This mod contains changes to Redd'n'Tanks, BWMod, NIArms, RHS and GM improving ACRE Radio Racks and adding further functionality and features.
- GM
- BWMod
- Rosche
- CUP Terrains - Core
- NIArms Core
- NIArms MG3 GPMGs
- Global Ops Terrains
- Bundeswehr Waffenkammer (PBW)
- Replace Redd MG3 Sound with NiArms Sounds
- Marder Milan can only be assembled if the tripod is in the vehicle cargo
- Assemble Marder Milan also with GM Milan tripod
- Fix missing Marder ramp sounds (Fixes RPT error)
- Reduced HUD for static weapons and vehicles
- Remove Marder commander stabilizer
- Remove NVG of Marder
- Small changes to Marder (initial gun zeroing to 800 m; Don't lock turret when driver is turned out; Shortcut for commander to go higher; Remove laser range finder; ...)
- Custom TOW reloading system
- Get in and out of Marder through hatches
- Ability to setup ladder on top of Marder (for breaching into buildings)
- Replace mouse actions to switch AP and HE with weapon selection
- Removed HUD compass and range finder of MILAN
- Ability to switch between passenger 1 and gunner seats
- Reduced headgear mass
- Add Fuchs door actions
- Single fire mode for Marder
- More durable buildings (can take more damage)
- Allow GM wire cutter to cut Arma vanilla NATO wires
- Modify ACE fragmentation settings of DM51 and DM51A1 grenades
- Add ACE self-interaction to swap fragmentation sleeve of DM51 and DM51A1 grenades
- Custom Russian MotInf/MechInf Groups
- Added ACE Tracer effect
- Reduced mass of MG3 ammo
- Increase fire rate MG3 to 1200 rpm
- Replace open/close door actions of buildings because they do not check if the door is locked
- More durable buildings (can take more damage)
- More durable buildings (can take more damage)
- Make flags lighter
- More durable buildings (can take more damage)
- Add modification of CRRCs that is more agile
- Add keybinds for switching working intercom radio (this is temporary until this feature is merged into ACRE)
- [NiArms/GM/BwMod] Ability to assemble static MG3 with the primary weapon MG3
- ACRE Racks, attenuation rework, and speakers for manpacks and racks
- Increased vehicle space
- Ability to fire vehicle smoke launcher as gunner and commander (also turned out)
- [Redd'n'Tank/GM] Back compartment of the Marder is locked when ramp is closed (Driver and commander can access vehicle via the hatches)
- [Redd'n'Tank/GM] Custom Milan reloading system (One Milan tube bag is one shot)
- [Redd'n'Tank/GM] Custom weapon reloading system for Marder (ammo as inventory items, reload on top of vehicle)
- [Redd'n'Tank/GM] Add keybind to switch between AP and HE.