run with docker
this service run on redis for publish messages
go run *.go -BroadcastStats=true -authUrl=http://localhost:8090/api/broadcast/auth -webhookUrl=http://localhost:8090/api/broadcast/webhook -redisAddress=:6389 -serverAddress=:8081 -debug=true -queues=success,failed
- BroadcastStats: this flag as default is false, if you set this on true tick online users every 10 seconds.
- serverAddress: server port. default is on :8081
- redisAddress: set redist connection port, default is on :6379
- authUrl: url of your client server for auth users
- webhookUrl: webhook url that broadcast server call that on any action
- debug: show logs for debuging
- queues: RabbitMQ queues. like: transactions,tickets. split with comma. the default queue name is default
"id": "51fc8126-221e-43fc-abee-91a66fce4fa9",//uuid string
"command": "auth",
"content": "a message title",//string
"data": {}//object