The driver has been tested on 01Studio Series Open Board. but It should work on whatever other micropython ports, if anyone find problems in other boards, please open an issue and We'll see.
In 01Studio series open board that does not currently use any ILI9488-based TFT liquid crystal display , but here will complement complete that.
The ILI9488 Driver has transplant from ILI9341. So you We'll see codes of here.
- LCD Codes
- LCD Datasheet from LCDs manufacturer
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
-------------- Description: ------------------
FileName :
Author : 绒毛宝贝
ProjectName : PyBoard
IDE Version : PyCharm
Date:2022/10/2 3:06
QQ:287000822 E-mail: [email protected]
------------------- END ----------------------
__author__ = 'Isaac'
"""ILI9488 demo (fonts)."""
from time import sleep
from ili9488 import Display, color565
from machine import Pin, SPI
from xglcd_font import XglcdFont
import random
def test():
"""Test code."""
# Baud rate of 60000000 seems about the max
spi = SPI(1, baudrate=60000000, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13))
display = Display(spi, dc=Pin(21), cs=Pin(15), rst=Pin(33))
print('Loading fonts...')
print('Loading arcadepix')
arcadepix = XglcdFont('fonts/ArcadePix9x11.c', 9, 11)
print('Loading bally')
bally = XglcdFont('fonts/Bally7x9.c', 7, 9)
for i in range(0,60):
display.draw_text(random.randint(0,320), random.randint(0,480), 'This''s a small test!', arcadepix, color565(random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255)))
display.draw_text(random.randint(0,320), random.randint(0,480), 'Bally 7x9', bally, color565(random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255)))
for i in range(480):
display.draw_pixel(160, i, color565(255, 0, 0))
PDF DataSheet for further info about ILI Series Driver Relevant reference information.