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How to perform PyECLOUD PyHEADTAIL simulations

giadarol edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 30 revisions

PyECLOUD can be used in combination with PyHEADTAIL to simulate in a self-consistent manner the interaction of the particle beam circulating in an accelerator ring with multiple e-clouds.

This is done by using the PyECLOUD.PyEC4PyHT module to instantiate e-cloud elements that can be installed in a PyHEADTAIL ring.

These simulations can be computationally very intensive. In order to speed-up the simulation it is possible to resort to parallel computing. This is done by a separate package PyPARIS which handles the parallelization.

As setting up such a simulation from scratch can be quite cumbersome, we provide simulation packages with ready-to-use simulations, which can be configured through a simple input file. The packages are

A simple procedure on how to setup a single-bunch e-cloud instability using PyPARIS_sim_class simulation is illustrated in the following (similarly coupled-bunch simulations can be setup using PyPARIS_CoupledBunch_sim_class).

Step-by-step procedure

If you don't have it yet, please install the PyECLOUD-PyHEADTAIL suite following the instruction available here. We assume that the tools are installed in /home/user/tools.

Make sure that the packages are in the PYTHON_PATH. They can be added by typing:

export FOLDER_WITH_PACKAGES=/home/user/tools

Create a folder for the simulation:

mkdir /home/user/Desktop/ecloud_instab_simulation
cd ecloud_instab_simulation

Copy one of the example simulations of PyPARIS_sim_class:

cp -r /home/user/tools/PyPARIS_sim_class/examples/001b_simulation_with_eclouds_synchrotron/* .

The simulation configuration can be changed by editing the input file A detailed description of the different parameters can be found in a dedicated documentation page.

To run the simulation on a single CPU-core, execute:


To run the simulation on multiple CPU-core on a single compute (node) using python-multiprocessing, execute:


You can edit the script to increase the number of CPU-cores. Using 8 cores is advisable for this simulation.

To run the simulation on multiple CPU-core on multiple interconnected computers using mpi4py, execute:


You can edit the script to increase the number of CPU-cores. 8 cores are advised for this simulation.

At the end of the simulation, basic plots of the output results can be made by executing:
