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Updated to run Example 4, which includes the CMA-ES optimization rout…
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…ine in the calibrate method of the marrmot_model class
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ssheeder committed May 23, 2024
1 parent f465b05 commit 5337dee
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Showing 60 changed files with 476 additions and 85 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .vscode/launch.json
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"type": "debugpy",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true
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Copyright (C) 2019, 2021 Wouter J.M. Knoben, Luca Trotter
This file is part of the Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models
Toolbox (MARRMoT).
MARRMoT is a free software (GNU GPL v3) and distributed WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY. See <> for details.
Contact: [email protected]
This example workflow contains an example application of multiple models
to a single catchment.
It includes 6 steps:
1. Data preparation
2. Model choice and setup
3. Model solver settings
For each model in list
4. Model generation and set-up
5. Model runs
6. Output visualization

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pymarrmot.models.models.m_29_hymod_5p_5s import m_29_hymod_5p_5s
from pymarrmot.models.models.m_01_collie1_1p_1s import m_01_collie1_1p_1s
from pymarrmot.models.models.m_27_tank_12p_4s import m_27_tank_12p_4s

# 1. Prepare data
df = pd.read_csv('c:/users/ssheeder/repos/pymarrmot/examples/Example_DataSet.csv')

# Create a climatology data input structure
input_climatology = {
'dates': df['Date'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: date in ??? format
'precip': df['Precip'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: P rate [mm/d]
'temp': df['Temp'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: mean T [degree C]
'pet': df['PET'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: Ep rate [mm/d]

# 2. Define the model settings
model_list = [m_29_hymod_5p_5s,

# 3. Define the solver settings
input_solver_opts = {
'resnorm_tolerance': 0.1,
'resnorm_maxiter': 6

# Create and run all model objects
results_sampling = []

results_sampling.append(['model name', 'parameter_values', 'output_ex', 'output_in', 'output_ss', 'output_wb'])

for model in model_list:
print(f"Now starting model {model}.")
m = model()
m.delta_t = 1
model_range = m.parRanges
numPar = m.numParams
numStore = m.numStores

input_theta = model_range[:, 0] + np.random.rand(numPar) * (model_range[:, 1] - model_range[:, 0])
input_s0 = np.zeros(numStore)

output_ex, output_in, output_ss, output_waterbalance = m.get_output(4,input_climatology, input_s0, input_theta, input_solver_opts)

results_sampling.append([model, input_theta, output_ex, output_in, output_ss, output_waterbalance])

# 6. Analyze the outputs
t = input_climatology['dates']
streamflow_observed = df['Q'].to_numpy()

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(t, streamflow_observed, 'k', linewidth=2)
for i in range(len(model_list)):
plt.plot(t, results_sampling[i + 1][2]['Q'])

plt.legend(['Observed'] + model_list, loc='upper right')
plt.title('Model sampling results')
plt.ylabel('Streamflow [mm/d]')
plt.xlabel('Time [d]')
plt.ylim([0, 70])
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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Copyright (C) 2019, 2021 Wouter J.M. Knoben, Luca Trotter
This file is part of the Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models
Toolbox (MARRMoT).
MARRMoT is a free software (GNU GPL v3) and distributed WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY. See <> for details.
Contact: [email protected]
This example workflow contains an example application of calibration of a
single models to a single catchment.
It includes 7 steps:
1. Data preparation
2. Model choice and setup
3. Model solver settings and time-stepping scheme
4. Calibration settings
5. Model calibration
6. Evaluation of calibration results
7. Output visualization
NOTE: this example uses a custom function 'my_cmaes' to perform the
optimization, it is a wrapper around 'cmaes' to ensure inputs and outputs
are consistent with other MATLAB's optimization algorithms (e.g.
'fminsearch' or 'fminsearchbnd').
While the wrapper is provided as part of MARRMoT, it requires the source
code to 'cmaes' to function, it is available at:
The wrapper is necessary for the optimizer to function within the
MARRMoT_model.calibrate method.
Alternatively any model can be calibrated using any optimization
algorithm using the MARRMoT_model.calc_par_fitness method which returns
the value of an objective function and can be used as input to an

