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Releases: Privex/python-helpers

3.2.0 - Added MemcachedCache + privex.helpers.cache.extra, plus various other additions

02 Nov 03:55
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  • privex.helpers.settings

    • Added DEFAULT_CACHE_ADAPTER which can be adjusted via the env var PRIVEX_CACHE_ADAPTER. This setting allows overriding the cache adapter which is used automatically by default via cached / async_cached, along with the global adapter when you call get_adapter

    • Added DEFAULT_ASYNC_CACHE_ADAPTER which can be adjusted via the env var PRIVEX_ASYNC_CACHE_ADAPTER.

      It defaults to the same value as DEFAULT_CACHE_ADAPTER, since thanks to the new import_adapter function and ADAPTER_MAP dictionary in privex.helpers.cache, it's now possible to reference cache adapters by simple names such as memcached, redis, sqlite3, memory etc. - and these aliases point to either the synchronous or asyncio version of their related adapter depending on which context they're being passed into.

  • privex.helpers.cache

    • Added MemcachedCache module, which contains the synchronous cache adapter MemcachedCache. This is simply a synchronous version of AsyncMemcachedCache that uses pylibmc instead of aiomcache.

    • Added ADAPTER_MAP dictionary, which maps aliases such as memcached, redis, sqlite3, memory etc. to their respective synchronous and asyncio adapter module paths, which can be loaded using the newly added import_adapter function, or simply using adapter_set / async_adapter_set.

    • Added import_adapter function, which looks up an adapter alias name such as redis / memcached, maps it to the fully qualified module path via ADAPTER_MAP, and then loads the module + extracts the class from the module.

    • Adjusted adapter_set, async_adapter_set, along with CacheWrapper + AsyncCacheWrapper so that they now use the default string cache adapter defined in settings, and can transparently handle string adapter values by passing them off to import_adapter.

    • Added new extras module

      • CacheManagerMixin is a class mixin which adds various methods and settings to assist with class-scoped caching, including an adjustable class-level cache prefix .cache_prefix, a method to remove all known cache keys managed by your class .clear_all_cache_keys, and a special decorator which automatically integrates with your class .z_cache by intercepting the first argument of a method call.

      • z_cache - A special method caching decorator which is designed to integrate with classes that extend .CacheManagerMixin

        This is simply a wrapper for .r_cache - it transparently caches the output of a wrapped method/function, but unlike .r_cache, it's designed to automatically integrate with classes which extend .CacheManagerMixin , allowing it to automatically retrieve cache settings such as the cache prefix, default cache time, along with directly calling various classmethods which enable logging of newly created cache_key 's for painless cleanup of cache keys when needed, without having to manually track them, or doing the nuclear option of erasing the entire cache system's database.

  • privex.helpers.common

    • Added new small helper function auto_list, which is a small but useful function that simplifies the conversion of objects into lists, sets, tuples etc. with the option to manually force a certain conversion method, either list wrapping or list iteration
  • privex.helpers.plugin

    • Added various functions for managing memcached instances via the pylibmc library
      • connect_memcached - create a new memcached Client object
      • get_memcached - get or create a Memcached Client object shared by your thread
      • close_memcached - close the Memcached Client connection and delete it from the threadstore
      • reset_memcached - close the shared Client then re-create it again.
      • configure_memcached - configure Memcached settings then automatically reset the shared Client instance.
    • Added new HAS_MEMCACHED boolean value, to track whether synchronous memcached via pylibmc is available
  • General stuff

    • Added pylibmc to extras/cache.txt
    • Added some missing packages to the Pipfile - and synchronised Pipfile.lock
    • Added .env to .gitignore
    • Created unit tests for the new CacheManagerMixin class and z_cache decorator
    • Created unit tests for the new MemcachedCache cache adapter
    • Fixed the live command in docs/Makefile for newer sphinx-autobuild
    • Added SqliteCache and MemcachedCache to the docs
    • Added privex.helpers.cache.extras and privex.helpers.cache.post_dep to the docs
    • Added some other missing things to the docs
    • Created and updated a lot of stub files in privex_stubs (assists IDEs like PyCharm with type hinting and function/method previews)
    • Possibly other various additions / fixes / improvements that I forgot to list.

