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ZNPCsPlus API Documentation

Maven Repository

To use the ZNPCsPlus API in your project, add the following Maven repository to your pom.xml:

  <name>Pyr's Repo</name>

Add the following Maven dependency to your pom.xml:


Gradle Repository

For Gradle projects, add the following repository to your build.gradle:

maven {
    name "pyrSnapshots"
    url ""

Add the following dependency to your build.gradle:

compileOnly "lol.pyr:znpcsplus-api:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"


Explore the API structure of ZNPCsPlus by referring to the concise JavaDoc here

Basic Implementation

Getting the NpcApi Instance

To start working with the API, obtain an instance of NpcApi:

NpcApi npcApi = NpcApiProvider.get();

Getting NPC Types

Before creating an NPC, retrieve the desired NPC type:

NpcType playerNpcType = npcApi.getNpcTypeRegistry().getByName("player"); // Case-insensitive
if (playerNpcType == null) {
    System.out.println("NPC type does not exist or is not available on this server version.");

Creating and Registering an NPC

Create an NPC with the desired type, location, and settings:

NpcEntry playerNpc = npcApi.getNpcRegistry().create(
    "npc1", // NPC ID
    Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), // World instance
    playerNpcType, // NPC type
    new NpcLocation(0, 100, 0, 0, 0) // x, y, z, yaw, pitch

// Enable the NPC to be processed by the plugin
 * If you need custom logic for NPC visibility per player, keep "processed" disabled.
 * Note: Disabling "processed" will prevent certain properties (e.g., look behavior, 
 * view distance, permission-based visibility, and knockback properties) from functioning.

// Enable the NPC to be saved in the plugins storage

// Enable the NPC to be modified by commands

// Alternatively, you can use the following method to enable all of the above at once

Retrieving an NPC by ID

Retrieve an NPC that is already registered using its ID:

NpcEntry retrievedNpc = npcApi.getNpcRegistry().getById("npc1");
if (retrievedNpc != null) {
    System.out.println("NPC found: " + retrievedNpc.getId());

Deleting an NPC

Remove an NPC from the registry:


Applying a Property to an NPC

Customize an NPC by applying a property:

// Get the "dinnerbone" property (makes entities appear upside down)
EntityProperty<Boolean> dinnerboneProperty = npcApi.getPropertyRegistry().getByName("dinnerbone", Boolean.class);

// Apply the property to an NPC
NpcEntry zombieNpc = npcApi.getNpcRegistry().getById("zombie1");
if (zombieNpc != null) {
    zombieNpc.getNpc().setProperty(dinnerboneProperty, true);

Registering a Dummy Property

Register a dummy property for testing:

npcApi.getPropertyRegistry().registerDummy("my_property", Boolean.class);

Creating and Assigning Actions

Create a MessageAction and assign it to an NPC:

// Create an action that sends a message when left-clicked
InteractionAction action = npcApi.getActionFactory().createMessageAction(
    "Hello, world!", // Message
    InteractionType.LEFT_CLICK, // Interaction type
    5, // Cooldown in seconds
    0 // Delay in ticks

// Assign the action to the NPC

Setting NPC Skins

Skins are only available for player NPC types. Here's how to set different skin types:

Mirror Player Skin

SkinDescriptor mirrorDescriptor = npcApi.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createMirrorDescriptor();

Static Skin (Using a Player Name)

SkinDescriptor staticSteveDescriptor = npcApi.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createStaticDescriptor("steve");

Static Skin (Using a Texture value and signature)

