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test-n-publish #112

GitHub Actions / Black failed Sep 4, 2024 in 0s

200 errors

Black found 200 errors


Check failure on line 9 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


 """Kerncraft static analytical performance modeling framework and tool."""
-__version__ = '0.8.16'
+__version__ = "0.8.16"
 from .kerncraft import main
 __main__ = main
 # To trigger travis deployment to pypi, do the following:
 # 1. Increment __version___
 # 2. commit to RRZE-HPC/kerncraft's master branch

Check failure on line 18 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


 def get_header_path() -> str:
     """Return local folder path of header files."""
     import os
-    return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) + '/headers/'
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) + "/headers/"

Check failure on line 67 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/examples/machine-files/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib.ticker import EngFormatter
 from kerncraft import machinemodel
-kernel_colors = 'bgrcmyk'
+kernel_colors = "bgrcmyk"
 def main():
     mm = machinemodel.MachineModel(sys.argv[1])
-    kernels = sorted(mm['benchmarks']['kernels'])
-    cache_levels = sorted(mm['benchmarks']['measurements'])
+    kernels = sorted(mm["benchmarks"]["kernels"])
+    cache_levels = sorted(mm["benchmarks"]["measurements"])
     fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(cache_levels), 1, figsize=(7, 14), tight_layout=True)
     lines = {}
     for i, cache_level in enumerate(cache_levels):
         max_bw = 0
         max_bw_core = 0
         formatter1 = EngFormatter(places=0)  # , sep="\N{THIN SPACE}")  # U+2009
-        if cache_level == 'L1':
+        if cache_level == "L1":
             axs[i].set_ylabel("Bandwidth [B/s]")
             axs[i].set_ylabel("Bandwidth [B/s]\n(incl. write-allocate)")
-        axs[i].set_xlabel('cores')
+        axs[i].set_xlabel("cores")
         # axs[i].set_xscale('log')
         for ki, kernel in enumerate(kernels):
-            if cache_level == 'L1':
+            if cache_level == "L1":
                 # L1 does not have write-allocate, so everything is measured correctly
                 factor = 1.0
-                measurement_kernel_info = mm['benchmarks']['kernels'][kernel]
-                factor = (float(measurement_kernel_info['read streams']['bytes']) +
-                          2.0 * float(measurement_kernel_info['write streams']['bytes']) -
-                          float(measurement_kernel_info['read+write streams']['bytes'])) / \
-                         (float(measurement_kernel_info['read streams']['bytes']) +
-                          float(measurement_kernel_info['write streams']['bytes']))
+                measurement_kernel_info = mm["benchmarks"]["kernels"][kernel]
+                factor = (
+                    float(measurement_kernel_info["read streams"]["bytes"])
+                    + 2.0 * float(measurement_kernel_info["write streams"]["bytes"])
+                    - float(measurement_kernel_info["read+write streams"]["bytes"])
+                ) / (
+                    float(measurement_kernel_info["read streams"]["bytes"])
+                    + float(measurement_kernel_info["write streams"]["bytes"])
+                )
-            for SMT in mm['benchmarks']['measurements'][cache_level]:
+            for SMT in mm["benchmarks"]["measurements"][cache_level]:
                 measurements = [
-                    bw*factor
-                    for bw in mm['benchmarks']['measurements'][cache_level][SMT]['results'][kernel]]
-                max_bw = max(measurements+[max_bw])
+                    bw * factor
+                    for bw in mm["benchmarks"]["measurements"][cache_level][SMT][
+                        "results"
+                    ][kernel]
+                ]
+                max_bw = max(measurements + [max_bw])
                 max_bw_core = max(max_bw_core, measurements[0])
-                lines[kernel], = axs[i].plot(
+                (lines[kernel],) = axs[i].plot(
                     range(1, 1 + len(measurements)),
-                    linestyle=['-', '--', '..', '-.'][SMT-1],
-                    color=kernel_colors[ki])
+                    linestyle=["-", "--", "..", "-."][SMT - 1],
+                    color=kernel_colors[ki],
+                )
-        axs[i].axhline(max_bw, color='black')
-        axs[i].axhline(max_bw_core, color='black')
-        axs[i].set_yticks(np.append(axs[i].get_yticks(), [float(max_bw), float(max_bw_core)]))
-        axs[i].set_xticks(range(1, 1+len(measurements)))
-    fig.legend(lines.values(), lines.keys(), 'lower center', ncol=10)
-    fig.savefig(sys.argv[1]+'.pdf')
+        axs[i].axhline(max_bw, color="black")
+        axs[i].axhline(max_bw_core, color="black")
+        axs[i].set_yticks(
+            np.append(axs[i].get_yticks(), [float(max_bw), float(max_bw_core)])
+        )
+        axs[i].set_xticks(range(1, 1 + len(measurements)))
+    fig.legend(lines.values(), lines.keys(), "lower center", ncol=10)
+    fig.savefig(sys.argv[1] + ".pdf")
+    #
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