3.1.0 - Added SqliteCache + AsyncSqliteCache, plus minor fixes in privex.helpers.plugin

07 Oct 12:30
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  • Added SqliteCache module, containing the synchronous cache adapter SqliteCache which uses an Sqlite3 database for persistent cache storage without the need for any extra system service (unlike the memcached / redis adapters)

  • Added asyncx.AsyncSqliteCache module, containing the AsyncIO cache adapter AsyncSqliteCache, which is simply an AsyncIO version of SqliteCache using the aiosqlite library.

    • NOTE: Due to the file-based nature of SQLite3, combined with the fact write operations generally result in the database being locked until the write is completed - use of the AsyncIO SQLite3 cache adapter only slightly improves performance, due to the blocking single-user nature of SQLite3.
  • Added post_deps module, short for post-init dependencies. This module contains functions and classes which are known to have (or have a high risk of) recursive import conflicts - e.g. the new SQLite caching uses the privex-db package, and the privex-db package imports various things from privex.helpers causing a recursive import issue if we load privex.db within a class that's auto-loaded in an file.

    The nature of this module means that none of it's contents are auto-loaded / aliased using module constructor files. This shouldn't be a problem for most people though, as the functions/classes etc. within the module are primarily only useful for certain cache adapter classes, rather than intended for use by the users of privex-helpers (though there's nothing stopping you from importing things from post_deps in your own project).

    • sqlite_cache_set_dbfolder and sqlite_cache_set_dbname are two module level functions that are intended for use by users. These functions allow you to quickly override the DEFAULT_DB_FOLDER and/or DEFAULT_DB_NAME dynamically for both SqliteCacheManager and AsyncSqliteCacheManager.
    • SqliteCacheResult is a namedtuple that represents a row returned when querying the pvcache table within an SQLite cache database
    • _SQManagerBase is a mix-in class used by both SqliteCacheManager and AsyncSqliteCacheManager, containing code which is used by both classes.
    • SqliteCacheManager is a child class of SqliteWrapper, designed to provide easier interaction with an SQLite3 cache database, including automatic creation of the database file, and the pvcache table within it. This class is intended for use by privex.helpers.cache.SqliteCache
    • AsyncSqliteCacheManager is a child class of SqliteAsyncWrapper, and is simply an AsyncIO version of SqliteCacheManager. This class is intended for use by privex.helpers.cache.asyncx.AsyncSqliteCache


  • Added HAS_PRIVEX_DB attribute, for tracking whether the privex-db library is available for use.
  • Added clean_threadstore to __all__ - seems I forgot to add it previously.


  • Added SQLITE_APP_DB_NAME which can also be controlled via an env var of the same name - allowing you to adjust the base of the default DB filename for the SQLite3 cache adapters.
  • Added SQLITE_APP_DB_FOLDER (can also be controlled via env) - similar to the DB_NAME attribute, controls the default base folder used by the SQLite3 cache adapters.

3.0.0 - Overhauled net module, new object cleaner for easier serialisation, improved class generation/mocking + more

26 Sep 04:42
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Key Additions and Changes

  • privex.helpers.common

    • Added strip_null - very simple helper function to strip both \00 and white space
      from a string - with 2 cycles for good measure.
  • privex.helpers.types

    • Added AUTO / AUTOMATIC / AUTO_DETECTED dummy type, for use as the default value
      of function/method parameters, signalling to users that a parameter is auto-populated
      from another data source (e.g. instance/class attribute) if not specified.
  • privex.helpers.collections

    • Added copy_class_simple (alternative to copy_class)
    • Added copy_func for copying functions, methods, and classmethods
    • Improved _q_copy to handle copying functions, methods and classmethods
    • Added generate_class + generate_class_kw
    • Added Mocker.make_mock_module
    • Added Mocker.add_mock_modules
    • Added Mocker.__dir__ to track the available mock attributes and modules
    • Added dataclasses_mock - a Mocker instance which emulates dataclasses as a drop-in
      partially functional dummy for Python 3.6 when the dataclasses backport package isn't installed.
    • Various changes to Mocker.make_mock_class - potentially breaking, see the BREAKING CHANGES section.
    • Added DictObject.__dir__ + OrderedDictObject.__dir__ to enable proper tracking of dictionary keys as attributes

