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Frontend for DRM platform Qilin

Start dev-server:

yarn serve


yarn build


Создание лаяутов:

  1. Создаем стор в папке stores, подключаем по аналогии с Navbar в stores/index.ts
  2. Создаем компонент в папке layouts, подключаем в компоненте Main.vue или в одном из высокоуровневых (раз мы делаем лаяут)
  3. Не забываем про i18n, если покрытие требуется для данных из стора (можно по аналогии с Navbar, но данные могут быть разные)

Создание модулей:

  1. Каждому модулю соответствует свой роут, по-этому не забываем прописывать нужное в routes.ts
  2. Создаем модули в папке modules. Модуль состоит из: компонента ComponentName.vue, стора store.ts, списка уникальных компонентов, используемых только в этом модуле (папка components в папке с модулем)
  3. Добавляем стор модуля в modules RootStore.ts, стараемся прокидывать все зависимости из RootStore.
  4. Не забываем про i18n для роутов, так как они будут отображаться в боковом меню. Список i18n для роутов находится в locales/${lang}.ts


Перевести всё это

Authentication backend app


  • Node.js v10+
  • NPM v6+
  • Redis v5+

Install and run

  • npm install
  • npm prune --production
  • NODE_ENV={string=production} AUTH1_CLIENT_ID={string} AUTH1_CLIENT_SCOPE={string="openid,offline"} AUTH1_CLIENT_SECRET={string} AUTH1_ISSUER_URL={string} CORS_VALID_ORIGINS={string} POST_MESSAGE_TARGET_ORIGIN={string} PUBLIC_HOST={string} REDIS_HOST={string} REDIS_PORT={string} ROUTES_PREFIX={string} SENTRY_DSN={string} SERVER_PORT=80 SESSION_COOKIE_NAME={string} SESSION_COOKIE_SIGN_KEY={string} SESSION_MAX_AGE={string=21600} node ./index.js


Obligatory params

{AUTH1_CLIENT_ID} - client id for OAuth2 authentication through Auth1 service

{AUTH1_CLIENT_SCOPE} - required client scope for OAuth2 authentication through Auth1 service

{AUTH1_CLIENT_SECRET} - client secret for OAuth2 authentication through Auth1 service

{AUTH1_ISSUER_URL} - url of Auth1 host

{CORS_VALID_ORIGINS} - list of valid origins for CORS protection, separated by comma. Notice! Value of * uses by default (disable CORS protection)

{NODE_ENV} - Current environment

{POST_MESSAGE_TARGET_ORIGIN} - target origin for postMessages with results of authorization

{PUBLIC_HOST} - Public host url, for example

{REDIS_HOST} - Redis host

{REDIS_PORT} - Redis post

{ROUTES_PREFIX} - Common prefix for all routes, use empty string by default

{SENTRY_DSN} - public DSN for Sentry

{SERVER_PORT} - Port of koa http server

{SESSION_COOKIE_NAME} - Name of cookie session

{SESSION_COOKIE_SIGN_KEY} - Key for signing cookie session

{SESSION_MAX_AGE} - session lifetime in seconds

{CENTRIFUGE_URL} - Centrifuge endpoint for listen notifications via WS, for example ws://

User Authentication

For make a user login, you must create subscribtion for receiving postMessages in your SPA, and then and open an /login url in iframe. All process of authentication will go in that frame, and finally you will be redirected to /callback url.

As the result of authentication process you will receive a postMessage from iframe.
Result will be a json-serialized object with auth token, expire time and error code if it occures. Actual structure of object you may see in backend/templates/auth1.postmessage.html.template file. Also, targetOrigin of postMessage may be configured in postMessageTargetOrigin endpoints option.

Token, that you receive form postMessage, you must store in browser's local storage and pass as bearer authorization header to all requests to your auth-protected API endpoints.

For refresh you must send ajax request to GET /refresh, and you will get json response with updated token.

For logout you must send ajax request to GET /logout, this will revoke access and refresh tokens and destroy session. Logout endpoint send 204 No content status in case of success, and 500 Internal server error on other cases (if user already logged out, for example, or not logged yet). In most cases you can ignore this error in your SPA

You do not need pass bearer authorization header to refresh and logout endpoints, because they are authorize your request by user session cookie. Be sure, that you enable send cookies with this requests in your's framework http client!

Also, good idea will be close refresh and logout endpoints with CORS Policy.