This is a ReactJS single-page application that displays the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). The application features a sleek and futuristic NASA-inspired design with dark colors and shades of grey.
- Displays the Astronomy Picture of the Day with title and explanation.
- Includes a date selector for user input.
- Displays the current rate limit status of API requests in a small, floating box in the top-right corner, which stays visible while scrolling.
- Handles both images and videos from the APOD API.
- Displays a message if the media is copyrighted.
- Contains awe inspiring quote by Buzz Aldrin.
- ReactJS: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Axios: HTTP client for making requests to the NASA API.
- CSS: Styling to achieve a NASA-inspired look with dark colors and shades of grey.
You can access the web app at the following link: