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Michael Hibay edited this page Apr 21, 2018 · 6 revisions

Michael Hibay

Michael Hibay is a hAPI Evangelist, API architect, java developer, OSS contributor, bad guitarist, and terrible singer who is writing the hAPI specification. He has designed and contributed to APIs in Fintech, E-Commerce, tax services, and sports management industries. When not frantically tapping around the home keys, he will often be found running around Philadelphia with his awesome wife, beautiful daughter, and overfed dog

Lets talk about relationships

Link relationships matter, and they may not be what you think.

The power of convention and legacy is very strong when developing an understanding of seemingly simple features within a complex system. We often make unconscious assumptions which can lead to fundamental misconceptions greatly limiting our ability to fully leverage a concept. Using the Relationship Maturity Model (RelMM) we can get a deeper understanding of link relations, and use this understanding to create more consumer friendly services.

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