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from pymarrmot.models.models.m_29_hymod_5p_5s import m_29_hymod_5p_5s
import pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions as objective_functions

# 1. Prepare data
df = pd.read_csv('c:/users/ssheeder/repos/pymarrmot/examples/Example_DataSet.csv')

# Create a climatology data input structure
input_climatology = {
'dates': df['Date'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: date in ??? format
'precip': df['Precip'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: P rate [mm/d]
'temp': df['Temp'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: mean T [degree C]
'pet': df['PET'].to_numpy(), # Daily data: Ep rate [mm/d]

# Extract observed streamflow
Q_obs = df['Q'].to_numpy()

# 2. Define the model settings and create the model object
m = m_29_hymod_5p_5s() # Create an instance of the model object
parRanges = m.parRanges # Parameter ranges
numParams = m.numParams # Number of parameters
numStores = m.numStores # Number of stores
input_s0 = np.zeros(numStores) # Initial storages (see note in paragraph 5 on model warm-up)

# 3. Define the solver settings
input_solver_opts = {
'resnorm_tolerance': 0.1, # Root-finding convergence tolerance;
# users have reported differences in simulation accuracy (KGE scores) during calibration between Matlab and Octave for a given tolerance.
# In certain cases, Octave seems to require tighter tolerances to obtain the same KGE scores as Matlab does.
'resnorm_maxiter': 6 # Maximum number of re-runs

# 4. Define calibration settings
# Settings for 'my_cmaes'
# the opts struct is made up of two fields, the names are hardcoded, so
# they cannot be changed:
# .sigma0: initial value of sigma
# .cmaes_opts: struct of options for cmaes, see cmaes documentation
# or type cmaes to see list of options and default values

# starting sigma
optim_opts = {'insigma': .3 * (parRanges[:, 1] - parRanges[:, 0])} # starting sigma (this is default, could have left it blank)

# other options
optim_opts['LBounds'] = parRanges[:, 0] # lower bounds of parameters
optim_opts['UBounds'] = parRanges[:, 1] # upper bounds of parameters
optim_opts['PopSize'] = 4 + np.floor(3 * np.log(numParams)) # population size (default)
optim_opts['TolX'] = 1e-6 * np.min(optim_opts['insigma']) # stopping criterion on changes to parameters
optim_opts['TolFun'] = 1e-6 # stopping criterion on changes to fitness function
optim_opts['TolHistFun'] = 1e-6 # stopping criterion on changes to fitness function
optim_opts['SaveFilename'] = 'wf_ex_4_cmaesvars.txt' # output file of cmaes variables
optim_opts['LogFilenamePrefix'] = 'wf_ex_4_' # prefix for cmaes log-files

# Other useful options
optim_opts['EvalParallel'] = False # change to true to run in parallel on a pool of CPUs (e.g. on a cluster)
# uncomment to restart r-times until the condition
# r = 2
# optim_opts['Restarts'] = r
# optim_opts['RestartIf'] = 'fmin > -.8' # OF is inverted, so this restarts
# unless the OF (KGE here) > 0.8

# debugging options
#optim_opts['MaxIter'] = 5 # just do 5 iterations, to check if it works
#optim_opts['Seed'] = 1234 # for reproducibility

# initial parameter set
par_ini = np.mean(parRanges, axis=1) # same as default value
m.theta = par_ini # set the initial parameter set

# Choose the objective function
of_name = 'of_kge' # This function is provided as part of MARRMoT. See ./MARRMoT/Functions/Objective functions
weights = [1, 1, 1] # Weights for the three KGE components

# Time periods for calibration.
# Indices of timestep to use for calibration, here we are using 1 year for
# warm-up, and 2 years for calibration, leaving the rest of the dataset for
# independent evaluation.
n = len(Q_obs)
warmup = 365
cal_idx = list(range(warmup + 1, warmup + 365 * 2 + 1))
eval_idx = list(range(max(cal_idx), n))

# 5. Calibrate the model
# MARRMoT model objects have a "calibrate" method that takes uses a chosen
# optimization algorithm and objective function to optimize the parameter
# set. See MARRMoT_model class for details.

