- add: Tutorial for connecting with secured endpoints (#319)
- add: Example for notification based command (#332)
- add: tests for clear functions (#336)
- 🚀 add: API client for NGSI-LD context broker (#338, #356, #327, #300, #301, #212, #222, #221)
- fix: clear functions for context broker (#336)
- fix: validation error of
when the attribute substitution is used(#351) - update: integrate the key-values endpoints with normalized endpoints (#318)
- remove:
are removed (#318)
What's Changed
- Merge existing NGSI-LD implementation by @djs0109 in #218
- 220 ngsi ld testcases for ld data models by @djs0109 in #241
- docs: update the readme for running unittest by @djs0109 in #322
- Joss submission by @djs0109 in #324
- 281 intergrade the key values endpoints with the normal ones by @djs0109 in #318
- 221 ngsi ld migrate v2 datamodels in ld by @djs0109 in #234
- 212 testcase for every endpoint 1 by @djs0109 in #287
- 325 filip mqtt client still require object by @SystemsPurge in #329
- 289 add example for notification based command by @djs0109 in #332
- chore: example to create secure fiware header by @sbanoeon in #319
- 327 revise ngsi ld batch operation tests by @SystemsPurge in #334
- 301 ngsi ld validate nested properties dynamically by @Maghnie in #320
- Adjusted checks on clear cb cleanup function to allow for client obje… by @djs0109 in #336
- 337 initial tenant when tenant does not exist by @SystemsPurge in #344
- 339 test link header for ld by @djs0109 in #345
- 346 test cluster connection by @djs0109 in #347
- 342 clean up functions for ngsi ld context broker by @djs0109 in #348
- Added query language test for arbitrary q expressions by @SystemsPurge in #349
- fix: validation error of ngsipayloadattr by @djs0109 in #351
- 356 post entity has an unused variable update need to check the spec for the expected behavior by @djs0109 in #357
- 338 pre release filip ld by @djs0109 in #358
- upgrate requests version by @djs0109 in #355
- PR: pre release 060 by @djs0109 in #361
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...v0.6.0