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This repository contains the backend code for an NFT Marketplace built using TheGraph. It enables efficient querying and indexing of blockchain data to support various functionalities within the marketplace.

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Graph NFT Marketplace


  1. Install Subgraph CLI
yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  1. Log into the graph UI and create a new Subgraph.

Use Goerli as the network.

  1. Initialize Subgraph
graph init --studio nft-marketplace
  1. Authenticate CLI
graph auth  --studio YOUR_DEPLOY_KEY_HERE
  1. Update your subgraph.yaml
  • Update the address with your NftMarketplace Address
  • Update the startBlock with the block right before your contract was deployed
  1. Build graph locally
graph codegen && graph build
  • graph codegen: Generates code in the generated folder based on your schema.graphql
  • graph build: Generates the build that will be uploaded to the graph
  1. Deploy subgraph

Replace VERSION_NUMBER_HERE with a version number like 0.0.1.

graph deploy --studio nft-marketplace -l VERSION_NUMBER_HERE
  1. View your UI

Back in your hardhat project, mint and list an NFT with:

yarn hardhat run scripts/mint-and-list-item.js --network goerli


This repository contains the backend code for an NFT Marketplace built using TheGraph. It enables efficient querying and indexing of blockchain data to support various functionalities within the marketplace.







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