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Automatic changelog generation

Mucker edited this page May 15, 2022 · 10 revisions


The automatic changelog system allows you to quickly generate a changelog without having to deal with any files on your end. All you need to do is type the format correctly somewhere in your pull request's original post. Be sure to refer to the changelog rules and guidelines regularly.


:cl: YourName
tag: A summary of changes made.

Commonly used tags

  • rscadd - Adding a feature.
  • rscdel - Removing a feature.
  • tweak - Changing an existing feature.
  • bugfix - Fixing an intended functionality that is not working, or correcting an oversight.
  • maptweak - Changing something on a map, or adding a new away site. In 99% of cases, all map changes are maptweak.
  • spellcheck - Spelling and grammar fixes.

Uncommon tags

  • admin - Adding, removing or changing administrative tools.
  • balance - Changing an existing feature in such a way that it may broadly impact game balance; usually reserved for larger changes.
  • soundadd - Adding new sounds, usually covered by rscadd unless you're only adding the sounds themselves.
  • sounddel - Ditto as above with rscdel
  • imageadd - Adding new icons; same situation as soundadd - usually you're adding something that uses these icons, so this isn't needed
  • imagedel - Ditto as above.
  • experiment - For experimental changes and tests that are intended to be temporary.
  • wip - For works in progress. You probably won't get away with using this one.


:cl: sabiram
rscadd: Added a new species of goat.
tweak: Made all goats much stronger.
maptweak: Goats now spawn on the station randomly.
spellcheck: Fixed goat being spelled 'gaot'.
rscdel: Removed functionality where screwdrivers could be used to drive screws.
bugfix: Fixed screwdriver icons.

Example of a changelog crediting an original author:

:cl: CoderDude27, babydoll
rscadd: Ported dog bicycles from /tg/station.

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