The Website for your Bug Bounty Recon (Mobile First)⭐ Star us on GitHub — it motivates a lot! ⭐
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- Dynamic json file for li list
- Input read for Domain
- GitHub file dorking
- Google dorking
- Subdomain search
- Add tabs / categories
- URL Hash direct link
- Button - without subdomains
- Payload lists from proviesec
- CORS Test
- Iframe test site (Click hjacking)
- Search on the website (input field)
- ajax functions test / browser scan
- Open many URLs tabs (WordPress admin pages)
- Select multi "or" for Google Dorking
- Select multi "or" for Github Dorking
- Best dir Iframe search site - from provisec github account
- Link List on iFrame sites - new target
- open redirect test
- []
- xss configuration (jquery, which input field....)
- show you the best xss in your case
- Load the payload lists from proviesec
- best tool Selector (Decision Tree)
- question and what todo
- best solution ideas
- Add todo list, Checklist editor, for small, large targets...
- crlf search -> crlf payload -> github -> + Tutorial
- js dir scanner
- js subdomain scanner
Input your Domain, you don't have to click enter:
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Needless to mention, please use this tool very very carefully. The authors won't be responsible for any consequences.