ne-ansible-plugin is an ansible plugin for managing huawei net-engine series products, such as ATN, NE,ME,CX routers.
- provide command line plugin for managing huawei net-engine series products
- provide netconf plugin for managing huawei net-engine series products
- provide a common command line module
- provide a template command line module for delivering commands in batches
- provide a common netconf module, it will be referenced by ansible api generated by ansible-gen
- OS: Red Hat,Ubuntu,CentOS,OS X,BSD,Suse
- Python: python2.6 or later (python 2.7 is preferred)/python3.x
- Ansible: 2.6 or later, lower than 2.10
vi /etc/profile
add ansible path and ncclient path
export ncclient_path="/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ncclient"
export ansible_path="/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible-2.6.7.post0-py2.7.egg/ansible"
or whatever version of python you installed
source /etc/profile
$git clone
$cd ne-ansible-plugin
$chmod 777