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Schematic XML Format

Marcel Ochsendorf edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

The created configuration are stored in standard XML-Files.

This is a simple sample configuration (please see the sample_config directory). First the file starts with the basic xml header and after this it follows a inforamtion section with some values like creatation date and loaded node-configuration file. With the keyword the node configuration starts. The next lines starting with <node describes the nodes.

  • nid - Is the unique node id for the system. This id will also used in the ncon key

  • nsi - This is the NodeSpcificIdentifier, this string tells the system which node it have to load

  • ncon - This value describes with which other node is these node connected. NID:PORT_ID:TARGET_NODE_NID:TARGET_NODE_PORT_ID. The seperator is the %-Charakter

  • nparam - This value are loaded to the node. Each node can recieve further information like Ports, Time,.. . The Seperator is the %-Charakter

  • pos - This is the position of the node in the Commander-App. (x:y)

  • is_static - If this is true, the node will only execute at start

  • use_timer - Needs the Node a deltatime (for countdown and other timing purposes)

  • use_serial - Should the node recieve all serial data comminf fromt the system-bus

  • is_lua_node - Is this a Lua-Node which executes an *.lua-file

  • requires_extention - Is this node connected with a hardware extention

  • extention_name - (default is "") This is the name of the extention if one is required

  • class_name - This is the name of the compiled object file

  • pass_through - If this true the node update all other connected node if a singal is comming in and doesnt change the output value

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