SkinDescriptor staticTextureDescriptor = npcAPI.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createStaticDescriptor("ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTczNTExNzEzNzY0MSwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICIxNmQ4NjI4NzYzMWY0NDY2OGQ0NDM2ZTJlY2IwNTllNSIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJSZXphVG91cm5leSIsCiAgInNpZ25hdHVyZVJlcXVpcmVkIiA6IHRydWUsCiAgInRleHR1cmVzIiA6IHsKICAgICJTS0lOIiA6IHsKICAgICAgInVybCIgOiAiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS81ODc0Nzk0OWMxOTUyMWEwYTAwOTgwYjNhMGVkODJjYzIzNmVkMjc5OWIzMGNiZDY4Nzk1ZGNiMDg5NTE5Y2NhIiwKICAgICAgIm1ldGFkYXRhIiA6IHsKICAgICAgICAibW9kZWwiIDogInNsaW0iCiAgICAgIH0KICAgIH0KICB9Cn0=", "ZzIpWZCCCT6H95QQk0SCwF8hWjWL+J764KqH8hhpmTl5SfCHnoj8W4wZnPevrO+q213NgzGmZVEVucR16stX/39+H+NmLFILOBh+FDbRQgEhheyZGYEIj+25gvKRHddHW5eLIS+fOrXDXFffktLR8ImEtFQzFNWVQ8YHb6jmth2OUJgVTxz76UYZ0RVo/8dYbARijWyypTc95+8rOImoJl2f77qiIsPptxeorHdJ6+i0LfFQnbQzGO9GDVjShso/B1UMdoFEITO4MVG8RYpV7F1Awd7891N2vdhIAPWptIADAK/VFU6HG5dyOJoB8FEjPK5vpV/qaH5MQ5JqO2tjT6re1BEeKamymRX+LsgNJYq360gJAsf93tR1Q7oI8GtJ/6KGymGNRH5X6dPVNAgIx6yRvqbBDFW12bYlWFGvdY3kTYn50xe5oFtm6gas5CHJdnGL86m4iunNVtE7GKvYrXtxcAEP2HzfZ5b4eOyK5LOi8A55Z2rNmCKn/5YPX50OjpooNsZivrOvu4+qrs7EMa7JOqqKeq8WE+duLykJr1qXoURY4cz7JDGqHLJrE7E2FaQf4JoMdzdxNZIfvwFzhIh9TcQ/6iSOf439lc54d6vJuGcXLXBjmSq7GNAawxNTy7d3V/Bo0bnrQEh1EKE1LlkUP3ubnw+CW7jJcx9pPd8=");

Dynamic/Refreshing Skin (Using static player name)

SkinDescriptor dynamicSteveDescriptor = npcAPI.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createRefreshingDescriptor("Steve");

Dynamic/Refreshing Skin (Using placeholder)

SkinDescriptor dynamicPlaceholderDescriptor = npcAPI.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createRefreshingDescriptor("%top_player_1_name%");

URL Skin

SkinDescriptor urlDescriptor = npcApi.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createUrlDescriptor(

File Skin

SkinDescriptor fileDescriptor = npcAPI.getSkinDescriptorFactory().createFileDescriptor("skin2.png");

Note: the file should be in the folder, ./plugins/ZNPCsPlus/skins

Applying the Skin

// Get the "skin" property
EntityProperty<SkinDescriptor> skinProperty = npcApi.getPropertyRegistry().getByName("skin", SkinDescriptor.class);

// Apply the skin to the NPC
playerNpc.getNpc().setProperty(skinProperty, staticSteveDescriptor);

Serializing an NPC

Save an NPC to a YAML format:

NpcSerializer<YamlConfiguration> yamlSerializer = npcApi.getNpcSerializerRegistry().getSerializer(YamlConfiguration.class);
YamlConfiguration serializedPlayerNpc = yamlSerializer.serialize(playerNpc);

Deserializing and Registering an NPC

Load an NPC from YAML and register it:

NpcEntry deserializedPlayerNpc = yamlSerializer.deserialize(serializedPlayerNpc);

For guidance, join our Discord community.

ZNPCsPlus Wiki

Welcome to the documentation for ZNPCsPlus!

  • Home: Introduction and Overview
  • Setup: Installation and Configuration
  • Converting: Migrating from Older Versions or Other Plugins
  • Commands: List of Available Commands
  • Permissions: Permissions and Access Control
  • NPC Types: Information about Different NPC Types
  • Properties: Customization Options
  • API Docs: Documentation of API
  • Other: Additional Resources and Information

Feel free to click on any of the links above to access the corresponding page for detailed information on that topic. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out on our Discord server

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