# first set up the model
m.delta_t = 1
m.input_climate = input_climatology
m.solver_opts = input_solver_opts
m.S0 = input_s0

par_opt, of_cal, stopflag, output = m.calibrate(
Q_obs, # observed streamflow
cal_idx, # timesteps to use for model calibration
'my_cmaes', # function to use for optimization (must have same structure as fminsearch)
par_ini, # initial parameter estimates
optim_opts, # options to optim_fun
of_name, # name of objective function to use
True, True, # should the OF be inversed? Should I display details about the calibration?
weights # additional arguments to of_name

# 6. Evaluate the calibrated parameters on unseen data
# Run the model with calibrated parameters, get only the streamflow
Q_sim = m.get_streamflow(par_opt)

# Compute evaluation performance
obj_func = getattr(objective_functions, of_name) # Objective function (here 'of_KGE')
of_eval = obj_func(Q_obs, # Observed flow during evaluation period
Q_sim, # Simulated flow during evaluation period, using calibrated parameters
eval_idx, # Indices of evaluation period
weights) # KGE component weights
of_eval = of_eval[0] # Extract the KGE value from the tuple

# 7. Visualize the results
# Prepare a time vector
t = [datetime.fromtimestamp(t) for t in m.input_climate['dates']]

# Compare simulated and observed streamflow

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6), facecolor='w')

# Flows
plt.plot(t, Q_obs, 'k', label='Q_obs')
plt.plot(t, Q_sim, 'r', label='Q_sim')

# Dividing line
plt.axvline(t[max(cal_idx)], color='b', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='Cal // Eval')
plt.axvline(t[warmup], color='g', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='warmup // Cal')

# Legend & text
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('Model calibration and evaluation results')
plt.ylabel('Streamflow [mm/d]')
plt.xlabel('Time [d]')

max_obs = np.max(Q_obs)
max_sim = np.max(Q_sim)
max_val = 1.05 * max(max_obs, max_sim)
max_t = max(t)
min_t = min(t)
del_t = max(t) - min(t)

plt_txt = 'Cal ' + of_name + ' = %.2f' % round(of_cal,2)
plt_txt += '\nEval ' + of_name + ' = %.2f' % round(of_eval,2)

plt.text(min_t + del_t *.85, max_val * .85, plt_txt, fontsize = 10, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red'))

