Install the package
Get the regions.
labs <- data.frame(x= c(112406,4488211,-1734264,-4785284), y=c(4271428,-224812,-3958297,-104377), labels=c("Atlantic","Indian", "West Pacific", "East Pacific"))
labs <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(labs[,1:2],labs, proj4string = CRS(proj4string(aes_region)))
plot(aes_region, col = aes_region$colour, border="grey")
text(labs$x, labs$y, labs$labels, cex=0.6)
# latitude zone labels
lat.labs<- function(the.proj="polar"){
ext <- extent(aes_region_ll)
text("Polar", x=ext@xmin, y=ext@ymin, xpd=NA, pos=2, cex=0.6)
text("High latitude", x=ext@xmin, y=ext@ymin*0.8, xpd=NA, pos=2, cex=0.6)
text("Mid latitude", x=ext@xmin, y=ext@ymin*0.6, xpd=NA, pos=2, cex=0.6)
text(c("Polar", "High latitude", "Mid latitude"), x=c(113064.6,-1017581.1,-3642294), y=c(-1518296,-2285519,-3012363), cex=0.5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.7))
In unprojected form.
plot(aes_region_ll, col = aes_region_ll$colour, border="grey")
ll_labs <- spTransform(labs, CRS(proj4string(aes_region_ll)))
text(ll_labs$x, ll_labs$y, labels=labs$labels, cex=0.6)
plot(aes_region_simple, col = aes_region_simple$colour, border="grey")
text(labs$x, labs$y, labels=labs$labels, cex=0.6)
Write to shapefile.
shapefile(aes_region, "my_aes_region.shp")
(Leave your money on the fridge).
The data is stored on the map object itself.
ID | BathyClass | SectorName | Zone | Name | Shelf | area_km2 | colour | |
47 | 1 | BanksPlateaus | Atlantic | Polar | Atlantic_Polar_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 501423.64 | #7CAE0099 |
48 | 2 | Continent | Atlantic | Polar | Atlantic_Polar_Continent | Shelf | 1084547.95 | #7CAE00FF |
49 | 3 | Deep | Atlantic | Polar | Atlantic_Polar_Deep | Ocean | 19353773.36 | #7CAE0099 |
50 | 4 | BanksPlateaus | Atlantic | Temperate | Atlantic_Temperate_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 2108929.34 | #7CAE004D |
51 | 5 | Deep | Atlantic | Temperate | Atlantic_Temperate_Deep | Ocean | 13562422.11 | #7CAE004D |
52 | 6 | Continent | EastPacific | Polar | EastPacific_Polar_Continent | Shelf | 724857.54 | #C77CFFFF |
53 | 7 | Deep | EastPacific | Polar | EastPacific_Polar_Deep | Ocean | 3241353.36 | #C77CFF99 |
54 | 8 | BanksPlateaus | EastPacific | Temperate | EastPacific_Temperate_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 405139.12 | #C77CFF4D |
55 | 9 | Deep | EastPacific | Temperate | EastPacific_Temperate_Deep | Ocean | 10168793.90 | #C77CFF4D |
56 | 10 | BanksPlateaus | Indian | Polar | Indian_Polar_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 676845.57 | #00BFC499 |
57 | 11 | Continent | Indian | Polar | Indian_Polar_Continent | Shelf | 706453.81 | #00BFC4FF |
58 | 12 | Deep | Indian | Polar | Indian_Polar_Deep | Ocean | 11022311.32 | #00BFC499 |
59 | 13 | BanksPlateaus | Indian | Temperate | Indian_Temperate_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 694668.93 | #00BFC44D |
60 | 14 | Deep | Indian | Temperate | Indian_Temperate_Deep | Ocean | 12373702.76 | #00BFC44D |
61 | 15 | BanksPlateaus | WestPacific | Polar | WestPacific_Polar_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 32840.05 | #F8766D99 |
62 | 16 | Continent | WestPacific | Polar | WestPacific_Polar_Continent | Shelf | 885409.00 | #F8766DFF |
63 | 17 | Deep | WestPacific | Polar | WestPacific_Polar_Deep | Ocean | 8103336.24 | #F8766D99 |
64 | 18 | BanksPlateaus | WestPacific | Temperate | WestPacific_Temperate_BanksPlateaus | Ocean | 2552842.08 | #F8766D4D |
65 | 19 | Deep | WestPacific | Temperate | WestPacific_Temperate_Deep | Ocean | 20472658.20 | #F8766D4D |
## TODO fix this code
tab <- fortify(aes_region)
## Regions defined for each Polygons
zcols <-[, c("colour", "Name", "ID")]
tab$Name <- zcols$Name[factor(tab$id)]
ggplot(tab) + aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = Name) + scale_fill_manual(values = setNames(zcols$colour, zcols$Name)) +
geom_polypath() + theme(legend.text=element_text(size=6)) + guides(position = "bottom")