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@github-actions github-actions / Black


 from .machinemodel import MachineModel
 from .prefixedunit import PrefixedUnit
 def create_parser():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find optimal tiling sizes using the ECMData '
-                                                 'model.')
-    parser.add_argument('--machine', '-m', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True,
-                        help='Path to machine description yaml file.')
-    parser.add_argument('--define', '-D', nargs=2, metavar=('KEY', 'VALUE'), default=[],
-                        action='append',
-                        help='Define fixed constants. Values must be integer.')
-    parser.add_argument('--min-block-length', '-b', type=int, metavar='MIN', default=100)
-    parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0,
-                        help='Increases verbosity level.')
-    parser.add_argument('--cores', '-c', metavar='CORES', type=int, default=1,
-                        help='Number of cores to be used in parallel. (default: 1)')
-    parser.add_argument('description_file', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType(),
-                        help='File with loop kernel description in YAML')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Find optimal tiling sizes using the ECMData " "model."
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--machine",
+        "-m",
+        type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+        required=True,
+        help="Path to machine description yaml file.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--define",
+        "-D",
+        nargs=2,
+        metavar=("KEY", "VALUE"),
+        default=[],
+        action="append",
+        help="Define fixed constants. Values must be integer.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--min-block-length", "-b", type=int, metavar="MIN", default=100
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--verbose", "-v", action="count", default=0, help="Increases verbosity level."
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--cores",
+        "-c",
+        metavar="CORES",
+        type=int,
+        default=1,
+        help="Number of cores to be used in parallel. (default: 1)",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "description_file",
+        metavar="FILE",
+        type=argparse.FileType(),
+        help="File with loop kernel description in YAML",
+    )
     return parser
 def simulate(kernel, model, define_dict, blocking_constant, blocking_length):
     """Setup and execute model with given blocking length"""

Check failure on line 59 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         kernel.set_constant(k, v)
     kernel.set_constant(blocking_constant, blocking_length)
-    return sum([cy for dscr, cy in model.results['cycles']])
+    return sum([cy for dscr, cy in model.results["cycles"]])
 def run(parser, args):
     # machine information
     # Read machine description
     machine = MachineModel(
     # process kernel description
     description = str(
-    yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='unsafe')
+    yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ="unsafe")
     kernel = KernelDescription(yaml.load(description))
     # Add constants from define arguments
     define_dict = {}

Check failure on line 80 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         var_type, var_size = var_info
         for size in var_size:
             for s in size.atoms(sympy.Symbol):
                 if not in define_dict:
-    assert len(undefined_constants) == 1, "There are multiple or none undefined constants {!r}. " \
+    assert len(undefined_constants) == 1, (
+        "There are multiple or none undefined constants {!r}. "
         "Exactly one must be undefined.".format(undefined_constants)
+    )
     blocking_constant = undefined_constants.pop()
     if args.verbose >= 1:
         print("blocking constant:", blocking_constant)

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@github-actions github-actions / Black


     min_length = args.min_block_length
     min_runtime = simulate(kernel, model, define_dict, blocking_constant, min_length)
     # determain max search length
     # upper bound: number of floats that fit into the last level cache
-    max_length = int(machine['memory hierarchy'][-2]['size per group'])//4
+    max_length = int(machine["memory hierarchy"][-2]["size per group"]) // 4
     if args.verbose >= 1:
         print("upper search bound:", max_length)
-    length = min_length*3
+    length = min_length * 3
     while length < max_length:
         runtime = simulate(kernel, model, define_dict, blocking_constant, length)
         if args.verbose >= 1:
-            print("min", min_length, min_runtime, "current", length, runtime, "max", max_length)
+            print(
+                "min",
+                min_length,
+                min_runtime,
+                "current",
+                length,
+                runtime,
+                "max",
+                max_length,
+            )
         # Increase search window
         if runtime > min_runtime:
             max_length = length  # and break

Check failure on line 115 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         length = (max_length - min_length) // 2 + min_length
         # Execute simulation
         runtime = simulate(kernel, model, define_dict, blocking_constant, length)
         if args.verbose >= 1:
-            print("min", min_length, min_runtime, "current", length, runtime, "max", max_length)
+            print(
+                "min",
+                min_length,
+                min_runtime,
+                "current",
+                length,
+                runtime,
+                "max",
+                max_length,
+            )
         # Narrow search area
         if runtime <= min_runtime:
             min_runtime = runtime
             min_length = length

Check failure on line 131 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


             print("found for {}:".format(blocking_constant))
         if args.verbose:
-            print("nothing found. exceeded search window and not change in performance found.")
+            print(
+                "nothing found. exceeded search window and not change in performance found."
+            )
 def main():
     # Create and populate parser

Check failure on line 142 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     run(parser, args)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

Check failure on line 17 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     """Very simple interval implementation for integers (might also work on floats)."""
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """If keywords *sane* is True (default: False), checks will not be done on given data.""" = list(args)
-        if not kwargs.get('sane', False):
+        if not kwargs.get("sane", False):
    = [d for d in if d[1] > d[0]]
     def _enforce_order(self):