    • This module has now been converted into a folder-based module. Imports in have been carefully setup to ensure that existing import statements should still work as normal

    • Added new SocketWrapper and AsyncSocketWrapper classes, which are powerful wrapper classes for working with Python socket.socket objects, including support for SSL/TLS, partial support for running socket servers, and making basic HTTP requests

    • Many, many new functions and classes! There's too many to list, and due to the conversion into a module folder instead of a singular file, it's difficult to track which functions/classes are new, and which existed before.

      If you really want to know what's new, just take a look around the privex/helpers/net module.

  • privex.helpers.converters

    • Added clean_obj - which is a function that recursively "cleans" any arbitrary object, as to make it safe to convert into JSON and other common serialisation formats. It supports dict's, list's, attrs objects, native Python dataclass's, Decimal, and many other types of objects.
    • Added clean_dict (used by clean_obj, usually no need to call it directly)
    • Added clean_list (used by clean_obj, usually no need to call it directly)
  • Added privex.helpers.mockers module, which contains pre-made Mocker objects that are designed to stand-in for certain libraries / classes as partially functional dummies, if the real module(s) are unavailable for whatever reason.

  • And probably some other small additions / changes


  • Both _copy_class_dict and _copy_class_slotted now check each attribute name against a blacklist (default: COPY_CLASS_BLACKLIST), and the default blacklist contains __dict__, __slots__ and __weakref__, as the first 2 can't be directly copied (but we copy their contents by iteration), and weakref simply can't be deep copied (and it probably isn't a good idea to copy it anyway).

  • _copy_class_dict (used by copy_class) no longer breaks the attribute copy loop if deep_copy=False

  • Mocker.make_mock_class now returns a cloned Mocker class or instance by default, instead of a barebones class / instance of a barebones class.

    This was done simply because a Mocker class/instance is designed to handle being instantiated with any combination of constructor arguments, and have arbitrary attributes be retrieved / methods called without raising errors.

    If you absolutely require a plain, simple, empty class to be generated, you may pass the parameter simple=True to generate a bare class instead of a clone of Mocker (similar to the old behaviour). Unlike the old version of this method, you can now specify attributes as a dictionary to make your barebones mock class act similar to the class it's mocking.

  • Many things in such as check_host / check_host_async have been improved in various ways, however
    there may be some breaking changes with certain functions/classes in certain usecases.

    • Due to the high risk of bugs with certain networking functions that have been completely revamped, the older, simpler versions of various networking functions are available under with their original names.

      Because of the naming conflicts, to use the legacy functions/classes from base, you must import them directly from like so:

      # Option 1: import the base module itself, with an alias to prevent naming conflicts (and make it more
      # clear what you're referencing)
      from import base as netbase
      if netbase.check_host('', 80):
          print(' is up')
      # Option 2: import the required legacy functions directly (optionally, you can alias them as needed)
      # You could also alias the newer overhauled functions while testing them in small portions
      # of your application.
      from import check_host
      from import check_host as new_check_host
      if check_host('', 443, http_test=True, use_ssl=True):
          print('[old check_host] is up')
      if new_check_host('', 443, http_test=True, use_ssl=True):
          print('[new check_host] is up')

2.14.0 - new helpers.thread module + improved convert_datetime + fixes

01 Jul 05:58
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  • privex.helpers.thread (new module)

    • Added lock_acquire_timeout context manager function, for acquiring locks on threading.Lock objects
      using a with lock_acquire_timeout(lock) context manager, allowing the use of a context manager, while still
      being able to set a timeout / control blocking, plus the option to raise an exception on timeout.

    • Added BetterEvent - a modified version of threading.Event with more flexibility, such as the ability to
      wait for "clear" state AND "set" state - not just "set" state.

    • Added StopperThread - a threading.Thread sub-class which comes with thread instance events allowing you
      to signal a thread to stop/start/pause/unpause without having to constantly re-create stop/pause signalling.

