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Ricard Lado edited this page Nov 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Initial setup


  • Run the packaged executable


  • Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from here (if not installed already)
  • Run the packaged executable

Use instrucctions

To start working with ViMag import a video file using the File>Import video menu or click the import icon in the left:

A dialog will open and let you select your desired video file(s). It is advised that input videos be recorded using a tripod and be no longer than 10 seconds approx.

Next, add slices to the areas in which you want to monitor vibration. This areas must have a contrasting color from the background. To add slices switch Slice Mode on by clicking the button. Then click once on the video to define the first point of the slice and again to define a second. Now your first slice should appear on screen.

Note that you may click on the left navigation bar to unfold its contents. Further, right clicking each item will allow you to rename or delete the entry. When video items are double clicked they appear on the main window video player.

Once the slices have been defined it is time for motion magnification computation. Save your project as a .vl file and click the cog icon on the left. The icon should spin until calculation is finished. (This may take several minutes)

Once the calculation is finished unfold the bottom menu to see the magnified slices.

To obtain a numeric signal out of an image you must tell ViMag which colors define the upper and lower bounds of the signal. This can be done by clicking on the image twice, once for upper and a second time for lower. In scenarios like the one on the following picture you might click twice on the white line. Take as many attempts as you need to get a good signal, test the available tunnig parameters.

Once a good signal has been obtained. You may compute the FFT by clicking the compute button. Note that changing the FFT parameters require FFT recalculation.

If you need the raw data used by the application you may find it in the folder [name of the project]_data once the project has been saved.

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