Check failure on line 53 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black

 d: d[0])
     def _enforce_no_overlap(self, start_at=0):
         """Enforce that no ranges overlap in internal storage."""
         i = start_at
-        while i+1 < len(
-            if[i][1] >=[i+1][0]:
+        while i + 1 < len(
+            if[i][1] >=[i + 1][0]:
                 # beginning of i+1-th range is contained in i-th range
-                if[i][1] <[i+1][1]:
+                if[i][1] <[i + 1][1]:
                     # i+1-th range is longer, thus enlarge i-th range
-          [i][1] =[i+1][1]
+          [i][1] =[i + 1][1]
                 # removed contained range
-                del[i+1]
+                del[i + 1]
             i += 1
     def __and__(self, other):
         """Combine two intervals, under the assumption that they are sane."""
-        return Intervals(*(
+        return Intervals(*( +
     def __len__(self):
         """Return sum of range lengths."""
-        return int(sum(upper-lower for (lower, upper) in
+        return int(sum(upper - lower for (lower, upper) in
     def __contains__(self, needle):
         """Return True if needle is contained in intervals."""
         return any(lower <= needle < upper for (lower, upper) in
     def __repr__(self):
         """Return string representation of object."""
-        return str(self.__class__) + '(' + ', '.join([list.__repr__(d) for d in]) + ')'
+        return (
+            str(self.__class__)
+            + "("
+            + ", ".join([list.__repr__(d) for d in])
+            + ")"
+        )
     def __eq__(self, other):
         """Return True if other contains exactly the same interval regions."""
         return ==

Check failure on line 37 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


 import platform
 from urllib.request import urlopen
 url_dict = {
-    'v3.0': {
-        'mac': '',
-        'lin64': '',
+    "v3.0": {
+        "mac": "",
+        "lin64": "",
-    'v2.3': {
-        'mac': '',
-        'lin64': '',
+    "v2.3": {
+        "mac": "",
+        "lin64": "",
-    'v2.2': {
-        'mac': '',
-        'lin64': '',
+    "v2.2": {
+        "mac": "",
+        "lin64": "",
-    'v2.1': {
-        'mac': '',
-        'lin64': '',
-    }
+    "v2.1": {
+        "mac": "",
+        "lin64": "",
+    },
 class TemporaryDirectory:
     def __enter__(self):
         self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
         return self.tempdir

Check failure on line 112 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
 def get_os():
-    os_map = {'Darwin': 'mac', 'Linux': 'lin64'}
+    os_map = {"Darwin": "mac", "Linux": "lin64"}
     system = platform.system()
-    assert system in os_map, "Unsupported operating system (platform.system() should return " \
-                             "Linux or Darwin)."
+    assert system in os_map, (
+        "Unsupported operating system (platform.system() should return "
+        "Linux or Darwin)."
+    )
     return os_map[system]
 def search_path():
     """Return potential locations of IACA installation."""
     operating_system = get_os()
     # 1st choice: in ~/.kerncraft/iaca-{}
     # 2nd choice: in package directory / iaca-{}
-    return [os.path.expanduser("~/.kerncraft/iaca/{}/".format(operating_system)),
-            os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) + '/iaca/{}/'.format(
-                operating_system)]
+    return [
+        os.path.expanduser("~/.kerncraft/iaca/{}/".format(operating_system)),
+        os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+        + "/iaca/{}/".format(operating_system),
+    ]
 def find_iaca():
     """Return (hopefully) valid installation of IACA."""
-    requires = ['iaca2.2', 'iaca2.3', 'iaca3.0']
+    requires = ["iaca2.2", "iaca2.3", "iaca3.0"]
     for path in search_path():
-        path += 'bin/'
+        path += "bin/"
         valid = True
         for r in requires:
             if not os.path.exists(path + r):
                 valid = False
         if valid:
             return path
-    raise RuntimeError("No IACA installation found in {}. Run iaca_get command to fix this issue."
-                       "".format(search_path()))
+    raise RuntimeError(
+        "No IACA installation found in {}. Run iaca_get command to fix this issue."
+        "".format(search_path())
+    )
 def main():
         path = find_iaca()
-        print('IACA already installed at', path)
-        if '--force' in sys.argv:
-            sys.argv.remove('--force')
+        print("IACA already installed at", path)
+        if "--force" in sys.argv:
+            sys.argv.remove("--force")
-            print('For forced installation add --force')
+            print("For forced installation add --force")
     except RuntimeError:
-    if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] != \
-            "--I-accept-the-Intel-What-If-Pre-Release-License-Agreement-and-please-take-my-soul":
-        print("Go to and read the"
-              "Intel Pre-Release License Agreement.")
+    if (
+        len(sys.argv) < 2
+        or sys.argv[1]
+        != "--I-accept-the-Intel-What-If-Pre-Release-License-Agreement-and-please-take-my-soul"
+    ):
+        print(
+            "Go to and read the"
+            "Intel Pre-Release License Agreement."
+        )
-        print("Add "
-              "--I-accept-the-Intel-What-If-Pre-Release-License-Agreement-and-please-take-my-soul"
-              " for installation of IACA.")
+        print(
+            "Add "
+            "--I-accept-the-Intel-What-If-Pre-Release-License-Agreement-and-please-take-my-soul"
+            " for installation of IACA."
+        )
     if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
-        assert sys.argv[2] in ['lin64', 'mac']
+        assert sys.argv[2] in ["lin64", "mac"]
         operating_system = sys.argv[2]
         operating_system = get_os()
     # Locate and create IACA base directory, in reverse server order
     base_dir = None
     for path in reversed(search_path()):
-        print("Trying " + path + ": ", end='', file=sys.stderr)
+        print("Trying " + path + ": ", end="", file=sys.stderr)
             base_dir = path
         except PermissionError:

