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T Priyanker Rao edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the FinanceBot wiki!

Intents : Identifies what actions you want your bot to take Utilizes Active Learning to improve over time None is the Default Intent Prebuilt Intents Calender, Notes, Utilities, Communications, Places, Weather, HomeAutomation, RestaurantReservation, Web, Email, Todo

Entities: Identifies what things your bot is taking action on Helps to enhance your intents Entity Types Simple, Composite, List, Pattern.Any, Regex, Prebuilt

ML model score is not going to be 1 (100%) . It's going to be a very close guess which a computer always has a margin of error . LUIS is a NLP datamodel, So more examples you give it , the better it is at guessing. LUIS might not correct always , Some time we have to update manually called "AI Care and Feeding"

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