Hook into Beam Events and emit them to NodeCG Compatible channels.
This is a NodeCG 0.8 bundle.
- Follow
- Sub -Thanks so much NonGenericName
- Misc Update Events
- Hosting
- Status
- Polls
For events that happen whilst the bundle is offline the Beam API can be pulled and compared to the internal data store.
- Install to
- Create a config file in
- Add the channels you wish to track with e.g.
This module does nothing by itself. To use it for alerts and other media you need to listen to the events it outputs.
Checkout prime-alerts for a basic example
nodecg.listenFor('follow', 'nodecg-beam', function(data) {
//Snazzy Alerts
nodecg.listenFor('update', 'nodecg-beam', function(data) {
//Snazzy Alerts
This event is mostly parroted from the underlying Beam layer. Use them if they are useful!