Check failure on line 263 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         except OSError:
             # Directory already exists
             print("already exists.", file=sys.stderr)
     if base_dir is None:
-        print('Aborted.', file=sys.stderr)
+        print("Aborted.", file=sys.stderr)
         print("selected.", file=sys.stderr)
-    print("IACA v2.1 (for manual use - only version analyzing latency):", file=sys.stderr)
-    if operating_system == 'mac':
-        operating_system_temp = 'mac64'
+    print(
+        "IACA v2.1 (for manual use - only version analyzing latency):", file=sys.stderr
+    )
+    if operating_system == "mac":
+        operating_system_temp = "mac64"
         operating_system_temp = operating_system
-    url = url_dict['v2.1'][operating_system]
+    url = url_dict["v2.1"][operating_system]
     print("Downloading", url, "...", file=sys.stderr)
     zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()))
-    members = [n
-               for n in zfile.namelist()
-               if '/.' not in n and n.startswith('iaca-{:}/'.format(operating_system_temp))]
+    members = [
+        n
+        for n in zfile.namelist()
+        if "/." not in n and n.startswith("iaca-{:}/".format(operating_system_temp))
+    ]
     # Exctract to temp folder and copy to correct directory
     print("Extracting...", file=sys.stderr)
     with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
         zfile.extractall(tempdir, members=members)
-        shutil.copytree(tempdir + '/iaca-{}'.format(operating_system_temp), base_dir + 'v2.1')
+        shutil.copytree(
+            tempdir + "/iaca-{}".format(operating_system_temp), base_dir + "v2.1"
+        )
     # Correct permissions of executables
     print("Correcting permissions of binary...")
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v2.1/bin/iaca')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v2.1/bin/iaca',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
-    )
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v2.1/bin/')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v2.1/bin/',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v2.1/bin/iaca")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v2.1/bin/iaca",
+        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
+    )
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v2.1/bin/")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v2.1/bin/",
+        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
     # Fix
     print("Fixing", file=sys.stderr)
-    iaca_sh = open(base_dir + 'v2.1/bin/').read()
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('realpath', 'readlink -f', 1)
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('mypath=`pwd`', 'mypath=`dirname $0`', 1)
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)',
-                              'script=`readlink -f $0`\n\tpath=`dirname "$script"`', 1)
-    open(base_dir + 'v2.1/bin/', 'w').write(iaca_sh)
-    print("IACA v2.1 installed to", os.getcwd() + '/' + base_dir + 'v2.1', file=sys.stderr)
+    iaca_sh = open(base_dir + "v2.1/bin/").read()
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace("realpath", "readlink -f", 1)
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace("mypath=`pwd`", "mypath=`dirname $0`", 1)
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace(
+        'path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)',
+        'script=`readlink -f $0`\n\tpath=`dirname "$script"`',
+        1,
+    )
+    open(base_dir + "v2.1/bin/", "w").write(iaca_sh)
+    print(
+        "IACA v2.1 installed to", os.getcwd() + "/" + base_dir + "v2.1", file=sys.stderr
+    )
     print("IACA v2.2 (for NHM and WSM support):", file=sys.stderr)
-    url = url_dict['v2.2'][operating_system]
+    url = url_dict["v2.2"][operating_system]
     print("Downloading", url, "...", file=sys.stderr)
     zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()))
-    members = [n
-               for n in zfile.namelist()
-               if '/.' not in n and n.startswith('iaca-{:}/'.format(operating_system))]
+    members = [
+        n
+        for n in zfile.namelist()
+        if "/." not in n and n.startswith("iaca-{:}/".format(operating_system))
+    ]
     # Exctract to temp folder and copy to correct directory
     print("Extracting...", file=sys.stderr)
     with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
         zfile.extractall(tempdir, members=members)
-        shutil.copytree(tempdir + '/iaca-{}'.format(operating_system), base_dir + 'v2.2')
+        shutil.copytree(
+            tempdir + "/iaca-{}".format(operating_system), base_dir + "v2.2"
+        )
     # Correct permissions of executables
     print("Correcting permissions of binary...")
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v2.2/bin/iaca')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v2.2/bin/iaca',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
-    )
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v2.2/bin/')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v2.2/bin/',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v2.2/bin/iaca")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v2.2/bin/iaca",
+        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
+    )
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v2.2/bin/")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v2.2/bin/",
+        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
     # Fix
     print("Fixing", file=sys.stderr)
-    iaca_sh = open(base_dir + 'v2.2/bin/').read()
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('realpath', 'readlink -f', 1)
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('mypath=`pwd`', 'mypath=`dirname $0`', 1)
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)',
-                              'script=`readlink -f $0`\n\tpath=`dirname "$script"`', 1)
-    open(base_dir + 'v2.2/bin/', 'w').write(iaca_sh)
-    print("IACA v2.2 installed to", os.getcwd() + '/' + base_dir + 'v2.2', file=sys.stderr)
