Opinionated module for managing automation for Robot Framework-based Robots.
The assumption is that Robot tasks and tests are stored in separate repositories, hence the (currently mandatory) installation of the SSH deployment key.
- Installation of 'python3-pip' package (configurable)
- Creation of local "robot" user with deployment key and authorized keys
- installing a desktop environment (for browser-based Robot tasks and tests)
- Setting up VNC to start up as a systemd service
Example use:
class { 'robot':
robot_user_password => 'login-secret',
robot_user_sshkeys => [<list of public SSH keys>],
vnc_password => 'vnc-secret',
deployment_key => '<private key used to clone Robot task/test repositories>',
You can connect to the default VNC port to get access to "robot" user's VNC session which has xfce4 running.