Hi and welcome to version 3 of my Personal Portfolio. Sadly I am unable to share the code that I develop for clients professionally, so I have decided to make my personal portfolio repository public for the very first time.
My reason for doing this is to hopefully inspire/help other developers who are seeking to create something similar.
I am a huge fan of a side project as they help me to keep on top of new technologies, trends and tooling, which is why I wanted my Portfolio to be a little bit more involved than just a simple one pager. This is effectively my best practices sandbox, a place to test new tooling, libraries, frameworks etc. without restriction or fear of breaking something. A good example of this is the recent update to SSR and TypeScript, something I have been wanting to do for a while now. Anyway, enough waffle from me, lets dive into some more detail.
Quirksmode is a fully responsive Universal (SSR) React Application designed to connect to a Headless CMS (not included here). It is composed of the following technologies:
- React
- Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- React Router
- Connected React Router
- React Spring
- Webpack
- Node
- Express
- TypeScript
- axios
- react-helmet
- loadable-component
- React Hot Loader
- Webpack Dev Middleware
- Webpack Hot Middleware
- Webpack Hot Server Middleware
- Webpack Bundle Analyzer
- helmet
- ESLint
- StyleLint
- Prettier
- PostCSS
- Workbox
- Jest
- Docker
- Universal React App (SSR)
- Redux for state management
- Automated bundling and code splitting with lazy loaded components
- Progressive Web App (Workbox)
- Hot Reloading
- Functional Components with Hooks
- Follows BEM methodology
- Pages and Components are grouped into namespaced folders/files
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Quirksmode/quirksmode-v3-ui.git cd quirksmode-v3-ui
(Optional) Install Docker
Run Development build (with Hot Reload)
make watch
Run Production build
make build
docker-compose up
- Update Unit/Integration Tests to TS and improve coverage
- Add E2E Tests
- Improve CI/CD
- Update Readme
- Create custom Static Site Generator