    • Added SafeLoopThread - based on StopperThread, which is a looping thread with stop/pause signalling support,
      along with two queue's pre-included on the instance: in_queue for sending objects to the thread,
      and out_queue for receiving objects from the thread.

    • Added event_multi_wait which allows for waiting on multiple thread Event's using threading.Event.wait, and
      some extra features if you pass Privex Helper's BetterEvent events instead of standard events.

  • privex.helpers.converters

    • convert_datetime can now handle objects, and also attempts to fallback to converting
      the passed object into a string and parsing the string result if it's not a supported type.
    • Added aliases parse_datetime and parse_date for convert_datetime
    • Added aliases parse_unixtime, parse_epoch and convert_epoch_datetime for convert_unixtime_datetime
  • privex.helpers.exceptions

    • Added LockConflict exception for failed attempts at acquiring threading.Lock or asyncio.Lock objects.
    • Added LockWaitTimeout - a more specific sub-class of LockConflict for lock acquisition timeouts
    • Added EventWaitTimeout - for timeouts related to threading.Event
  • Possibly some other minor changes

Unit Testing

  • Adjusted timing for tests.cache.test_async_memcached to avoid race condition test bug where sometimes
    it would take too long to get the cache item to update it, and result in the item expiring before it can
    be updated.

  • Added more unit tests to test_converters

    • Test convert_datetime handling of objects
    • Test convert_datetime handling of byte-strings
    • Test convert_datetime handling of just string dates without times
  • Added new test_thread module which tests a good portion of the new privex.helpers.thread module.

2.9.0 - Added tail, io_tail, and reverse_io functions. Fixed some unit tests

17 Mar 22:45
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Added in main commit 48ce4b6

  • Added common.reverse_io function, allows reading blocks of bytes from files from the end of the file efficiently.

  • Added common.io_tail function, a pure python generator function, which works similarly to UNIX tail, and
    efficiently reads the file from the end, instead of having to load the entire file to access the last lines.

  • Added common.tail function, which is a simple wrapper around io_tail - to simplify usage when tailing a relatively small ( < 10k lines? )
    amount of lines. Iterates over io_tail, loading each chunk into memory, and correctly orders the lines for immediate usage of the returned list.

  • Added io_tail, reverse_io and tail to the docs.

  • Added thorough unit tests for io_tail and tail

  • Minor cleanup of whitespace in

Additional commit to fix unit tests 47345a2

  • tests.test_net.TestNet._check_asn now allows comparing against multiple AS names,
    reducing risk of ASN test breakage due to AS names changing.

  • Added additional AS names to test_asn_to_name_int and test_asn_to_name_str to repair
    test breakage caused by Cloudflare's AS name changing, and preventing breakage caused by
    AS name changes in future.

2.8.0 - Refactoring, bug fixes, new loop_run function and more!

17 Dec 20:51
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Tl;Dr; important changes

  • Added asyncx functions: loop_run, is_async_context, _awaitable_blacklisted
  • Added asyncx decorator awaitable_class, and mixin class AwaitableMixin (mixin version of awaitable_class decorator)
  • Removed class helpers.extras.git.Git and replaced it with an alias to AsyncGit as @awaitable_class rendered the
    wrapper class obsolete
  • Refactored some types from common module into types
  • Refactored tests and added some new tests for some of the added functions/classes
  • Various refactoring and general cleanup

New Features / Additions

  • asyncx.loop_run is similar to asyncx.run_sync, but more flexible, and doesn't use the deprecated asyncio.coroutine
    function. It can be passed either a coroutine directly for execution, or if a function/method is passed,
    (doesn't have to be async) then it can attempt to extract the coroutine by calling each layer until a coroutine
    or non-callable is found.

    While there's no plan to remove asynx.run_sync in the near future, it's strongly recommended to switch usages of run_sync
    to loop_run because it's better at handling different forms of awaitable objects:

    • Unlike run_sync, loop_run can handle both async function references AND coroutines

    • Unlike run_sync, loop_run can unwrap coroutines / async function references that are wrapped in a normal
      non-async function (e.g. @awaitable wrapper functions)

    • Unlike run_sync, loop_run can accept the optional _loop keyword argument, allowing you to specify a custom asyncio
      event loop if you desire.

