A pack of Monero cyrptocurrency flags for use in Kerbal Space Program.
Available on the CKAN as MoneroFlags
To learn more about the Monero cryptocurrency. Visit getmonero.org or join us on /r/Monero.
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 license. All contributors will be listed in CONTRIBUTORS.md.
- Be reasonable about attribution. (If difficult to credit e.g. screenshot of KSP, don't bother.)
- You're welcome to attribute individual contributors or just "MoneroFlags".
- Include CONTRIBUTORS.md if reasonable.
All contributions must be made under a license that allows their inclusion into this project, for example:
- CC-0
- the Unlicense
This project is based on CrowdSourcedFlags by dmxz and may include some source text.
Your flag must be...
- under a suitable license. If you don't name a specific licence when contributing, CC-BY-SA is assumed.
- not a duplicate or near-duplicate of one already in the pack or in stock.
- Safe-for-work.
- a PNG, exactly 256x160 pixels.
- of good quality (not a badly-scaled, JPEG artifacts, in the wrong aspect ratio, etc.)
Flags for other cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrency cultures (memes) will be accepted if well designed.
NOTE: This mod is no longer being maintained by me as I no longer actively play KSP. It has been kindly "adopted" by zer0Kerbal (https://github.com/zer0Kerbal) who will continue to make sure it's available and updated. Please reach out to him with any bugs or questions. If you have an existing install, please delete it and re-add it using CKAN to ensure you continue to get updates.