+    iaca_sh = open(base_dir + "v2.2/bin/").read()
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace("realpath", "readlink -f", 1)
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace("mypath=`pwd`", "mypath=`dirname $0`", 1)
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace(
+        'path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)',
+        'script=`readlink -f $0`\n\tpath=`dirname "$script"`',
+        1,
+    )
+    open(base_dir + "v2.2/bin/", "w").write(iaca_sh)
+    print(
+        "IACA v2.2 installed to", os.getcwd() + "/" + base_dir + "v2.2", file=sys.stderr
+    )
     print("IACA v2.3 (for SNB and IVY support):", file=sys.stderr)
-    url = url_dict['v2.3'][operating_system]
+    url = url_dict["v2.3"][operating_system]
     print("Downloading", url, "...", file=sys.stderr)
     zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()))
-    members = [n
-               for n in zfile.namelist()
-               if '/.' not in n and n.startswith('iaca-{:}/'.format(operating_system))]
+    members = [
+        n
+        for n in zfile.namelist()
+        if "/." not in n and n.startswith("iaca-{:}/".format(operating_system))
+    ]
     # Exctract to temp folder and copy to correct directory
     print("Extracting...", file=sys.stderr)
     with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
         zfile.extractall(tempdir, members=members)
-        shutil.copytree(tempdir + '/iaca-{}'.format(operating_system), base_dir + 'v2.3')
+        shutil.copytree(
+            tempdir + "/iaca-{}".format(operating_system), base_dir + "v2.3"
+        )
     # Correct permissions of executables
     print("Correcting permissions of binary...")
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v2.3/bin/iaca')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v2.3/bin/iaca',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
-    )
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v2.3/bin/')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v2.3/bin/',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v2.3/bin/iaca")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v2.3/bin/iaca",
+        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
+    )
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v2.3/bin/")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v2.3/bin/",
+        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH,
     # Fix
     print("Fixing", file=sys.stderr)
-    iaca_sh = open(base_dir + 'v2.3/bin/').read()
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('realpath', 'readlink -f', 1)
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('mypath=`pwd`', 'mypath=`dirname $0`', 1)
-    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace('path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)',
-                              'script=`readlink -f $0`\n\tpath=`dirname "$script"`', 1)
-    open(base_dir + 'v2.3/bin/', 'w').write(iaca_sh)
-    print("IACA v2.3 installed to", os.getcwd() + '/' + base_dir + 'v2.3', file=sys.stderr)
+    iaca_sh = open(base_dir + "v2.3/bin/").read()
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace("realpath", "readlink -f", 1)
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace("mypath=`pwd`", "mypath=`dirname $0`", 1)
+    iaca_sh = iaca_sh.replace(
+        'path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)',
+        'script=`readlink -f $0`\n\tpath=`dirname "$script"`',
+        1,
+    )
+    open(base_dir + "v2.3/bin/", "w").write(iaca_sh)
+    print(
+        "IACA v2.3 installed to", os.getcwd() + "/" + base_dir + "v2.3", file=sys.stderr
+    )
     print("IACA v3.0 (for HSW, BDW, SKL and SKX support):", file=sys.stderr)
-    url = url_dict['v3.0'][operating_system]
+    url = url_dict["v3.0"][operating_system]
     print("Downloading", url, "...", file=sys.stderr)
     zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()))
-    members = [n
-               for n in zfile.namelist()
-               if '/.' not in n and n.startswith('iaca-{:}/'.format(operating_system))]
+    members = [
+        n
+        for n in zfile.namelist()
+        if "/." not in n and n.startswith("iaca-{:}/".format(operating_system))
+    ]
     # Exctract to temp folder and copy to correct directory
     print("Extracting...", file=sys.stderr)
     with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
         zfile.extractall(tempdir, members=members)
-        shutil.copytree(tempdir + '/iaca-{}'.format(operating_system), base_dir + 'v3.0')
+        shutil.copytree(
+            tempdir + "/iaca-{}".format(operating_system), base_dir + "v3.0"
+        )
     print("Correcting permissions of binary...", file=sys.stderr)
-    st = os.stat(base_dir + 'v3.0/iaca')
-    os.chmod(
-        base_dir + 'v3.0/iaca',
-        st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
-    )
-    print("IACA v3.0 installed to", os.getcwd() + '/' + base_dir + 'v3.0', file=sys.stderr)
+    st = os.stat(base_dir + "v3.0/iaca")
+    os.chmod(
+        base_dir + "v3.0/iaca", st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
+    )
+    print(
+        "IACA v3.0 installed to", os.getcwd() + "/" + base_dir + "v3.0", file=sys.stderr
+    )
     # Create unified bin directory to access both operating_systems
-    os.mkdir(base_dir + 'bin')
-    os.symlink('../v2.1/bin/', base_dir + 'bin/iaca2.1')
-    os.symlink('../v2.2/bin/', base_dir + 'bin/iaca2.2')
-    os.symlink('../v2.3/bin/', base_dir + 'bin/iaca2.3')
-    os.symlink('../v3.0/iaca', base_dir + 'bin/iaca3.0')
-    print('export PATH=' + base_dir + 'bin/:$PATH')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+    os.mkdir(base_dir + "bin")
+    os.symlink("../v2.1/bin/", base_dir + "bin/iaca2.1")
+    os.symlink("../v2.2/bin/", base_dir + "bin/iaca2.2")
+    os.symlink("../v2.3/bin/", base_dir + "bin/iaca2.3")
+    os.symlink("../v3.0/iaca", base_dir + "bin/iaca3.0")
+    print("export PATH=" + base_dir + "bin/:$PATH")
+if __name__ == "__main__":