    • Unlike run_sync, loop_run will cleanly execute non-async functions if they're encountered, and simply return
      non-callable objects that were passed to it, instead of failing.

  • New function / class decorator asyncx.awaitable_class - wraps a class and overrides __getattribute__ to enable all async
    methods to be called from non-async code. Similar to asyncx.awaitable, but affects all async methods in a class, and
    doesn't require non-async wrapper functions to be written.

    • If a non-async method or standard attribute is requested, then those are returned as normal without modification.

    • If an async method is called on the class, then it checks to see if there's a current AsyncIO context - if there is, it
      simply returns the coroutine for await'ing

    • If there isn't an async context, it will use loop_run to call the method synchronously using the
      current event loop, and return the method's result synchronously.

  • New class asyncx.AwaitableMixin - a mixin class which works the same as asyncx.awaitable_class, but as a mixin class
    add to your class's inheritance, instead of a decorator.

  • Created the file - note that it doesn't contain a full changelog yet, it only goes back as far as version 2.5

Changes / Updates

  • The wrapper class helpers.extras.git.Git has been removed, as AsyncGit now uses the much simpler @awaitable_class
    decorator to enable synchronous usage of all async methods, instead of a sub-class with individually @awaitable wrapped

    To avoid breaking any existing code which relied on extras.git.Git, Git is now an alias for AsyncGit. No changes
    needed to be made to the Git tests in tests/, so this change isn't believed to cause code breakage.

  • A large portion of the decorator asyncx.awaitable has been refactored into the smaller functions: _awaitable_blacklisted
    and is_async_context.

  • During the refactoring of asyncx.awaitable, a bug was discovered in the blacklist scanning for sub-modules - this is now
    fixed (note: blacklist scanning is refactored into _awaitable_blacklisted)

  • now has an __all__ module attribute, allowing __init__ to simply import * instead of having to list each
    class/function etc.

  • cache.asyncx.__init__

    • Added a PyDoc comment at the start of the file, explaining the AsyncIO adapters and how to use them.

    • Added the attributes HAS_ASYNC_REDIS, HAS_ASYNC_MEMORY, and HAS_ASYNC_MEMCACHED to allow for easy availability
      checking of async cache adapters.

    • Lowered the ImportError log level for AsyncRedisCache and AsyncMemcachedCache from log.exception down to log.debug

  • Refactored various generic / template types (e.g. T, K, CL) from helpers.common into helpers.types


  • Refactored tests/ into a folder tests/general/

  • Refactored AsyncIO related tests from tests/ into tests/asyncx/

  • Added several new AsyncIO tests to tests/asyncx/, mainly aimed at the new asyncx.awaitable_class,
    and asyncx.AwaitableMixin

2.7.0 - Async cache adapters + many new functions

13 Dec 09:47
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New Features / Additions

  • privex.helpers.common

    • Added extract_settings for extracting prefixed settings from modules, classes or dict's.
  • Created new helpers.black_magic module for somewhat risky code that uses app introspection

    • calling_function - Returns the name of the function which called your function/method.
    • calling_module - Returns the name of the module which called your function/method
    • caller_name - Get the fully qualified name of a caller in the format some.module.SomeClass.method
  • Created new helpers.types module for holding type aliases and new type definitions

  • privex.helpers.decorators

    • Added async_retry decorator, which works similar to retry_on_error, but supports wrapping asyncio coroutines
  • privex.helpers.cache

    • Created new asyncx submodule for AsyncIO cache adapters
    • asyncx.base.AsyncCacheAdapter is a new base class for AsyncIO cache adapters, with all methods as coros
    • asyncx.AsyncRedisCache is a new AsyncIO cache adapter for Redis
    • asyncx.AsyncMemoryCache is a new AsyncIO cache adapter for in-memory caching (async version of MemoryCache)
    • asyncx.AsyncMemcachedCache is a new AsyncIO cache adapter for Memcached
    • CacheAdapter has a new method get_or_set_async, which is an async method that supports
      coroutines as a value, as well as standard callable's and plain values
  • privex.helpers.plugin

    • New functions for organising __STORE by thread: _get_threadstore, _set_threadstore, clean_threadstore
    • New functions for managing AsyncIO Redis (aioredis) instances get_redis_async, close_redis_async etc.
    • New functions for managing AsyncIO Memcached (aiomcache) instances get_memcached_async, close_memcached_async etc.

