processing for large datasets
  • API usage tracking and limits display
  • Detailed error reporting
  • Conditional formatting for confidence scores
  • JSON response viewing for debugging

Model Files Deployment

The TabPFN Cloud Function relies on model files that need to be accessible to the function at runtime. There are two approaches:

1. Using Google Cloud Storage (Recommended for Production)

  1. Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket:

    gsutil mb -l LOCATION gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME
  2. Upload the TabPFN model files to your bucket:

    gsutil cp models/tabpfn-client/*.pkl gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/models/tabpfn-client/
  3. Configure your .env.yaml to use GCS:

    GCS_BUCKET: "your-bucket-name"
    USE_GCS: "true"
  4. Make sure your Cloud Function has permission to access the GCS bucket (using appropriate IAM roles)

2. Including Models in Function Deployment (Simpler for Testing)

For smaller models or testing purposes, you can include the model files directly in your deployment:

  1. Place the model files in the models/tabpfn-client/ directory
  2. Configure your .env.yaml to not use GCS:
    USE_GCS: "false"
  3. Deploy your function normally

Note: This approach can increase cold start times and may not be suitable for large models.

Environment Variables

Configure these environment variables for deployment:

Variable Description Example
GCS_BUCKET Google Cloud Storage bucket name my-models-bucket
USE_GCS Whether to use GCS for model storage true or false
USE_MOCK Use mock predictions for testing true or false
TABPFN_API_TOKEN API token for TabPFN your_api_token

Developer Workflow

This section covers the recommended workflow for quick development and testing.

Local Development

For the fastest iteration cycle:

  1. Set up your local environment:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create a local .env file with testing settings:

  3. Run the local test server:

  4. Visit http://localhost:8080/send_test in your browser to test the function with sample data

  5. For real-time code changes, run the function with automatic reloading:

    python -m functions_framework --target infer_category --debug

Test-Driven Development

Use the included test suite for reliable development:

  1. Run all tests:

    python -m unittest discover tests
  2. Run a specific test:

    python -m unittest tests.test_predictor.TestPredictor.test_mock_predict
  3. Add tests for new features before implementing them

Deploy and Test in Cloud

After local testing, deploy to GCP:

  1. Edit .env.yaml with your production settings

  2. Run the deployment script:

    ./deploy.ps1  # On PowerShell
  3. Test the deployed function with the generated test payload:

    curl -X POST [FUNCTION_URL] -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @test_payload.json

Google Sheets Integration

For testing with Google Sheets:

  1. Create a new Google Sheet
  2. Open Extensions > Apps Script
  3. Paste the contents of into the script editor
  4. Update the CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL to your deployed function URL
  5. Save and run the script
  6. Create a sheet with columns for dateOp, transaction_description, and amount
  7. Add sample transaction data
  8. Use the new "Transaction Categories" menu to test predictions


  • TabPFN for the underlying classification technology
  • Google Cloud Platform for serverless infrastructure


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  • Python 76.6%
  • JavaScript 17.6%
  • PowerShell 5.8%