Archive for Staadecker et al. "The Value of Long-Duration Energy Storage under Various Grid Conditions in a Zero-Emissions Future"
This repository stores the configuration files used in the paper "The Value of Long-Duration Energy Storage under Various Grid Conditions in a Zero-Emissions Future".
The baseline scenario input and output files are also given as examples. The model code used to generate all the scenarios input and output files is available in the REAM-lab/switch repo here (v2.0.0).
This file contains the wind and solar variable capacity factors aggregated by load zone used for all scenarios.
For load zones not present in the file, unaggregated variable capacity factors were used (from our database).
See the section "Wind and Solar Candidate Plant Aggregation" under "EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES" to learn more.
This file is included seperately as it is not stored in our database and cannot be created by
This file contains a bunch of storage scenarios and their associate storage parameters. For example, costs_scenario #13 on the "costs" tab stores the cost parameters used in the baseline.
When running the model, these values were directly retrieved by switch_model/wecc/get_inputs/post_process_steps/
based on the specified ID files in config.yaml
This folder contains the inputs and outputs of the baseline scenario in the SWITCH format (as well as some logs and diagnostic graphs).
Note that large files (variable_capacity_factors.csv
, dispatch.csv
, and DispatchGen.csv
) have been split into multiple files to not exceed Github's file size limit.
(using the command split -n l/2 --suffix=1 --additional-suffix=.csv variable_capacity_factors.csv variable_capacity_factors_
To undo the file-splitting operation, simply run
cd inputs
cat variable_capacity_factors_a.csv variable_capacity_factors_b.csv variable_capacity_factors_c.csv variable_capacity_factors_d.csv > variable_capacity_factors.csv
cd ../outputs
cat dispatch_a.csv dispatch_b.csv dispatch_c.csv dispatch_d.csv dispatch_e.csv dispatch_f.csv dispatch_g.csv dispatch_h.csv dispatch_i.csv dispatch_j.csv dispatch_k.csv dispatch_l.csv dispatch_m.csv dispatch_n.csv dispatch_o.csv > dispatch.csv
cat DispatchGen_a.csv DispatchGen_b.csv DispatchGen_c.csv DispatchGen_d.csv > DispatchGen.csv
This spreadsheet keeps track of all the scenarios we ran and importantly which scenario corresponds to which configuration file.
This folder contains the input config.yaml
files for each scenario. These files specify how the input data is generated.
This folder contains the raw data that underlies each figure in the main text.