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My name is Qianpeng Li, a master in Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am interesting in Neuromorphic Processor, spiking neural network accelerator and machine learning. In this repository I will share with you some useful, interesting and magic papers.I mainly share articles about neural chip, but also involve some DNN, CNN, Transformer and sparse neural network accelerators

Table of Contents

Time Driven

  • to be update soon

Great design

I will share some wonderful design such as TrueNorth, Loihi, Darwin and soon on

  • Loihi: A Neuromorphic Manycore Processor with On-Chip Learning(Loihi)
  • Darwin: A neuromorphic hardware co-processor based on spiking neural networks(Darwin)
  • Darwin3: A large-scale neuromorphic chip with a Novel ISA and On-Chip Learning
  • PAICORE: A 1.9-Million-Neuron 5.181-TSOPS/W Digital Neuromorphic Processor With Unified SNN-ANN and On-Chip Learning Paradigm
  • Cambricon-X: An Accelerator for Sparse Neural Networks(Cambricon-X)
  • Towards artificial general intelligence with hybrid Tianjic chip architecture(TianJiC)
  • TrueNorth: Design and Tool Flow of a 65 mW 1 Million Neuron Programmable Neurosynaptic Chip(TrueNorth)
  • FINN: A Framework for Fast, Scalable Binarized Neural Network Inference(FINN)
  • MorphIC: A 65-nm 738k-Synapse/mm2 Quad-Core Binary-Weight Digital Neuromorphic Processor With Stochastic Spike-Driven Online Learning(MorphIC)
  • A 0.086-mm2 12.7-pJ/SOP 64k-Synapse 256-Neuron Online-Learning Digital Spiking Neuromorphic Processor in 28-nm CMOS(ODIN)
  • ReckOn: A 28nm Sub-mm2 Task-Agnostic Spiking Recurrent Neural Network Processor Enabling On-Chip Learning over Second-Long Timescales(Reckon)
  • NeuroSync: A Scalable and Accurate Brain Simulator Using Safe and Efficient Speculation(NeuroSync)
  • NeuroEngine: A Hardware-Based Event-Driven Simulation System for Advanced Brain-Inspired Computing(NeuroEngine)

Event Driven

  • FlexLearn: Fast and Highly Efficient Brain Simulations Using Flexible On-Chip Learning
    • This paper conbine up to 17 representative learning rules to adjust the synaptic weights, and design and compact the specialized datapaths to maximize parallelism.
  • NeuroEngine: A Hardware-Based Event-Driven Simulation System for Advanced Brain-Inspired Computing
    • NeuroEngine applies a simpler datapath(update and predict neuron state using 3 stages pipeline), multi-queue scheduler and lazy update to minimize its neuron computation and event scheduling.
  • NeuroSync: A Scalable and Accurate Brain Simulator Using Safe and Efficient Speculation
    • NeuroSync uses checkpoints, rollback and recover to handle mis-speculations. By applying providing trace on demand to minimize trace compution. Besides, the author defers post learning to reduce the number of incorrect weight updates.
  • ReckOn: A 28nm Sub-mm2 Task-Agnostic Spiking Recurrent Neural Network Processor Enabling On-Chip Learning over Second-Long Timescales
    • ReckOn is a ultra low power, high speed SNN chip. This chip accelerates spiking RNN by update e-prop(a method to train spiking RNN), combines advantage of LIF and ALIF neuron model and applies updates stochastically to 8b synaptic weights results

Interesting Methods

How to design a event-driven SNN acclelrator

  • Neuromorphic LIF Row-by-Row Multiconvolution Processor for FPGA
    • The reading weight method used by the author is similar to Efficient Hardware Acceleration of Sparsely Active Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks, except that the accelerator is based on rows
  • FPGA-Based Implementation of an Event-Driven Spiking Multi-Kernel Convolution Architecture
    • Divergent search for affected neuron information
  • ASIE: An Asynchronous SNN Inference Engine for AER Events Processing
    • For convolutional neural networks, the affected neuron information is found in a divergent way