Check failure on line 45 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     Numbers can either be evenly distributed in a linear space (if *log* is False) or in a log
     space (if *log* is True). If *log* is True, base is used to define the log space basis.
     If *endpoint* is True, *stop* will be the last retruned value, as long as *num* >= 2.
-    assert type(start) is int and type(stop) is int and type(num) is int, \
-        "start, stop and num need to be intergers"
+    assert (
+        type(start) is int and type(stop) is int and type(num) is int
+    ), "start, stop and num need to be intergers"
     assert num >= 2, "num has to be atleast 2"
     if log:
         start = math.log(start, base)
         stop = math.log(stop, base)

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@github-actions github-actions / Black


     if base is given, the integers are evenly spaced on that base (default: 10)
     def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
         """Execute action."""
-        message = ''
+        message = ""
         if len(values) != 2:
-            message = 'requires 2 arguments'
+            message = "requires 2 arguments"
-            m = re.match(r'(?P<start>\d+)(?:-(?P<stop>\d+)(?::(?P<num>\d+)'
-                         r'(:?(?P<log>log)(:?(?P<base>\d+))?)?)?)?',
-                         values[1])
+            m = re.match(
+                r"(?P<start>\d+)(?:-(?P<stop>\d+)(?::(?P<num>\d+)"
+                r"(:?(?P<log>log)(:?(?P<base>\d+))?)?)?)?",
+                values[1],
+            )
             if m:
                 gd = m.groupdict()
-                if gd['stop'] is None:
-                    values[1] = [int(gd['start'])]
-                elif gd['num'] is None:
-                    values[1] = list(range(int(gd['start']), int(gd['stop']) + 1))
+                if gd["stop"] is None:
+                    values[1] = [int(gd["start"])]
+                elif gd["num"] is None:
+                    values[1] = list(range(int(gd["start"]), int(gd["stop"]) + 1))
-                    log = gd['log'] is not None
-                    base = int(gd['base']) if gd['base'] is not None else 10
-                    values[1] = list(space(
-                        int(gd['start']), int(gd['stop']), int(gd['num']), log=log, base=base))
+                    log = gd["log"] is not None
+                    base = int(gd["base"]) if gd["base"] is not None else 10
+                    values[1] = list(
+                        space(
+                            int(gd["start"]),
+                            int(gd["stop"]),
+                            int(gd["num"]),
+                            log=log,
+                            base=base,
+                        )
+                    )
-                message = 'second argument must match: start[-stop[:num[log[base]]]]'
+                message = "second argument must match: start[-stop[:num[log[base]]]]"
         if message:
             raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, message)
         if hasattr(namespace, self.dest):

