Automated scripts to simplify the process of Ollama and its WebUI Launch in one click on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (Gnome).
Setting up a Large Language Model (LLM) like
with 8 billion parameters, and -
Creating a
desktop entry
for easy access to the WebUI (Auto start ollama server and Validations)
⭐ Star this repo if you find it useful! ⭐
$ curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
$ sudo systemctl enable ollama
$ sudo systemctl start ollama
Select an LLM of your choice from here.
For demonstration I will install DeepSeek-r1 8 billion parameters (4.9 GB):
$ ollama run deepseek-r1:8b
This will take some time, after successfully installing
>>> /bye
prerequisites (SNAP):
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install snapd
$ sudo snap install ollama-webui --beta
Save this
to ~/.scripts folder as mentioned$HOME/scripts/ollama-launcher.sh
$ cd $ mkdir -p ~/.scripts/ $ cd scripts/ $ touch ollama-launcher.sh $ vim ollama-launcher.sh
:#!/bin/bash # Configuration OLLAMA_HOST="" OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT=8080 # Changed to match your actual web UI port # Check for required commands check_commands() { if ! command -v ollama &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: Ollama is not installed. Please install Ollama first." exit 1 fi if ! command -v ollama-webui &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: ollama-webui command not found. Please install it first." exit 1 fi } # Function to check/start Ollama start_ollama() { if curl -s $OLLAMA_HOST >/dev/null; then echo "✓ Ollama is already running" return 0 fi echo "⚠️ Ollama is not running. Starting now..." # Try systemd service first if command -v systemctl >/dev/null && systemctl start ollama 2>/dev/null; then echo "✓ Ollama started via system service" else echo "✓ Starting Ollama in background..." nohup ollama serve > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi # Wait for Ollama to become available echo -n "⏳ Waiting for Ollama to start" local max_attempts=15 for ((i=1; i<=$max_attempts; i++)); do if curl -s $OLLAMA_HOST >/dev/null; then echo -e "\n✓ Ollama is ready!" return 0 fi echo -n "." sleep 1 done echo -e "\n❌ Failed to start Ollama after $max_attempts attempts" exit 1 } # Function to handle port conflicts handle_port_conflict() { echo "🛑 Port $OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT is already in use" # Find PID using the port pid=$(ss -tulpn | grep ":$OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT" | awk '{print $7}' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d, -f1) if [ -n "$pid" ]; then echo "🔍 Found existing process (PID: $pid)" read -p "❓ Do you want to kill this process and continue? [y/N] " response if [[ "$response" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then kill -9 $pid echo "✅ Killed process $pid" return 0 else echo "❎ Exiting script" exit 1 fi else echo "⚠️ Port in use but no process found - check your system" exit 1 fi } # Function to start web UI start_webui() { if ss -tuln | grep -q ":$OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT"; then echo "✓ Web UI already running" return 0 fi echo "🚀 Starting Ollama Web UI..." if ! nohup ollama-webui --port $OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT > /dev/null 2>&1 & then handle_port_conflict nohup ollama-webui --port $OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi echo -n "⏳ Waiting for Web UI" local max_attempts=10 for ((i=1; i<=$max_attempts; i++)); do if ss -tuln | grep -q ":$OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT"; then echo -e "\n✓ Web UI is ready!" return 0 fi echo -n "." sleep 1 done echo -e "\n❌ Failed to start Web UI after $max_attempts attempts" exit 1 } # Open browser function open_browser() { echo "🌐 Opening browser at http://localhost:$OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT" xdg-open "http://localhost:$OLLAMA_WEBUI_PORT" } # Main script execution check_commands start_ollama start_webui open_browser
After copying the content to
, give the required permissions$ chmod +x ollama-launcher.sh
and save it in ~/.scripts folder which we previously created in the User's HOME directory and give the required permissions$ cd $ cd scripts/ $ touch ollama-WebUI-Create-desktop-entry.sh $ vim ollama-WebUI-Create-desktop-entry.sh
:#!/bin/bash # Create desktop entry cat > ~/.local/share/applications/ollama-webui.desktop <<EOL [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Ollama WebUI Comment=Launch Ollama Web Interface Exec=/bin/bash -c "$HOME/scripts/ollama-launcher.sh" Icon=$HOME/.icons/ollama-webui.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application; Keywords=Ollama;AI;LLM; StartupNotify=true EOL # Download specified icon mkdir -p ~/.icons if [ ! -f ~/.icons/ollama-webui.png ]; then wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Priyansusahoo/ollama-webUI/refs/heads/main/ollama-webUI.png -O ~/.icons/ollama-webui.png fi # Set permissions chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/ollama-webui.desktop update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/ echo "Desktop entry created with custom icon!" echo "Look for 'Ollama WebUI' in your application menu."
$ chmod +x ollama-WebUI-Create-desktop-entry.sh
Execute the Script:
$ ./ollama-WebUI-Create-desktop-entry.sh
After successfully executing the script check your app drawer and you will find the "Ollama WebUI" icon.