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Repository files navigation

by lty4ever


note one - ways to use md

normaly we put a "#" before words for a title , "##" before a mainpoint and "*" before a list component in a list , to put in plain words , we just create a new line and type words into it.

  • for a link we use the following format
  • 百度
  • a pair of [] which contains the word want to show with a pair of () which contains the website want to link to
  • [-=-]=-=(-=-)

note two - ways to use terminal in linux

  • press ctrl + alt + t to open terminal at Home of your user.
  • cd

  • ls: show components in this dir

  • type nothing after cd goes back to ~(Home)(the same use as typing ~) not only / means the root which can be used as a standard when getting into dirs , the ~ which means Home can also be used this way
  • mkdir

  • dirname to make this dir here
  • (-p) + dirname/dirname/dirname to make dirname/dirname/dirname here
  • dirname dirname dirname to make dirname dirname and dirname here
  • touch

  • used almost the same way as mkdir
  • gedit

  • filename to open filename using gedit
  • man

  • codename to show the usages of the code
  • press tab to fill in automatically according to what is already typed in

mind that there's two situation when tab is pressed 1. no conflicts occurs , fill in complished 2. conflicts occurs , nothing happens . If tab pressed a second time , all possible dirs appears with thier names.

note three - begining ros

  • turtle bot
  • open a terminal
  • roscore
  • open another terminal
  • rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
  • open another terminal again
  • rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
  • the third terminal must get focus

note four - basic rules of ros

  • the system is separated into nodes topics and the ROS Master
  • firstly , master should be ran
  • secondly , nodes are ran and regist themselves to the Master e.g. what topic they will publish or subscribe
  • when Master find two nodes have a bond , it gives the control to the two nodes and the nodes will get each other known
  • the subscriber checkout the topic continuously

note five - basic codes for ros

  • roscore -run master
  • rosrun pakagename nodename -run node and regist to the master
  • rostopic echo topicname -subscribe topic within this terminal
  • rostopic info topicname -show lists of publishers and subscribers
  • rostopic list -listout all the topics available
  • rqt_graph -show a publisher_topic_subscriber graph in the whole program


note one - ways to make a work space and a pakage

  • firstly , a empty dir with proper name should created (normally named as ..._ws)(should contain a sub dir named src)
  • secondly , get into the _ws dir
  • catkin_make to compile the work space
  • once we compiled a dir , sub dir build and devel created , src get new file CMakeLists.txt
  • catkin_create_pkg pakagename languagename(rospy or roscpp) to make a pakage
  • get into devel
  • source setup.bash to use socks to add bash file into environment arguements
  • roscd pakagename to get to a pakage dir quickly
  • create a dir named launch under pakagename dir
  • get into it and make a launch file named properly
  • gedit it
  • the format of the file should be like the one down here
  • <=====launch=====>
  • <=====node name="whatever" pkg="pakagename" type="nodename" /=====>
  • <=====node name="tyzl" pkg="turtlesim" type="turtlesim_node" /=====>(example , the real format should get rid of the (=====)s)
  • <=====/launch=====>

note two - additional code used to merge two topics

  1. <=====node name="tyzl" pkg="turtlesim" type="turtlesim_node" (used to have a "/" here , deleted)=====> <=====remap from="original topic" to="destination topic" /=====> <=====/node=====>
  2. rosrun topic_tools relay originalTopic destinationTopic

note three - including a launch file in another

  • <=====include file ="$(find pkgname)(/launch)/filename.launch"/=====> (/launch) means it is needed most of time
  • when a launch file includes itself , it will be forbidden even if it ran
  • forbidden also works when two launch file includes each other


note one - avoid controling the robot on such a small screen

  • review XD
  • plug sensors into computer through a lengthen wire (at least usb3.0) so that every thing could be seen more clearly
  • when errors like "no cameras detected" appears , keep the wire linked while get the computer reboot

note two - SLAM

  • mapping while locating
  • a robot starts at some where unknown , the robot moves , detects the environment , enhance a map while locate itself in the map

note three - route planning

  • global planning - starting point , destination , route
  • local planning - when crash into trouble , whether change the route/way or not
  • there mainly 2 algroithms used to plan a route - A* and Dijkstra's
  • A* is the most quickly one in the direct searching while D's is the most usual one
  • the main principle of the dynamic window algorithm - 1.given the state of the bot 2.according to the speed and other elements dicide the best route 3.repeat

note four - mapping

  • roslaunch mx_bringup rbc_camera_start.launch(or mx_btingup rbc_lidar_start.launch)
  • roslaunch mx_nav gmapping_demo.launch
  • roslaunch mx_rviz gmapping_view.launch
  • !!!!if robot is not moving : 1.try more controlling nodes 2.if still not work , reboot the system 3.ensure the circuit is complete (the switch is off) 4.if the same thing happens over and over , check if the motor driver is broken(happens when motor is overloaded for a time period which is too long)
  • avoid bumping into walls coz the map will be broken
  • when robot only drifts a little , it doesn't matter , some strong code will repair the damage to the maps

note five - radars

  • normal lidar - spins and culculates using triangular similation
  • solid lidar - doesn't spin and culculates diatance using [data deleted]


note one - basical python

  • cv2.waitKey(number) makes the program stay on this line of code till the wanted key is pressed
  • cv2.waitKey(0) means wait for anykey
  • cv2.imshow('label',a variable contains a img) pops up a form with a img titled label

note two - use python to code a ros node

  • the first line of program should be "#!/usr/bin/env python" or the program will not know use which program to run itself
  • rate = rospy.rate(Hz) using together with rate.sleep() will make the while loop run at (Hz)Hz
  • 'I coded the program and saved it , I also sourced the bash file , why can't I find it when I press Tab in Terminal?'
  • the program should be set to be a executable one so that it could be found
  • to set program into a executable one , mouse 2 on the file in the resource manager , mouse 1 on properties , selece Permissions and put a tick in the checkbox labeled execute

note three - neural network

  • CNN - Convolutional Neural Network - used for image recognizing
  • DNN - Deep Neural Network - used for voice recognition
  • RNN - Recurrent Neural Network - used for writing or voice recognition
  • trained using different frames - tensorflow / caffe /...
  • the process of using neural network to classify pics/tracks/marks is separated into three steps 1.pick a frame , train a network 2.pack the net work into a graph file and post it into the movidious which we will work with so that less tine will be cost the object into the movidious and wait for a result
  • python two separately upgraded versions , movidious works with only python3 and at least usb 3.0
  • if no movidious/compute stick is inserted , the neural network could also be ran , see in the refrence section


note one - voice classifying and text_to_speech

  • VC , for example , contana
  • TTS , for example , screen reader
  • the wake up words are set at '~/ros_voice_system/src/baidu_speech/launch/baidu_tts.launch'
  • the apikey is set at '~/ros_voice_system/src/tuling_nlu/launch/tuling_nlu.launch'

note two - tuling123

  • sign up
  • create a bot
  • free-edition limits everyday analyzing into 1000
  • a private library can set the answer according to the question

note three - it chat bot (wechat auto-reply bot)

  • goto the website (see in the reference section)
  • copy the code
  • change the apikey into yours
  • python it
  • log-in
  • !!when two user both logged in , if any of them sent a message to the other , the bot will chat with each other , it's quite interesting but remember one's daily limit of analysing-responding is 1000messages!!

ref erences :








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