Check failure on line 240 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


             setattr(namespace, self.dest, [values])
 class VersionAction(argparse.Action):
     """Reimplementation of the version action, because argparse's version outputs to stderr."""
-    def __init__(self, option_strings, version, dest=argparse.SUPPRESS,
-                 default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
-                 help="show program's version number and exit"):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        option_strings,
+        version,
+        dest=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+        default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+        help="show program's version number and exit",
+    ):
         super(VersionAction, self).__init__(
-            help=help)
+            help=help,
+        )
         self.version = version
     def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
         print(parser.prog, self.version)
 def create_parser():
     """Return argparse parser."""
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Analytical performance modelling and benchmarking toolkit.',
-        epilog='For help, examples, documentation and bug reports go to:\n'
-               '/RRZE-HPC/kerncraft\nLicense: AGPLv3',)
-    parser.add_argument('--version', action=VersionAction, version='{}'.format(__version__))
-    parser.add_argument('--machine', '-m', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True,
-                        help='Path to machine description yaml file.')
-    parser.add_argument('--pmodel', '-p', choices=models.__all__, required=True, action='append',
-                        default=[], help='Performance model to apply')
-    parser.add_argument('-D', '--define', nargs=2, metavar=('KEY', 'VALUE'), default=[],
-                        action=AppendStringRange,
-                        help='Define constant to be used in C code. Values must be integer or '
-                             'match start-stop[:num[log[base]]]. If range is given, all '
-                             'permutation s will be tested. Overwrites constants from testcase '
-                             'file. Key can be . for default value for all used constants.')
-    parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0,
-                        help='Increases verbosity level.')
-    parser.add_argument('code_file', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType(),
-                        help='File with loop kernel C code')
-    parser.add_argument('--asm-block', metavar='BLOCK', default='auto',
-                        help='Number of ASM block to mark for IACA, "auto" for automatic '
-                             'selection or "manual" for interactiv selection.')
-    parser.add_argument('--pointer-increment', metavar='INCR', default='auto', type=int_or_str,
-                        help='Increment of store pointer within one ASM block in bytes. If "auto": '
-                             'automatic detection, error on failure to detect, if '
-                             '"auto_with_manual_fallback": fallback to manual input, or if '
-                             '"manual": always prompt user.')
-    parser.add_argument('--store', metavar='PICKLE', type=argparse.FileType('a+b'),
-                        help='Addes results to PICKLE file for later processing.')
-    parser.add_argument('--json', metavar='JSON', type=argparse.FileType('a+'),
-                        help='Stores result as JSON file for later processing')
-    parser.add_argument('--unit', '-u', choices=['cy/CL', 'cy/It', 'It/s', 'FLOP/s'],
-                        help='Select the output unit, defaults to model specific if not given.')
-    parser.add_argument('--cores', '-c', metavar='CORES', type=int, default=1,
-                        help='Number of cores to be used in parallel. (default: 1) '
-                             'ECM model will consider the scaling of the last level cache and '
-                             'predict the overall performance in addition to single-core behavior. '
-                             'The benchmark mode will run the code with OpenMP on as many physical '
-                             'cores.')
-    parser.add_argument('--kernel-description', action='store_true',
-                        help='Use kernel description instead of analyzing the kernel code.')
-    parser.add_argument('--clean-intermediates', action='store_true',
-                        help='If set, will delete all intermediate files after completion.')
+        description="Analytical performance modelling and benchmarking toolkit.",
+        epilog="For help, examples, documentation and bug reports go to:\n"
+        "/RRZE-HPC/kerncraft\nLicense: AGPLv3",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--version", action=VersionAction, version="{}".format(__version__)
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--machine",
+        "-m",
+        type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+        required=True,
+        help="Path to machine description yaml file.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--pmodel",
+        "-p",
+        choices=models.__all__,
+        required=True,
+        action="append",
+        default=[],
+        help="Performance model to apply",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-D",
+        "--define",
+        nargs=2,
+        metavar=("KEY", "VALUE"),
+        default=[],
+        action=AppendStringRange,
+        help="Define constant to be used in C code. Values must be integer or "
+        "match start-stop[:num[log[base]]]. If range is given, all "
+        "permutation s will be tested. Overwrites constants from testcase "
+        "file. Key can be . for default value for all used constants.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--verbose", "-v", action="count", default=0, help="Increases verbosity level."
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "code_file",
+        metavar="FILE",
+        type=argparse.FileType(),
+        help="File with loop kernel C code",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--asm-block",
+        metavar="BLOCK",
+        default="auto",
+        help='Number of ASM block to mark for IACA, "auto" for automatic '
+        'selection or "manual" for interactiv selection.',
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--pointer-increment",
+        metavar="INCR",
+        default="auto",
+        type=int_or_str,
+        help='Increment of store pointer within one ASM block in bytes. If "auto": '
+        "automatic detection, error on failure to detect, if "
+        '"auto_with_manual_fallback": fallback to manual input, or if '
+        '"manual": always prompt user.',
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--store",
+        metavar="PICKLE",
+        type=argparse.FileType("a+b"),
+        help="Addes results to PICKLE file for later processing.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--json",
+        metavar="JSON",
+        type=argparse.FileType("a+"),
+        help="Stores result as JSON file for later processing",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--unit",
+        "-u",
+        choices=["cy/CL", "cy/It", "It/s", "FLOP/s"],
+        help="Select the output unit, defaults to model specific if not given.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--cores",
+        "-c",
+        metavar="CORES",
+        type=int,
+        default=1,
+        help="Number of cores to be used in parallel. (default: 1) "
+        "ECM model will consider the scaling of the last level cache and "
+        "predict the overall performance in addition to single-core behavior. "
+        "The benchmark mode will run the code with OpenMP on as many physical "
+        "cores.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--kernel-description",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Use kernel description instead of analyzing the kernel code.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--clean-intermediates",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="If set, will delete all intermediate files after completion.",
+    )
     # Needed for ECM, ECMData and RooflineFLOP models:
-    parser.add_argument('--cache-predictor', '-P', choices=['LC', 'SIM'], default='SIM',
-                        help='Change cache predictor to use, options are LC (layer conditions) and '
-                             'SIM (cache simulation with pycachesim), default is SIM.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--cache-predictor",
+        "-P",
+        choices=["LC", "SIM"],
+        default="SIM",
+        help="Change cache predictor to use, options are LC (layer conditions) and "
+        "SIM (cache simulation with pycachesim), default is SIM.",
+    )
     # Needed for ECM, RooflineASM and Benchmark models:
-    parser.add_argument('--compiler', '-C', type=str, default=None,
-                        help='Compiler to use, default is first in machine description file.')
-    parser.add_argument('--compiler-flags', type=str, default=None,
-                        help='Compiler flags to use. If not set, flags are taken from machine '
-                             'description file (-std=c99 is always added).')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--compiler",
+        "-C",
+        type=str,
+        default=None,
+        help="Compiler to use, default is first in machine description file.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--compiler-flags",
+        type=str,
+        default=None,
+        help="Compiler flags to use. If not set, flags are taken from machine "
+        "description file (-std=c99 is always added).",
+    )
     # Needed for ECM and RooflineASM models:
-    parser.add_argument('--incore-model', '-i', type=str, default="OSACA",
-                        help='In-core model to use, default is first in machine description file.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--incore-model",
+        "-i",
+        type=str,
+        default="OSACA",
+        help="In-core model to use, default is first in machine description file.",
+    )
     for m in models.__all__:
-        ag = parser.add_argument_group('arguments for ' + m + ' model', getattr(models, m).name)
+        ag = parser.add_argument_group(
+            "arguments for " + m + " model", getattr(models, m).name
+        )
         getattr(models, m).configure_arggroup(ag)
     return parser
 def check_arguments(args, parser):
     Check arguments passed by user that are not checked by argparse itself.
     Also register files for closing.
-    if args.asm_block not in ['auto', 'manual']:
+    if args.asm_block not in ["auto", "manual"]:
             args.asm_block = int(args.asm_block)
         except ValueError:
             parser.error('--asm-block can only be "auto", "manual" or an integer')
     # Set default unit depending on performance model requested
     if not args.unit:
-        if 'RooflineFLOP' in args.pmodel or 'RooflineASM' in args.pmodel or 'RooflineIACA' in args.pmodel:
-            args.unit = 'FLOP/s'
+        if (
+            "RooflineFLOP" in args.pmodel
+            or "RooflineASM" in args.pmodel
+            or "RooflineIACA" in args.pmodel
+        ):
+            args.unit = "FLOP/s"
-            args.unit = 'cy/CL'
+            args.unit = "cy/CL"
     # Register all opened files for closing at exit.
     if args.json:

