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Building and testing branch refs/heads/master_7.1.x #2858

Building and testing branch refs/heads/master_7.1.x

Building and testing branch refs/heads/master_7.1.x #2858

name: Build and test
run-name: Building and testing branch ${{ github.ref }}
pull_request: # run on every pull request
branches: # run only on protected branches (develop & master_*)
- develop
- master_*
name: Build Frontend
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: "14.15.1"
cache: "npm"
cache-dependency-path: |
- name: Install ui-frontend-common dependencies
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend-common
run: npm install
# Linting is disabled. In this branch, we were using deprecated TSLint. We backport features from more recent branches that conform to new ESLint linter which rules are not identical to TSLint ones. So, we have to disable linting.
# - name: Lint ui-frontend-common with TSLint # We run TSLint in that GitHub Action because it requires to install project's dependencies (Prettier is run in "lint" GitHub Action)
# working-directory: ui/ui-frontend-common
# run: npm run lint
- name: Build ui-frontend-common
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend-common
run: npm run build:prod
- name: Package ui-frontend-common
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend-common
run: npm run packagr:tar
- name: Run tests on ui-frontend-common
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend-common
run: npm run test:conf-ci
- name: Install ui-frontend dependencies
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
run: npm install ui-frontend-common --legacy-peer-deps --loglevel warn
# Linting is disabled. In this branch, we were using deprecated TSLint. We backport features from more recent branches that conform to new ESLint linter which rules are not identical to TSLint ones. So, we have to disable linting.
# - name: Lint ui-frontend with TSLint # We run TSLint in that GitHub Action because it requires to install project's dependencies (Prettier is run in "lint" GitHub Action)
# working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
# run: npm run lint
- name: Build vitamui-library
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
run: npm run build:vitamui-library
- name: Copy vitamui-library SCSS
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
run: npm run copy-scss:vitamui-library
- name: Build ui-frontend apps
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
run: npm run build:allModules
- name: Run tests on ui-frontend apps
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
run: npm run ci:test
- name: Package ui-frontend apps
working-directory: ui/ui-frontend
run: npm run package:all
- name: Save JUnit report as artifact
uses: mikepenz/[email protected]
if: success() || failure() # always run even if the previous step fails
report_paths: |
check_name: Frontend Test Report
- name: Save test & coverage reports as artifact
if: success() || failure() # always run even if the previous step fails
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: frontend-test-reports
path: |
name: Build Backend
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 # We stay on Ubuntu 22.04, otherwise, timezone configuration would not be taken into account in Java on Ubuntu 24.04 (for unexplained reasons) and would break unit tests
- uses: szenius/[email protected]
timezoneLinux: "Europe/Paris" # we set the timezone for Unit Tests to pass (we shouldn't need to, but it's currently required)
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: "temurin"
java-version: "11"
- name: Restore maven cache # We're not using cache feature from actions/setup-java as it's not allowing to fine-tune it (in particular, we can't use restore-keys to load a previous cache if cache name mismatches)
uses: actions/cache@v4
# See for why we use */*/* to be able to exclude dependency-check-data from the cache
path: |
key: maven-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }}
restore-keys: maven-${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.ref_protected && hashFiles('**/pom.xml') || '' }} # If the key doesn't exist, tries to find a previous cache to speedup build, except for protected branches (to make sure we have a clean cache)
- name: Get today's date
id: get-date
run: |
echo "today=$(/bin/date -u "+%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: bash
- name: Restore latest owasp-dependency-check cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ~/.m2/repository/org/owasp/dependency-check-data
key: owasp-dependency-check-${{ }} # The key changes every day
restore-keys: owasp-dependency-check- # If the key doesn't exist, tries to find a previous cache
- name: Build and test
run: >
mvn --settings .ci/github-actions-settings.xml
--batch-mode --errors -U
--projects '!cots/vitamui-mongo-express'
--projects '!ui'
--projects '!ui/ui-archive-search'
--projects '!ui/ui-collect'
--projects '!ui/ui-commons'
--projects '!ui/ui-frontend'
--projects '!ui/ui-frontend-common'
--projects '!ui/ui-identity'
--projects '!ui/ui-ingest'
--projects '!ui/ui-pastis'
--projects '!ui/ui-portal'
--projects '!ui/ui-referential'
CI_USR: ${{ secrets.CI_USR }}
CI_PSW: ${{ secrets.CI_PSW }}
- name: Save JUnit report as artifact
uses: mikepenz/[email protected]
if: success() || failure() # always run even if the previous step fails
report_paths: |
check_name: Backend Test Report
- name: Save test & coverage reports as artifact
if: success() || failure() # always run even if the previous step fails
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: backend-test-reports
path: |
- name: Save generated classes as (temporary) artifact for SonarCloud analysis
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref_protected }} # only save generated classes when executing SonarCloud analysis
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: backend-generated-classes
path: |
name: Run SonarCloud analysis
needs: [build-frontend, build-backend]
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref_protected }} # only run SonarCloud analysis on protected branches
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Restore maven cache # We need maven cache for Sonar to have access to java libraries code
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
fail-on-cache-miss: true
path: |
key: maven-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }}
- name: Copy m2 repository in workspace "lib" directory to make it available from SonarCloud docker container # If not copied in the source code folder, it's not visible by the docker container
run: cp -r ~/.m2/repository ${{ github.workspace }}/lib
- name: Download frontend test reports
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: frontend-test-reports
- name: Download backend test reports
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: backend-test-reports
- name: Download backend target directories
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: backend-generated-classes
- name: SonarCloud Scan
uses: sonarsource/[email protected]
- name: Delete temporary artifact
uses: geekyeggo/[email protected]
if: success() || failure() # always run even if the previous step fails
name: backend-generated-classes