This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to initialize and configure the Android SDK for our open-source video player, This player supports videos in both regular URL and JSON formats. In addition to basic usage, it also supports advanced features such as data preload and playing while downloading and so on.
📌Integrate RedPlayer into your android studio project RedPlayerDemo
📌For video preloading feature, please refer to RedPreload SDK
- Supports playing videos in both normal URL and JSON formats
- Offers multiple rendering methods, including SurfaceView, TextureView
- Provides options to configure the player, such as HDR decoding, autoplay, loop count, and more
- Supports monitoring player status and callbacks for various events
IMediaPlayer mMediaPlayer = new RedMediaPlayer();
If you are playing a regular URL, use the following code:
mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(mAppContext, url);
If you are playing a JSON format, use the following code:
mMediaPlayer.setDataSourceJson(mAppContext, jsonUrl);
Use MediaCodec decoding if your android system support: The default is false and use ffmpeg
Set playing download cache dir: The default is null, highly recommend specify a path
Set is play in looping mode: The default is false
Set whether to mute: The default is 1.0
mMediaPlayer.setVolume(0.0f, 0.0f);
Set the Surface or SurfaceHolder to player, which decide you use SurfaceView or TextureView
If you are render use TextureView, use the following code:
If you are render use SurfaceView, use the following code:
Finally, call prepareAsync to start the connection and decoding:
void start(); // start player
void pause(); // pause player
void stop(); // stop player: can't start again, need prepareAsync
void reset(); // reset player: the player state to IDLE
void release(); // release player: the player is null, can't call any method
long getCurrentPosition(); // the player current play time
long getDuration(); // the total duration of the media resource
float getSpeed(); // the player current play speed
long getBitRate(); // the media resource current bit rate
int getVideoWidth(); // the media resource width
int getVideoHeight(); // the media resource height
String getPlayUrl(); // the player final play url
boolean isPlaying(); // the player is in playing state
boolean isLooping(); // the player is in play looping
- OnPreparedListener When the player is prepared, this listener will be called, you can start playback after this listener.
interface OnPreparedListener {
void onPrepared(IMediaPlayer mp, RedPlayerEvent event);
mMediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(preparedListener); // monitor the player prepared callback
- OnVideoSizeChangedListener When video size changed, this listener will be called, you can update you render view with the new width and height.
interface OnVideoSizeChangedListener {
// the width & height params is the new width and height
void onVideoSizeChanged(IMediaPlayer mp, int width, int height, int sar_num,int sar_den);
mMediaPlayer.setOnVideoSizeChangedListener(sizeChangedListener); // monitor the player video size change callback
- OnCompletionListener When the player is play complete, this listener will be called, you can play next video in this callback.
interface OnCompletionListener {
void onCompletion(IMediaPlayer mp);
mMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(completionListener); // monitor the player play complete callback
- OnSeekCompleteListener When you seek the player, this listener will be called.
interface OnSeekCompleteListener {
void onSeekComplete(IMediaPlayer mp);
mMediaPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener(seekCompleteListener); // monitor the seek complete callback
- OnBufferingUpdateListener When the player buffering the video stream, this listener willl be called, you can get buffering percent.
interface OnBufferingUpdateListener {
void onBufferingUpdate(IMediaPlayer mp, int percent);
mMediaPlayer.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(bufferingUpdateListener); // monitor the player buffering callback
- OnErrorListener When the player play error, this listener will be called, you can get error msg and retry the player.
interface OnErrorListener {
boolean onError(IMediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra);
mMediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener(errorListener); // monitor the play error callback
- OnInfoListener This interface runs through the entire lifecycle of the player, it will be called with many different event.
interface OnInfoListener {
int MEDIA_INFO_OPEN_INPUT = 10005; // the stream connection established
int MEDIA_INFO_FIND_STREAM_INFO = 10006; // the audio and video format detection completed
int MEDIA_INFO_COMPONENT_OPEN = 10007; // the decoder initialization completed
int MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_FIRST_PACKET_IN_DECODER = 10010; // The first video packet enters the decoder
int MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_DECODED_START = 10004; // The first video frame decoding is completed
int MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_RENDERING_START = 3; // The first video frame rendering is completed.
int MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_START = 701; // the buffering start
int MEDIA_INFO_BUFFERING_END = 702; // the buffering end
int MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_ROTATION_CHANGED = 10001;// the video rotation changed
int MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_START_ON_PLAYING = 10011; // the second frame rendering start
boolean onInfo(IMediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra, RedPlayerEvent event);
mMediaPlayer.setOnInfoListener(infoListener); // monitor the player info callback
interface NativeLogCallback {
void onLogOutput(int logLevel, String tag, String content);
* Sets the log callback level for the player.
* @param logLevel The log level for the log callback.
void setLogCallbackLevel(int logLevel);
* Sets the log callback for the player
* @param nativeLogCallback The log callback block.
static void setNativeLogCallback(NativeLogCallback nativeLogCallback);
##Simple Demo Here is a simple demo showing how to play a URL with IMediaPlayer.
// Create a new instance of mediaPlayer
IMediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new RedMediaPlayer();
// Set url to the mediaplayer
// Set mediaplayer surfce holder
// Set a prepare listener for the mediaplayer
// Prepare