  • Sparse Compressed Spiking Neural Network
    • Bit mask is used to indicate which weights are not zero, which reduces the number of sliding windows and reduces the storage, which is used to accelerate the sparse convolutional neural network
  • A 1.13μJ/classification Spiking Neural Network Accelerator with a Single-spike Neuron Model and Sparse Weights
    • Mask vectors are generated through some base templates to represent the sparse connections of neural networks
  • Optimized Compression for Implementing Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGA
    • Two pruning methods, reverse pruning and peak pruning, are proposed to prune the sparse matrix. In terms of weight storage, convolution kernel sparse matrix storage adopts non-zero value + row index + column index, with a total of 16bit (considering that 11 * 11 is enough for ordinary people). For the fully connected layer sparse matrix, the interval between non-zero value and non-zero value is 16bit in total for storage. If the interval exceeds 2 ^ 8, supplement 0
  • A_Neuromorphic_Processing_System_With_Spike-Driven_SNN_Processor_for_Wearable_ECG_Classification
    • Hierarchical Memory Access
    • G-STBP, Improved STBP for liquid pool

Date reuse

  • Eyeriss: A Spatial Architecture for Energy-Efficient Dataflow for Convolutional Neural Networks
    • PE Processing 1-D convolution
    • Convolution weights propagate horizontally, and ifmap data propagates diagonally

Sparse representation / index

  • Cambricon-X: An Accelerator for Sparse Neural Networks

    • Direct index and distributed index are realized
  • SMASH: Co-designing Software Compression and Hardware-Accelerated Indexing for Efficient Sparse Matrix Operations

    • Hierarchical bitmap is proposed
  • SparTANN: Sparse Training Accelerator for Neural Networks with Threshold-based Sparsification

    • Threshold method is used to control sparsity
    • CSR sparse representation is used
  • Eyeriss v2: A Flexible Accelerator for Emerging Deep Neural Networks on Mobile Devices

    • CSC representation is used
    • proposed hierarchical mesh network(HM-NOC)
  • DIMMining: Pruning-Efficient and Parallel Graph Mining on Near-Memory-Computing

    • propose (bitmap compress sparsity row )BCSR method
  • Other methods

    • Direct index: 1 bit mark whether there is connection √
    • Step by step index: mark the distance from the previous non-zero weight √
    • CCO/COO: given row and column addresses, convolution may be friendly
    • CSR: how many rows (incremental) and columns are stored, and decoding may be troublesome
    • CSC: similar to CSR, rows and columns are interchangeable
    • ELLPACK: two peer matrices, one for storing columns and one for storing data
    • List of lists: multiple linked lists. The linked list is saved by row. One row includes non-zero values and corresponding columns
    • Diagonal storage: a matrix with the same number of columns. Store diagonal elements from the lower left corner and record the offset of the diagonal
    • RLC: contains the current data and the number of data repetitions
    • highlight is most popular

Calculation Method

  • Speeding-up neuromorphic computation for neural networks: Structure optimization approach
    • Through the calculation scheme of dendrites and axons, the problem that one layer must be calculated completely before the next layer can be calculated in the forward calculation of layers is prevented.
  • Efficient Design of Spiking Neural Network With STDP Learning Based on Fast CORDIC
    • The network size is 784 * 100. Set 14 * 10pe array. Calculate the 14 * 10 network every time and cycle 560 times to get the final network. This article is actually similar to axon or dendrite calculation

Algorithm Improvement

  • A 65-nm Neuromorphic Image Classification Processor With Energy-Efficient Training Through Direct Spike-Only Feedback
    • The SD algorithm is modified and the neuron model is modified. In addition, the calculation of weight update is reduced by setting (batch size = 1) whether to update (rarely affecting performance)
  • ReckOn: A 28nm Sub-mm2 Task-Agnostic Spiking Recurrent Neural Network Processor Enabling On-Chip Learning over Second-Long Timescales
    • Modify the e-prop training rules of SRNN and only use the qualification trace at the current time. Use 8-bit fixed-point number during training and update it randomly.

