This is a C++ focused library for the HUSB238A, featuring 3 levels of access with a modular I2C interface.
- No dynamic memory allocation
flowchart BT
A[Byte access] --> B[Register OOP]
B --> C["Command OOP (Coming Soon)"]
I1[I2C interface] --> I2[Arduino Wire I2C implementation]
I1 --> A
#include "HUSB238A.hpp"
using namespace husb238a;
const HUSB238A h238a(VDD); // A connection to the 238A via default VDD I2C address
- Byte access - You have full control over the register data and address
#include "inc/ByteAccess.h" // Recommended - One header for the entire ByteAccess layer
uint8_t byte_control1 = h238a.read_register_byte(CONTROL1);
if (get_bit(byte_control1, field::ENABLE) == 0) { // Get ENABLE field
byte_control1 = set_bits_1(byte_control1, field::ENABLE); // Set ENABLE field to 1
// Handy converters for human integer <-> field binary values
#include "inc/Conversion.hpp"
byte_control1 = set_bits_n(byte_control1, field::TCCDEB, cvsn::to_tccdeb(120)); // Set the debounce to 120ms
// Some field values (fval) are constants. fval::NAMESPACE::CONST provide them like enums.
uint8_t go_cmd = h238.read_register_byte(GO_COMMAND);
go_cmd = set_bits_n(go_cmd, field::GO, fval::GoCommand::SELECT_PDO); // Set GO field to SELECT_PDO (0b1)
// You have to perform a write action in order to actually update the register
h238a.write_register_byte(CONTROL1, byte_control1);
// You can write any value to any register - Error prone
h238a.write_register_byte(CONTROL1, 0x69);
- Register OOP - Register address is fixed, you can access a register by its fields
#include "inc/RegOOP.h" // One header for the entire RegOOP layer
#include "inc/Conversion.hpp"
Control1 control1; // Address is fixed in the class
control1.get_val(); // All RegOOP classes have a get_val() that retrieves the full byte
if (!control1.enable()) { // Get ENABLE field
control1.enable(true); // Set ENABLE field
GoCommand go_cmd;
// Some classes are shared by multiple registers. They have an internal enum that you must use
// to initialise those classes
SrcPDOXXV src_pdo_5v(SrcPDOXXV::V5);
PortRole portrole; // Some registers are read-only
h238a.read_register(&portrole); // OK
h238a.write_register(&portrole); // Error - read-only register
In most devenv you should be able to just drop the entire repo in your library root folder and it should work.
I test with PlatformIO, which you can write the following in platformio.ini
lib_deps =
defines methods to communicate with the HUSB238A via I2C.
You have to provide an implementation. A default implementation for Arduino Wire is provided in this repo.