Releases: QIB-Sheffield/TRISTAN-rat
Third release
The modified scripts used to analyse data for the Reproducibility study were no longer compatible with the SixTestCompounds study data and analysis. This commit includes updates so that all scripts now function correctly for both studies.
Second release
Second release of TRISTAN-rat repository updated to accompany the manuscript " Assessment of hepatic transporter function in rats using dynamic gadoxetate-enhanced MRI: A reproducibility study" by Ebony R. Gunwhy, Claudia Green, Iina Laitinen, Sirisha Tadimalla, Steven Sourbron, Paul D. Hockings, Gunnar Schütz, J. Gerry Kenna, John C. Waterton, and Catherine D. G. Hines (referred to as the 'Reproducibility' study).
First release
First release of TRISTAN-rat repository to accompany the manuscript "Use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic and tracer kinetic models for prospective prediction and quantification of hepatic transporters drug-drug interaction via in vivo imaging in rats" by Nicola Melillo, Daniel Scotcher, J. Gerry Kenna, Claudia Green, Catherine D. G. Hines, Iina Laitinen, Paul D. Hockings, Kayode Ogungbenro, Ebony R. Gunwhy, Steven Sourbron, John C. Waterton, Gunnar Schuetz, and Aleksandra Galetin (referred to as the 'Six Test Compounds' study).