This repo contains an implementation of the method described in this paper. Please cite the paper if you use the code.
author = {Benjamin Davidson and Angelos Kalitzeos and Joseph Carroll and Alfredo Dubra and Sebastien Ourselin and Michel Michaelides and Christos Bergeles},
journal = {Biomed. Opt. Express},
keywords = {Image processing; Image quality; Ophthalmic imaging; Optical imaging; Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy; Wavefront aberrations},
number = {9},
pages = {4317--4328},
publisher = {OSA},
title = {Fast adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope retinal montaging},
volume = {9},
month = {Sep},
year = {2018},
url = {},
doi = {10.1364/BOE.9.004317},
To install and use requires:
- Python 3
- pip
Download the git repository to a folder of your choice, /path/to/code/autoMontager
Install Python package using pip. Ubuntu:
pip install /path/to/code/autoMontager
; Windowspython -m pip install /path/to/code/autoMontager
- Run the tool from the command line after installing via
- Super fast!
- Will output photoshop .jsx scripts which should be run from photoshop
- Will put multiple FOV images into a single montage, after appropriately resizing
- Enter movie numbers, movie nominal positions, and movie fovs into an .xlsx (excell) file as in the provided template
- Run the tool from the command line
- Use the GUI to enter the required info and run
- Go to photoshop and run the script generated by the tool
- Output disjoint montage pieces to same document
- Replace numpy interpolation with OpenCV for visualisations without Photoshop
- Use multiprocessing for even faster montaging.