Changes / Updates

  • Added aioredis, hiredis, and aiomcache to extras/cache.txt

  • async-property is now a core requirement, since it's used by a lot of async classes

  • New settings MEMCACHED_HOST and MEMCACHED_PORT for AsyncMemcachedCache

  • New plugin status HAS_ASYNC_REDIS for detecting if aioredis is available

  • privex.helpers.decorators

    • retry_on_err has been slightly cleaned up
    • retry_on_err now supports ignoring exceptions, so you can list exceptions that cause a retry, but shouldn't increase the retry count.
    • retry_on_err now supports the setting instance_match, which changes how exceptions are compared. When enabled, it will
      compare using isinstance() instead of an exact type comparison.
  • privex.helpers.asyncx

    • awaitable decorator now detects when it's received a non-async function, and returns the result correctly
    • awaitable now supports "blacklisting" functions/modules, to ensure when those functions/modules call an @awaitable function,
      that they always get a synchronous result, not a coroutine.
  • privex.helpers.cache

    • CacheWrapper now uses @awaitable for most methods, allowing AsyncIO cache adapters to be used without breaking existing
      synchronous code which uses the cache API.
    • CacheAdapter now has dummy __enter__ and __exit__ methods defined, allowing all synchronous cache adapters to be used
      in a with statement, regardless of whether they actually use context management.
  • privex.helpers.plugin

    • get_redis, close_redis, reset_redis etc. now use the new thread store system to help ensure thread safety
      by separating instances per thread.
    • Refactored get_redis's connection opening into connect_redis, and now uses extract_settings for loading default settings


  • Added unit tests for extract_settings to tests/

  • New folders tests/asyncx and tests/cache for containing flat test case modules using pytest-asyncio

  • tests/asyncx/ tests the new @async_retry decorator

  • tests/cache/ tests the new AsyncMemcachedCache class

  • tests/cache/ tests the new AsyncRedisCache class

  • tests/cache/ tests the new AsyncMemoryCache class

2.6.0 - `extras.git` + `asyncx.awaitable` + aobject

13 Dec 09:46
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  • Created helpers.extras.git module, which contains a git command wrapper that works with both sync and async functions
    • Primarily intended for the three methods: get_current_commit, get_current_branch, and get_current_tag, which allows python applications and libraries
      to identify what version they are, via git.
    • Includes various basic methods such as init, checkout, branch, tag, status, log and others.
  • Added new async helpers
    • aobject allows sub-classes to have async __init__ constructors
    • awaitable helps create wrapper functions that allow async functions to work with sync code seamlessly
  • Improved byteify and stringify with None handling
  • Added new SysCallError exception
  • sniffio is now a required dependency - however it's very small and dependency free in itself (only about 30kb).
  • Added unit tests for the git module, including tests for both synchronous and asynchronous execution of the methods
  • Re-generated some of the documentation
  • Possibly other small changes

Final 2.5.0 release (PyPi published) - Converters, construct_dict, get_function_params and more!

05 Dec 03:02
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2.5.0 - Converters, construct_dict, get_function_params

  • Includes commit 12da829 which enables 2.5.0 to function fully on Python 3.6 and 3.7 (prior to this commit
    some tests only worked on 3.8+)
commit 12da829
Date:   Thu Dec 5 02:39:32 2019 +0000
Add, fix get_function_params on older python

     - Added `` for running the unit tests on multiple python versions locally
     - Added `OrderedDictObject` to collections module, since python versions before 3.8 cannot reverse a normal dict.
     - Add unit tests for ordered dict object
     - Adjusted `get_function_params` to use the new OrderedDictObject (fixes failing tests on older python versions)

