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SYSTOPIA edited this page Jun 10, 2013 · 1 revision

The CSV-Importer plugin can import bank transactions (BTX) into CiviBanking from arbitrary CSV files. It uses a configurable set of rules to map the data found in the CSV to the fields needed for BTXs.


Like all plugins, the CSV-Importer takes a JSON string as configuration. Valid parameters are

Parameter Type Description
delimiter string delimiter of the CSV file, usually ',' or ';'
encoding supported encoding delimiter of the CSV file, usually ',' or ';'
header integer Number of header lines before the data starts. The first will be taken as header names, the remainder will be skipped.
BIC string Bank ID
defaults array list of "field"->"value" mappings to be set for each record before the rules will be applied.
rules array a set of triplets ( "from"=>"column or variable name",  "to"=>"column or variable name,  "rule"=>, see below)


The "from" part of the rules works on the conjoint variable space of the CSV input and the already created variables. Therefore, even the use of "temporary" variables is possible. At the end, all non BTX properties will be stored in the data_parsed field.

Rule Description
set will simply copy the value of "from" to "to"
append[:<x>] will append the value of "from" to the "to" variable. The part after the colon, if provided, will be used as concat character(s)
amount will extract a monetary value from the input filed/variable
strtotime:<format> will parse a datetime value with the given format

Example config:

    "delimiter": ";",
    "encoding": "CP1252",
    "header": 1,
    "defaults": {},
    "rules": [
            "from": "Kontonummer",
            "to": "_ba_id",
            "type": "set"
            "from": "Buchungstag",
            "to": "booking_date",
            "type": "strtotime:d.m.Y"
            "from": "Wertstellung",
            "to": "value_date",
            "type": "strtotime:d.m.Y"
            "from": "Betrag",
            "to": "amount",
            "type": "amount"
            "from": "Auftraggeber/Empfänger",
            "to": "name",
            "type": "set"
            "from": "Währung",
            "to": "currency",
            "type": "set"
            "from": "VWZ1",
            "to": "_party_bank_id",
            "type": "regex:/BLZ:(?P<blz>[0-9]+) KTO: *[0-9]+/"
            "from": "VWZ1",
            "to": "_party_ba_id",
            "type": "regex:/BLZ:[0-9]+ KTO: *(?P<account>[0-9]+)/"
            "from": "VWZ1",
            "to": "purpose",
            "type": "append: "
            "from": "VWZ2",
            "to": "purpose",
            "type": "append: "
            "from": "VWZ3",
            "to": "purpose",
            "type": "append: "
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