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Marketplace-Example #89


Marketplace-Example #89

# I have created public github marketplace actions (plan and apply) as well that can be used as shown in this example.
name: "Marketplace-Example"
# branches:
# - master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
permissions: #Permission is required if enabling TFSEC == true
actions: read
contents: read
security-events: write
if: ${{ != 'dependabot[bot]' }}
environment: null #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/[email protected]
- name: Dev TF Plan Deploy
uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
path: 01_Foundation ## (Optional) Specify path TF module relevant to repo root. Default="."
plan_mode: deploy ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
tf_version: latest ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
tf_vars_file: config-dev.tfvars ## (Required) Specifies Terraform TFVARS file name inside module path.
tf_key: foundation-dev ## (Required) AZ backend - Specifies name that will be given to terraform state file and plan artifact
enable_TFSEC: true ## (Optional) Enable TFSEC IaC scans (Private repo requires GitHub enterprise). Default=false
az_resource_group: Terraform-GitHub-Backend ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage acc
az_storage_acc: tfgithubbackendsa ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage acc
az_container_name: gh-terraform-deployments ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files
arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client ID
arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client Secret
arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Subscription ID
arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Tenant ID
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ## (Required) Needed to comment output on PR's. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions
##### APPLY DEPLOY #####
needs: Plan_Dev_Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: Development #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments
- name: Dev TF Deploy
if: ${{ != 'dependabot[bot]' }}
uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
plan_mode: deploy ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
tf_version: latest ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
tf_key: foundation-dev ## (Required) Specifies name of the terraform state file and plan artifact to download
az_resource_group: Terraform-GitHub-Backend ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage acc
az_storage_acc: tfgithubbackendsa ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage acc
az_container_name: gh-terraform-deployments ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files
arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client ID
arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client Secret
arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Subscription ID
arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Tenant ID
##### PLAN A DESTROY #####
needs: Apply_Dev_Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ != 'dependabot[bot]' }}
environment: null #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/[email protected]
- name: Dev TF Plan Destroy
uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
path: 01_Foundation ## (Optional) Specify path TF module relevant to repo root. Default="."
plan_mode: destroy ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
tf_version: latest ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
tf_vars_file: config-dev.tfvars ## (Required) Specifies Terraform TFVARS file name inside module path.
tf_key: foundation-dev ## (Required) AZ backend - Specifies name that will be given to terraform state file and plan artifact
enable_TFSEC: false ## (Optional) Enable TFSEC IaC scans (Private repo requires GitHub enterprise). Default=false
az_resource_group: Terraform-GitHub-Backend ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage acc
az_storage_acc: tfgithubbackendsa ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage acc
az_container_name: gh-terraform-deployments ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files
arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client ID
arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client Secret
arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Subscription ID
arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Tenant ID
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ## (Required) Needed to comment output on PR's. ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} already has permissions
##### APPLY DESTROY #####
needs: Plan_Dev_Destroy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: Development #(Optional) If using GitHub Environments
- name: Dev TF Destroy
if: ${{ != 'dependabot[bot]' }}
uses: Pwd9000-ML/[email protected]
plan_mode: destroy ## (Optional) Specify plan mode. Valid options are "deploy" or "destroy". Default="deploy"
tf_version: latest ## (Optional) Specifies version of Terraform to use. e.g: 1.1.0 Default="latest"
tf_key: foundation-dev ## (Required) Specifies name of the terraform state file and plan artifact to download
az_resource_group: Terraform-GitHub-Backend ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE Resource Group hosting terraform backend storage acc
az_storage_acc: tfgithubbackendsa ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE terraform backend storage acc
az_container_name: gh-terraform-deployments ## (Required) AZ backend - AZURE storage container hosting state files
arm_client_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client ID
arm_client_secret: ${{ secrets.ARM_CLIENT_SECRET }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Client Secret
arm_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Subscription ID
arm_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.ARM_TENANT_ID }} ## (Required - Actions Secrets) ARM Tenant ID