New Features / Additions

  • privex.helpers.common
    • Added get_function_params - which extracts and filters a function/method or class constructor's parameters, and
      outputs them in a dictionary
    • Added construct_dict, which allows you to either construct a class, or call a function using a dictionary of keyword arguments,
      using get_function_params to detect what arguments the class/function/method can take, including any parent classes, then
      filtering out any keyword arguments which would otherwise be rejected and cause a TypeError.
    • Added _filter_params, a private function used by the aforementioned functions to filter a dictionary or iterable of Parameter objects.
  • New module converters, containing functions/classes designed to convert/parse one type into another
    • convert_datetime converts both string date/time's as well as unix timestamps into datetime.datetime objects using dateutil.parser
    • convert_unixtime_datetime converts specifically UNIX epoch timestamps (can be string, int, float, Decimal etc.) into datetime.datetime objects,
      and is used by convert_datetime to handle unix timestamps.
    • convert_bool_int converts booleans True / False as well as string / int versions into integers 1 (true) and 0 (false)
    • convert_int_bool is mostly an alias to is_true, but exists for convenience and semantics (if there's a convert_bool_int, why not a convert_int_bool?)

Changes / Updates

  • Shrank the rather large copyright notice in most modules down to the small copyright block, and instead of dumping the whole X11 / MIT License text in there,
    the licence block simply states License: X11 / MIT. This should make the docs a bit more readable.

  • Added python-dateutil to the Pipfile

  • For sanity reasons, python-dateutil has been added to the install_requires (meaning it's auto-installed when you install privex-helpers). The package is relatively
    small and depends on just six, weighing in around 500kb (python-dateutil = 468kb, six = 36kb).

    It may be removed and refactored into a extra at a later point, but for now it's small and commonly required enough that it can be a dependency.

  • Added dateutil to the sphinx intersphinx mapping

  • Possibly other small changes I forgot to include


  • Added new test case TestInspectFunctions to test_general, which tests the new get_function_params and construct_dict functions.
  • Added new test module which contains test cases for the new converters module
    • TestConvertDate covers date/time related converters such as convert_datetime and convert_unixtime_datetime
    • TestConvertGeneral covers other converters that don't fit into a specific category (or would otherwise be pointless to categorize)

2.3.0 - New `collections` module + refactoring

01 Dec 03:15
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This is the final version of 2.3.0 (as published to PyPi) - merged from develop branch.

Includes the following extra commits since original release:

  • (commit 600cccd) Rename test_tuple to test_collections + add TestDictObject

  • (commit fa1f4db) Re-factored dictable_namedtuple and related functions for py3.6 / 3.7 compat

Minor updates

  • docs/source/ now sets PYTHON_PATH which helps reduce issues with Sphinx
    finding the privex package folder

  • Fleshed out docs/source/examples.rst with DictObject and dictable_namedtuple examples.

  • Added documentation for privex.helpers.collections and tests.test_collections

  • Added Pipfile and Pipfile.lock for use with pipenv during development

Major changes

  • Created module privex.helpers.collections

    • DictObject - A dict sub-class which allows keys to be read/written via
      attributes (x.something) as well as standard item/key notation (x['something'])

    • MockDictObj - Same as DictObject, but masquerades as the builtin dict, potentially
      allowing it to be used with certain code that expects the builtin dict type

    • is_namedtuple - Boolean function which returns True if all passed objects are named tuples

    • dictable_namedtuple - An improved version of the native collections.namedtuple, which adds additional functionality
      such as dict-like key/item access to fields, ability to cast directly to a dict, and ability to add new fields
      dynamically to an existing instance.

    • convert_dictable_namedtuple - Converts a namedtuple type class instance into a dictable_namedtuple instance

    • subclass_dictable_namedtuple - Converts a namedtuple type/class into a dictable_namedtuple type/class

  • Created unit tests for is_namedtuple and dictable_namedtuple in tests/


  • Mocker has been moved from privex.helpers.common into privex.helpers.collections.
    Code which imports via from privex.helpers.common import Mocker will no longer work.
    Code which imports Mocker from the shared privex.helpers module (i.e. from privex.helpers import Mocker)
    should be unaffected.

  • Dictable has been moved from privex.helpers.common into privex.helpers.collections.
    Code which imports via from privex.helpers.common import Dictable will no longer work.
    Code which imports Dictable from the shared privex.helpers module (i.e. from privex.helpers import Dictable)
    should be unaffected.