Memory Allocation

  • Efficient Hardware Acceleration of Sparsely Active Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks
    • Aer: row col valid invalid containing pulses. Each channel has an aer queue. Nine small SRAM (3 * 3) memory membrane potentials are used, which can be accessed concurrently with less delay. Nine different memory columns are read each time. Membrane voltage memory mempot time-sharing multiplexing divides the calculation process into layers - > channel. All time steps of one layer need to be calculated each time. Each layer is allocated according to channel, and the output pulse event is put into AEQ

Modern Architecture Technology

  • NeuroSync: A Scalable and Accurate Brain Simulator Using Safe and Efficient Speculation
    • Checkpoint, rollback and recovery are used for error correction, collective trace update and delayed post learning
  • NeuroEngine: A Hardware-Based Event-Driven Simulation System for Advanced Brain-Inspired Computing
    • The neuron voltage calculation is divided into three-stage pipeline, and the event scheduling is carried out by using bitmap and FIFO. Whether to update the neuron voltage is predicted according to the input weighted pulse value.

Single Core or Multi-Core

  • Spiking Neural Network Integrated Circuits: A Review of Trends and Future Directions
    • When the synapse of single nucleus exceeds 10K, simulated nucleus should be used
    • Single core design
      • Network topology: crossbarm, locally competitive algorithm, multi layer.However, these network topologies cannot be reconfigured
      • Storage architecture: in memory computing, RRAM, standard SRAM
      • Learning algorithm: STDP, SDSP, top-down gradient based approach
    • Multi core design
      • Design principles: scalability, tradeoff between flexibility and reliability, programmability and compatibility
      • Implementation platform: analog computing or digital computing
      • Performance comparison: appropriate benchmark is required

Encoding model

  • Deep Spiking Neural Network: Energy Efficiency Through Time based Coding
    • A coding method called time switch coding (TSC) is designed
    • Compared with TTFS, TSC has fewer synaptic operations to reduce energy

Event code representation

  • S2N2: A FPGA Accelerator for Streaming Spiking Neural Networks
    • The author uses binary tensor to reduce memory utilization
    • Fixed per layer propagation delays are used
    • S2N2 supports LIF neuron model based on FINN

Low power

  • A 0.086-mm2 12.7-pJ/SOP 64k-Synapse 256-Neuron Online-Learning Digital Spiking Neuromorphic Processor in 28-nm CMOS
    • Synaptic model, supporting SDSP
    • The neuron model supports LIF and 20 this izh model
    • Scheduling scheme to convert burst into monopulse
    • It supports 256 neurons and 64K synapses

Event scheduling

  • NeuroEngine: A Hardware-Based Event-Driven Simulation System for Advanced Brain-Inspired Computing
    • The neuron voltage calculation is divided into three-stage pipeline, and events are scheduled using bitmap and FIFO. Whether to update the neuron voltage is predicted according to the input weighted pulse value.
  • Hardware Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks on FPGA
    • Multiple event queues are used, and each queue represents all events after n time

Learning rule implementation

  • Bio-plausible digital implementation of a reward modulated STDP synapse
    • reward STDP learning rule implementation
    • The code provided by the author has some problems
  • FlexLearn: Fast and Highly Efficient Brain Simulations Using Flexible On-Chip Learning
    • Three types of synaptic learning rules were summarized and refined into 17 sub rules
    • The hardware implementation of learning rules is given
    • Summarizes the implementation of various traces
  • Neuromodulated Synaptic Plasticity on the SpiNNaker Neuromorphic
    • two factor and triple factor STDP algorithm
  • Spike-based local synaptic plasticity: A survey of computational models and neuromorphic circuits
    • It describes various STDP like algorithms and analog circuit implementations

Computing In Memory

  • A compute-in-memory chip based on resistive random-access memory

Hard to classify

  • SpinalFlow: An Architecture and Dataflow Tailored for Spiking Neural Networks


  • DAC2022

    • Unicorn: A Multicore Neuromorphic Processor with Flexible Fan-In and Unconstrained Fan-Out for Neurons Date: 2022.07.14 Time: 11:15-11:37

