Quite possibly a POS PSO...
A basic implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimiser written in R.
This was written purely for my personal education, there are no doubt more sophisticated and complete implementations available. Use at your own risk...
You can install the development version from github using devtools:
# install.packages("devtools")
The main optimiser can be invoked as follows:
pso(goldstein_and_price, 2, -2, 2)
Where goldstein_and_price is an inbuilt 2D Optimisation problem.
The Goldstein and Price function is a non-trivial 2-D optimisation problem in the search domain of .
The function output is as follows:
It contains one global maxima and several local minima.
The true global minima is found at (0,-1) with a value of 3.
The progress of the swarm optimisation (for swarm size of 100) over the first 100 iteration is as follows:
Which is pretty cool!
We can constrain the optimisation by defining a set of non-linear constraints in the form:
We can then adjust our value function to include a penalty function. Specifically, we use a function of the form:
and q is related to the constraints by:
And h(k) reprents a damping term based on the iteration number k
I've provided a wrapper function for the calculation of H(x) given a specific (single) constraint g(x). This will provide some base implementations for theta and gamma. It can be invoked as follows:
function_with_penalty <- function(x, k) constrained(x, k, target_function = target_function_1,
constraint_function = constraint_function_1)
pso(function_with_penalty, 2, 0, 6000)
constraint_function_1 and target_function_1 represent a toy optimisation problem, where the task is to maximise:
25x + 30y
Subject to the constraints:
(1/200) x + (1/140) y <= 40; 0 <= x <= 6000; 0 <= y <= 4000
Running the swarm optimisation above, it converges within ~70 iterations to a solution of:
x = 6000, y = 1400
at which the value f(x) = 192000
which is the correct solution.
- A great intro to PSO: https://yarpiz.com/440/ytea101-particle-swarm-optimization-pso-in-matlab-video-tutorial
- Some non-trivial optimisation functions: http://www-optima.amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/student/hedar/Hedar_files/TestGO_files/Page364.htm
- Details of the penalty method for constrained optim: https://www.cs.cinvestav.mx/~constraint/papers/eisci.pdf
- The toy constrained optimisation example: https://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/pstuckey/COMP90046/lec/s1_modelling.pdf