- Suggesting different songs or musical artists to a user is important to many music streaming services, such as Pandora and Spotify.
- Users tend to prefer platforms with good recommendations of their taste in music.
- In this project, we have created a recommender system that will recommend new musical artists to a user based on their listening history.
- In addition, this type of recommender system could also be used as a means of suggesting TV shows or movies to a user (e.g., Netflix).
- In 2021, recorded streaming revenue alone exceeded $16.9 billion—with Spotify leading the way.
- Spotify paid music rights holders more money than ever in 2021: $7+ billion
- The world-class recommendations and availability of an enormous number of songs made music streaming platforms a go-to option.
- Kafka acts as a producer.
- It streams a message as a batch or a single data item (we stream single data item per message).
- Start the Kafka streamer (acting as producer) - pass the dataset path there.
spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.1.0 producer.py
- Kafka topic needs to be created before passing it to PySpark API: (using the command below)
./bin/kafka-topics.sh localhost:2181 -topic demo -create
Tracks covered: 1921-2020, 600k+ Tracks Artists covered: 1M+ Source: Spotify Web API Creator: Yamac Eren Ay Dataset Type: CSV
Data Description:
Total columns: 20 (example: id, name, popularity, duration_ms, artists, id_artists, energy, release_date, danceability, etc.) Dataset Size: 508.84 MB
* In this project we have used ALS Implicit Collaborative Filtering for recommendations. * Alternating Least Squares(ALS) is an iterative optimization process where for every iteration we try to arrive closer and closer to a factorized representation of our original data. * We used the best Model with the highest score for making recommendations.- Created Real-world streaming simulation using Kafka.
- Used state-of-the-art Collaborative Filtering approach for Recommendations.
- Integrated model with Spotify for a personalized recommendation.
- Deployed the model to a web app for better user experience.
Kaggle Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/yamaerenay/spotify-dataset-19212020-600k-tracks
Kafka Streaming: https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/streams/index.html#:~:text=Kafka%20Streams%20is%20a%20client,Kafka's%20server%2Dside%20cluster%20technology.
Streamlit: https://streamlit.io/
Spotipy API: https://github.com/plamere/spotipy
KMeans Classification for Recommendation: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875389212006220