      • for flexible fan-in, combine mult NUs(neuron units) to generate a bigger fan-in neuron
      • for unconstrained fan-out, find TRT(target routing table) to any core/neuron you want
    • SATO: Spiking Neural Network Acceleration via Temporal-Oriented Dataflow and Architecture

      • SATO using Sparsity of activation and process the input of all time steps in parallel
      • using Bucket-Sort Based Dispatcher to tradeoff the workload of PE
    • A Time-to-first-spike Coding and Conversion Aware Training for Energy-Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Network Processor Design Date: 2022.07.12 Time: 16:14-16:42

      • A ANN to SNN transformation method called cat is designed
      • A new TTFS coding rule is designed (I don't quite understand this method)
      • I think this method fully using the time information in SNN
    • SoftSNN: Low-Cost Fault Tolerance for Spiking Neural Network Accelerators under Soft Errors(gotten) Date:2022.07.12 Time: 13:52 -14:15

      • This article uses two operations to mitigate soft error
      • First: when the weight mutation exceeds max, it is modified to the number of advance payments
      • The second: when the neuron cannot reset, it will output 0 through spike signal
  • MICRO2022

    • Ristretto: An Atomized Processing Architecture for Sparsity-Condensed Stream Flow in CNN
      • Essentially, it is the distributive law of multiplication
      • By taking 2bit as a basic unit, the so-called atom, we can remove all zero atoms and construct 1d multiplication
      • For 2d convolution, expand it into 1d, and retain the location information, channel, and last atom for correct calculation.
      • Focus on high-level value sparsity and low-level bit sparsity
    • Sparseloop: An Analytical Approach To Sparse Tensor Accelerator Modeling
    • Skipper: Enabling efficient SNN training through activation-checkpointing and time-skipping
    • Sparse Attention Acceleration with Synergistic In-Memory Pruning and On-Chip Recomputation
  • ISCA2022

    • dont have interesting papers for me
  • ICCAD2022

    • Sparse-T: Hardware accelerator thread for unstructured sparse data processing
  • VLSI2022

    • dont have interesting papers for me
  • HPCA2023

    • Securator: A Fast and Secure Neural Processing Unit
  • FPGA2023

    • dont have interesting papers for me
  • ISSCC2023

    • ANP-I: A 28nm 1.5pJ/SOP Asynchronous Spiking Neural Network Processor Enabling Sub-0.1μJ/Sample On-Chip Learning for Edge-AI Applications

    • A 8.09TOPS/W Neural Engine Leveraging Bit-Sparsified Sign-Magnitude Multiplications and Dual Adder Trees

  • ASPLOS2023

    • Flexagon: A Multi-Dataflow Sparse-Sparse Matrix Multiplication Accelerator for Efficient DNN Processing

    • SPADA: Accelerating Sparse Matrix Multiplication with Adaptive Dataflow

    • Mapping Very Large Scale Spiking Neuron Network to Neuromorphic Hardware

  • DATE2023








  • DAC2023

    • Neurogenesis Dynamics-inspired Spiking Neural Network Training Acceleration

    • A Convolution Neural Network Accelerator Design with Weight Mapping and Pipeline Optimization

    • AdaS: A Fast and Energy-Efficient CNN Accelerator Exploiting Bit-Sparsity

    • ANAS: Asynchronous Neuromorphic Hardware Architecture Search Based on System-Level Simulator

    • TCSNN: Time-Conditional Spiking Neural Networks for Efficient In-Memory Computing

    • COSA: Co-Operative Systolic Arrays for Multi-head Attention Mechanism in Neural Network using Hybrid Data Reuse and Fusion Methodologies

    • HexaMesh: Scaling to Hundreds of Chiplets with an Optimized Chiplet Arrangement

  • ISSCC2024

    • A 22nm 0.26nW/Synapse Spike-Driven Spiking Neural Network Processing Unit Using Time-Step-First Dataflow and Sparsity-Adaptive In-Memory Computing