plt.ylim([0, max_val])
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/axlen.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, sigma, max axis length, min axis length, all principal axes lengths (sorted square roots of eigenvalues of C)", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024
1 8 0.914647981032298 1.0000400008000108 1.0 1.0 1.00001000005 1.0000200002000015 1.0000300004500045 1.0000400008000108
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/axlencorr.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, min max(neg(.)) min(pos(.)) max correlation, correlation matrix principal axes lengths (sorted square roots of eigenvalues of correlation matrix)", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024
1 8 -0.10816836668420154 -0.027037173283884528 0.04466017330713045 0.08447965524701906 0.9154832908288328 0.9685323926232423 1.0016151054911655 1.0242153450485072 1.082398011856912
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/axlenprec.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, min max(neg(.)) min(pos(.)) max correlation, correlation matrix principal axes lengths (sorted square roots of eigenvalues of correlation matrix)", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024
1 8 -0.08454984751796392 -0.04660240315446251 0.0303716355834803 0.10588756675618491 0.9163263717187823 0.970760339100305 0.9957568698812483 1.0254102610826064 1.0839614370785302
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/fit.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, sigma, axis ratio, bestever, best, median, worst objective function value, further objective values of best", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024, <python>{}</python>
1 8 0.914647981032298 1.0000400008000108 -0.03268569325229487 -3.2685693252294867e-02 -0.03268569325229487 -0.03268569325229487
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/sigvec.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, sigma, beta, void, sigvec==sigma_vec.scaling factors from diagonal decoding", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024, <python>{}</python>
1 8 0.914647981032298 1 0 599.6999999999999 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.3
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/stddev.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, sigma, void, void, stds==sigma*sigma_vec.scaling*sqrt(diag(C))", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024, <python>{}</python>
1 8 0.914647981032298 0 0 548.3099360911514 2.805167756156038 0.2614078771696393 0.2624990947176959 0.2713936714567164
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/xmean.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iteration, evaluation, void, void, void, xmean", seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024, <python>{}</python> # scaling_of_variables: 1, typical_x: 0
1 8 0 0 0 654.5122932599646 3.661683907932788 0.2777202634101034 0.439071381950522 0.6169564844827764
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions outcmaes/xrecentbest.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
% # columns="iter, evals, sigma, 0, fitness, xbest" seed=581622, Thu May 23 13:25:19 2024, <python>{}</python>
1 8 0.914647981032298 0 -0.03268569325229487 266.7118468801151 6.042852169155995 0.13597395782092375 0.23869199917925976 0.7612633551792338
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/pymarrmot/Functions/Objective_functions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_bias_penalised_log import of_bias_penalised_log as of_bias_penalised_log
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_inverse_kge import of_inverse_kge as of_inverse_kge
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_inverse_nse import of_inverse_nse as of_inverse_nse
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_kge import of_kge as of_kge
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_log_nse import of_log_nse as of_log_nse
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_mare import of_mare as of_mare
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_mean_hilo_kge import of_mean_hilo_kge as of_mean_hilo_kge
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_mean_hilo_root5_kge import of_mean_hilo_root5_kge as of_mean_hilo_root5_kge
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_nrmse import of_nrmse as of_nrmse
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_nse import of_nse as of_nse
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_pcmare import of_pcmare as of_pcmare
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_rmse import of_rmse as of_rmse
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_root5_kge import of_root5_kge as of_root5_kge
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.check_and_select import check_and_select
from typing import Tuple

def of_inverse_NSE(obs: np.array, sim: np.array, idx: np.array=None) -> Tuple[float, np.array]:
def of_inverse_nse(obs: np.array, sim: np.array, idx: np.array=None) -> Tuple[float, np.array]:
Calculates the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (Nash & Sutcliffe, 1970) of the log of simulated streamflow.
Ignores time steps with negative flow values. Adds a constant e of 1/100 of mean(obs) to avoid issues with zero
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/pymarrmot/Functions/Objective_functions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ def of_kge(obs: np.array, sim: np.array, idx: np.array=None, w=None):
if w is None:
w = w_default
if not (w.size == 3 and np.ndim(w) == 1):
raise ValueError('Weights should be a 3x1 or 1x3 vector.')
if not (len(w) == 3 and np.ndim(w) == 1):
raise ValueError('Weights should be a 1x3 vector.')

# Calculate components
c = np.array([np.corrcoef(obs, sim)[0, 1], np.std(sim) / np.std(obs), np.mean(sim) / np.mean(obs)])
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import numpy as np
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.check_and_select import check_and_select
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_kge import of_kge
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_mean_hilo_root5_kge import of_root5_kge
from pymarrmot.functions.objective_functions.of_root5_kge import of_root5_kge
from typing import Tuple

def of_mean_hilo_root5_KGE(obs: np.array, sim: np.array, idx: np.array=None, w: np.array=None) -> Tuple[float, np.array, np.array, np.array]:
def of_mean_hilo_root5_kge(obs: np.array, sim: np.array, idx: np.array=None, w: np.array=None) -> Tuple[float, np.array, np.array, np.array]:
Calculates the average Kling-Gupta Efficiency of the untransformed and fifth root of streamflow
(Gupta et al., 2009) of the untransformed and fifth root (Chiew et al., 1993) of
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/pymarrmot/Functions/solver_functions/
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ def NewtonRaphson(fun, x0, options=None):
# Initialize
x0 = np.array(x0).astype(float)
x0 = np.array(x0).reshape(-1, 1) # Ensure column vector
#x0 = np.array(x0).reshape(-1, 1) # Ensure column vector
defaultopt = {'TolX': 1e-12, 'TolFun': 1e-6, 'MaxIter': 1000}
if options is None:
options = defaultopt
Expand Down

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