Robotiq Gripper ROS package to give fulll functionality of the two finger Robotiq gripper on ROS. This package was developed based on the functionality requirements gathered from the RROS-Lab team. Code was developed from Benoit CASTETS's Robotiq Gripper code.
Please note: Do NOT use the version of minimalmodbus (use this repo's instead) due to a BAUDRATE error!
roslaunch Robotiq_Gripper gripper.launch
Allows for multiple grippers to be controlled (requires gripper to be attached to a robot)
- moveGripper: Moves the gripper based on what robot it is attached to.
- grip_state: Shows the grip state of each gripper (along with which robot it is attached to)
rostopic pub /moveGripper Robotiq_Gripper/change_state robot_name position speed force justGrap
If justGrasp is set to True, the gripper will just go to a position that ideally grips the object.
rostopic echo /grip_state
Returns gripper_name (also known as robot_name), position_state, force_state, speed_state, activated (True if object is in gripper's grasp)
Add to this dictionary
#COMs ports to connect gripper to respective robot
#Requires which robot the gripper is attached to and the COM PORT
robot_comms = {
'bkuka': gripperControl('bkuka', "/dev/ttyUSB1"),
'gkuka': gripperControl('gkuka', "/dev/ttyUSB2"),
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── launch ──
│ └── gripper.launch
├── LICENSE ──
├── msg
│ └── change_state.msg
│ └── grip_state.msg
├── package.xml
├── src
│ ├──
| ├──
│ ├──
Benoit CASTETS's Robotiq Gripper code allows for the grippers to move in millimeter increments. We have included that portion into our codebase but have not taken advantage of that feature.