    • A 10,000 Inference/s Vision Chip with SPAD Imaging and Reconfigurable Intelligent Spike-Based Vision Processor Withdrawn by ISSCC

    • C-Transformer: A 2.6-to-18.1μJ/Token Homogeneous DNN- Transformer/Spiking-Transformer Processor with Big-Little Network and Implicit Weight Generation for Large Language Models

  • DATE2024

    • DiMO-Sparse: Differentiable Modeling and Optimization of Sparse CNN Dataflow and Hardware Architecture

    • IndexMAC: A Custom RISC-V Vector Instruction to Accelerate Structured-Sparse Matrix Multiplications Link

    • LLM-based Processor Verification: A Case Study for Neuromorphic Processor

    • T-SNN: Tensor Train Decomposition for Efficient Spiking Neural Network Training

    • On-FPGA Spiking Neural Networks for Integrated Near-Sensor ECG Analysis

  • HPCA2024

    • STELLAR: Energy-Efficient and Low-Latency SNN Algorithm and Hardware Co-design with Spatiotemporal Computation
    • SPARK: Scalable and Precision-Aware Acceleration of Neural Networks via Efficient Encoding
  • DAC2024

    • EOS: An Energy-Oriented Attack Framework for Spiking Neural Networks
    • TraiNDSim: A Simulation Framework for Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Neuromorphic Devices for On-Chip Training
    • Low-Complexity Algorithmic Test Generation for Neuromorphic Chips
    • Energy-efficient SNN Architecture using 3nm FinFET Multiport SRAM-based CIM with Online Learning
  • MICRO2024

    • LoAS: Fully Temporal-Parallel Datatflow for Dual-Sparse Spiking Neural Networks

Mapping Methods

  • A Design Flow for Mapping Spiking Neural Networks to Many-Core Neuromorphic Hardware

  • Approaching the mapping limit with closed-loop mapping strategy for deploying neural networks on neuromorphic hardware

  • DFSynthesizer: Dataflow-based Synthesis of Spiking Neural Networks to Neuromorphic Hardware

  • Mapping Spiking Neural Networks to Neuromorphic Hardware

  • NeuProMa: A Toolchain for Mapping Large-Scale Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks onto Neuromorphic Processor

  • Optimal Mapping of Spiking Neural Network to Neuromorphic Hardware for Edge-AI

  • EdgeMap: An Optimized Mapping Toolchain for Spiking Neural Network in Edge Computing

  • Mapping Very Large Scale Spiking Neuron Network to Neuromorphic Hardware

  • SNEAP: A Fast and Efficient Toolchain for Mapping Large-Scale Spiking Neural Network onto NoC-based Neuromorphic

  • Hierarchical Mapping of Large-scale Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks onto Resource-constrained Neuromorphic Processor

  • ESSA: Design of a Programmable Efficient Sparse Spiking Neural Network Accelerator

  • Compiling Spiking Neural Networks to Neuromorphic Hardware

  • Mapping Spiking Neural Networks onto a Manycore Neuromorphic Architecture

  • A Design Flow for Mapping Spiking Neural Networks to Many-Core Neuromorphic Hardware

  • Bridging the Gap Between Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Hardware with A Neural Network Compiler


  • 面向稀疏神经网络的片上系统设计与实现

    • The author proposes a sparse weight representation method of dynamic ell. The author changes the column coordinates in the sparse representation of ell to step index
  • 面向深度神经网络的数据流架构软硬件协同优化研究

    • A FD-CSR sparse representation method suitable for fine-grained data flow is proposed, and the column coordinates are represented by bitmap. This is mainly to adapt to the author's hardware architecture and to realize storage alignment
  • 面向达尔文II类脑计算芯片的仿真训练平台

    • The fan out relationship, weight and delay of the source neuron are recorded in the form of a linked list. The delay management unit of Darwin I is used. The route adopts the relative origin, and the dynamic virtual connection reduces the number of packets to a certain extent


I will share some useful or interesting papers about neuromorphic processor







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