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Welcome to the JEDI F.O.R.C.E

  • F – Framework
  • O – Optimized
  • R – Rendering
  • C – Content
  • E – Engine

Feel free to reach out to the Agile team for any updates, questions or concerns!

Installation, Build, Clean and Livereload Server Commands

Please note that depending on your environment you may need sudo

bundle install

bundle exec jekyll clean

bundle exec jekyll build --verbose

bundle exec jekyll serve --trace --livereload


Please refer to the /test route to see examples of components on one page.

  • Internal URIs have been made 'simple', so there is no longer a need to add .html to the end

Project Folder Structure Notes

Main build folder


Table of Contents Data Resource


Main Components

docs/_includes root folder

Pages Markdown by folder in Main Component root



Mailing List


Resources Page


These filesname should match the names used in docs/_data/resources/table-of-contents.yml

New Sidebar top level page

To make a new sidebar page:

  1. Duplicate the page then verbose rename it ( eg. )
  2. Create the same name folder in _data
    • add a table-of-contents.yml (or duplicate from resources)
    • follow the same structure as the resources toc .yml
    • ( eg. _data/faq/table-of-contents.yml)
  3. Back in the cloned page, modify {% assign sections = %} to point to the new table of contents page ( eg. {% assign sections = %})
  4. Create a folder with that newly named page in _includes
    • add .md files matching the table of content yml here
    • eg. _includes/faq/

YAML Frontmatter options

page_title: "Title Here"

  • H1 tag setter

sidebar: true

  • adds sidebar to page ( currently hardcoded to resources only), we can expand this to pass the _data/[...yml] in the future


  • This adds the "Join" button to the top of the page

post: true

  • This adds the "Post" button to the top of the page

Markdown Rules

  • .md files should not have indentation applied when using liquid code, always keep things flush left or the code does not get processed by markdownify

  • MD structure can be found in _includes for each section

Adding a nested MD file

To add a Markdown file on a top level page or in any other markdown file please use this pattern:

  • markdown file must be in the root or nested in the _includes folder
{% capture replace-this-custom-name %}
{% include /test/}
{% endcapture %}
{{ replace-this-custom-name | markdownify }}

Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents are wired up to the sidebar component

  • Table of Contents for each section can be found in /_data as a .yml file, currently we only have /resources/table-of-contents.yml

  • Sidebar sections:

    • h1 items are reserved for page titles.
    • add / remove sections from the .yml
    • consider that the root of each is an H2 and the H3s are the sub items
    • make sure to add / remove your main section from the matching / "assign sections=..." comma separated list (we can automate this during build if you wish)


The following components are currently available via Liquid code inside Markdown

List Group

Basic List Group information

Displays basic list item information or other lists in Markdown by capturing the list items using Liquid tags and then rendering them with the custom list group component. Below is an example of how to integrate it:

  • separated by line breaks
{% capture steering_committee %}
Felix Elwert, Sociological Methods and Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Julia Bottesini, JEDI Community Manager (ex officio member)
{% endcapture %}

{% include listgroup.html items=steering_committee %}

List Group Custom (Events)

Displays event information or other specialized lists in Markdown by capturing the list items using Liquid tags and then rendering them with the custom list group component. Below is an example of how to integrate it:

  • separated by line breaks

Line parsing

  • Date and Location: Write it exactly as shown, separated by a comma.
  • The | symbol: This divides the two parts, so don’t forget to include it!
  • Event Title: After the |, write the full event title.
  • Link: Include the link by placing the text in square brackets [ ], followed by the actual link in parentheses ( ).
{% capture list_items %}
Friday, September 15, 2023, New York, NY | Exploring Data Transparency in Modern Research [Agenda and slides](
{% endcapture %}

{% include listgroup-custom.html items=list_items %}

Image Card

The Image Card component allows you to display an image alongside a description, with support for links embedded in the description. Here’s how you can use the Image Card component in your markdown files:

1.	Use the | character to separate the image URL, title, description, and an optional link.
2.	Ensure links are included in markdown or HTML format in the description for proper rendering.
{% capture panelists %}
{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/event2023/speaker1.png | Speaker Name | This is a description of the speaker. [Learn more](
{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/event2023/speaker2.png | Another Speaker | Description about this speaker. [More Info](
{% endcapture %}

{% include card.html items=panelists %}

This will render each card with an image, title, and description, allowing for clickable links inside the description.


  • activated in frontmatter


To use a table you can include this liquid code in you markdown file:

  • replace header names (comma separated)
  • replace rows, pipe separated "|"
{% capture table_headers %}
Column 1, Column 2, Column 3
{% endcapture %}

{% capture table_rows %}
Row 1, Cell 1 | Row 1, Cell 2 | Row 1, Cell 3
Row 2, Cell 1 | Row 2, Cell 2 | Row 2, Cell 3
Row 3, Cell 1 | Row 3, Cell 2 | Row 3, Cell 3
{% endcapture %}

{% include table.html table_headers=table_headers table_rows=table_rows %}


To add a video, include the folloqing liquid code in your markdown file:

  • replace the "REPLACE-ME-WITH-EMBED-ID" with the video ID from the YouTube "embed" option found under "Share" in Youtube
  • optionally add a custom width and height in pixels if you wish
  • optionally add a caption to show below the video
{% include video.html video_url="" width="800px" height="450px" caption="Custom size video" %}


Website for the DataPass Journal Editors Data Initiative






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