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Materials Plus Metals

Putnam3145 edited this page May 15, 2015 · 1 revision

A table of the new metals that are attainable as of now in Materials Plus, with iron, copper and steel for comparison. See Dwarf Fortress Wiki for info on what the numbers mean.

Iron 542500 1085000 319 155000 310000 189 7850
Copper 245000 770000 175 70000 220000 145 8930
Steel 1505000 2520000 940 430000 720000 215 7850
High-speed Steel 2300000 3300000 900 500000 900000 632 7850
Beryllium 647500 1295000 498 185000 370000 140 1848
Magnesium 83000 166000 184 105000 160000 618 1738 Primarily used for manufacture of zirconium/titanium
Titanium 385000 770000 350 110000 220000 250 4507 Yes, weaker than iron! The iron in-game is more of a low-grade steel.
Vanadium 1536500 1652000 960 439000 472000 934 6110 Used in high-speed steel making
Chromium 409500 819000 256 117000 234000 102 7190 Used in high-speed steel making
Manganese 868000 1736000 723 248000 496000 306 7470 Can be used for steel production
Zirconium 577500 1155000 2406 165000 330000 500 6511
Molybdenum 400000 800000 174 250000 500000 192 10280 Used in high-speed steel making
Tungsten 1715000 3430000 553 490000 980000 304 19250 Used in high-speed steel making; actually stronger than it in most ways, but way heavier.