Check failure on line 254 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     if args.machine:
 def to_tuple(x):
-    '''Transform nested lists (and tuple) in purely nested tuples.'''
+    """Transform nested lists (and tuple) in purely nested tuples."""
     if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
         if len(x) >= 2:
             return tuple(to_tuple(x[:1]) + to_tuple(x[1:]))
         elif len(x) == 1:
             return (to_tuple(x[0]),)

Check failure on line 272 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     identifier = []
     for k in sorted(args.__dict__):
         if k in kwargs:
             identifier.append((k, kwargs[k]))
-        if k in ['verbose', 'store', 'unit', 'clean_intermediates']:
+        if k in ["verbose", "store", "unit", "clean_intermediates"]:
             # Ignore these, as they do not change the outcome
         v = args.__dict__[k]
         if isinstance(v, list):
             v = to_tuple(v)

Check failure on line 286 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         if isinstance(v, io.IOBase):
             v =
         identifier.append((k, v))
     return tuple(identifier)
 def jsonify_obj(obj):
-    #print("jsonify {}".format(str(obj) if len(str(obj)) < 15 else str(obj)[:12] + "..."))
+    # print("jsonify {}".format(str(obj) if len(str(obj)) < 15 else str(obj)[:12] + "..."))
     # if obj is str, int, or float, keep it this way
     if isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, float):
         return obj
     # if obj is list, use recursion
     elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):

Check failure on line 303 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


             return tuple(new_list)
         return new_list
     # if obj is dict, use recursion
     elif isinstance(obj, dict):
         new_dict = {}
-        for k,v in obj.items():
+        for k, v in obj.items():
             # key must be one element
-            k = str(k) if not (isinstance(k, str) or isinstance(k, int) or isinstance(k, float)) else k
+            k = (
+                str(k)
+                if not (
+                    isinstance(k, str) or isinstance(k, int) or isinstance(k, float)
+                )
+                else k
+            )
             new_dict[k] = jsonify_obj(v)
         return new_dict
         return str(obj)

Check failure on line 346 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     # process kernel
     if not args.kernel_description:
         code = str(
         code = clean_code(code)
-        kernel = KernelCode(code,, machine=machine,
-                            keep_intermediates=not args.clean_intermediates)
+        kernel = KernelCode(
+            code,
+  ,
+            machine=machine,
+            keep_intermediates=not args.clean_intermediates,
+        )
         description = str(
-        yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='unsafe')
+        yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ="unsafe")
         kernel = KernelDescription(yaml.load(description), machine=machine)
-    loop_indices = set([symbol_pos_int(l['index']) for l in kernel.get_loop_stack()])
+    loop_indices = set([symbol_pos_int(l["index"]) for l in kernel.get_loop_stack()])
     # define constants
     required_consts = [v[1] for v in kernel.variables.values() if v[1] is not None]
-    required_consts += [[l['start'], l['stop']] for l in kernel.get_loop_stack()]
+    required_consts += [[l["start"], l["stop"]] for l in kernel.get_loop_stack()]
     required_consts += [i for a in kernel.sources.values() for i in a if i is not None]
-    required_consts += [i for a in kernel.destinations.values() for i in a if i is not None]
+    required_consts += [
+        i for a in kernel.destinations.values() for i in a if i is not None
+    ]
     # split into individual consts
     required_consts = [i for l in required_consts for i in l]
     required_consts = set([i for l in required_consts for i in l.free_symbols])
     # remove loop indices
     required_consts -= loop_indices

Check failure on line 359 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

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     if len(required_consts) > 0:
         # build defines permutations
         define_dict = OrderedDict()
         # Prefill with default value, if any is given
-        if '.' in [n for n,v in args.define]:
-            default_const_values = dict(args.define)['.']
+        if "." in [n for n, v in args.define]:
+            default_const_values = dict(args.define)["."]
             for name in required_consts:
                 name = str(name)
                 define_dict[str(name)] = [[str(name), v] for v in default_const_values]
         for name, values in args.define:
             if name not in [str(n) for n in required_consts]:

Check failure on line 377 in /home/runner/work/kerncraft/kerncraft/kerncraft/

@github-actions github-actions / Black


             for v in values:
                 if v not in define_dict[name]:
                     define_dict[name].append([name, v])
         define_product = list(itertools.product(*list(define_dict.values())))
         # Check that all consts have been defined
-        if set(required_consts).difference(set([symbol_pos_int(k) for k in define_dict.keys()])):
-            raise ValueError("Not all constants have been defined. Required are: {}".format(
-                required_consts))
+        if set(required_consts).difference(
+            set([symbol_pos_int(k) for k in define_dict.keys()])
+        ):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Not all constants have been defined. Required are: {}".format(
+                    required_consts
+                )
+            )
         define_product = [{}]
     for define in define_product:
         # Reset state of kernel