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Dinos I

This repository is used to host data products and notebooks for the analysis in Tan et. al 2024, which is the first paper of the Project Dinos series whose aims to study elliptical galaxy evolution using strong-lensing galaxies.

The 1_HST_lens_processing folder contains all the notebooks used to download and preprocess the HST images used in the analysis. All the HST data used in the analysis can be found in 2_dolphin_modelling/data.

The 2_dolphin_modelling folder contains the directory used to run the lens modelling software dolphin.

The 3_model_parameters folder contains the lens model parameters tables (in the Data subfolder) and additional analysis notebooks used to obtain the lens parameters from the dolphin output files.

The 4_hierarc_analysis folders contains the directory used to run the hierarchical analysis software hierArc.

All the lens models from this project, including MCMC chains, are released at