OTRS exporter - is OTRS module for monitoring system 'Prometheus'. With this module you can track your system activity and OTRS performance.
The following metrics are now available:
- web
- http_request_duration_seconds{host, worker, method, route}
- http_response_size_bytes{host, worker}
- http_requests_total{host, worker}
- otrs
- otrs_income_mail_total{host}
- otrs_outgoing_mail_total{host}
- otrs_really_sended__mail_total{host}
- otrs_ticket_total{host, queue, status}
- otrs_article_total{host, queue, status}
- otrs_logs_total{host, priority, prefix, module}
- cache_operations{host, operation}
- daemon_subworkers_total{host, task_handler_module, task_name}
- daemon_subworkers_task_last_execution_time{host, task_handler_module, task_name}
- recurrent_task_success{host, name}
- recurrent_task_duration{host, name}
- system
- http_process_resident_memory_bytes{host, level, worker}
- http_prcoess_virtual_memory_bytes{host, level, worker}
- http_process_cpu_seconds_total{host, level, worker}
- http_process_cpu_system_seconds_total{host, level, worker}
- http_process_cpu_user_seconds_total{host, level, worker}
- http_process_max_fds{host, level, worker}
- daemon_process_resident_memory_bytes{host, worker, name}
- daemon_prcoess_virtual_memory_bytes{host, worker, name}
- daemon_process_cpu_seconds_total{host, worker, name}
- daemon_process_cpu_system_seconds_total{host, worker, name}
- daemon_process_cpu_user_seconds_total{host, worker, name}
- daemon_process_max_fds{host, worker, name}
OTRS Exporter supports creating for custom metrics which can update via database. To manage custom metrics in OTRS was created a web-page.
If you don't have an .opm file you should create him.
/opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Dev::Package::Build --module-directory /path/to/exporter/directory /path/to/otrs-exporter.somp ./
Before installing you should install following packages from cpan:
- Net::Prometheus
- Time::HiRes
- List::Util
- Scalar::Util
- Proc::ProcessTable
- Proc::Exists
- IPC::ShareLite
- Sereal
Installation for cpan-packages using cpanminus:
sudo cpanm Net::Prometheus Time::HiRes List::Util Scalar::Util Proc::ProcessTable Proc::Exists IPC::ShareLite Sereal
To install package you can use web-interface. Go to http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminPackageManager or to another url for AdminPackageManger in your OTRS. In block 'actions' load OTRS-Exporter.opm file and then click 'Install package'. Follow instructions.
After installing OPM package, we should set few options in OTRS system configuration. Go to OTRS system configuration page (http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminSystemConfiguration). In search box enter 'Prometheus::Settings'. Set the value of ServerCMND to yours. This value you can find using ps command. ServerCMND is name of your main http process.
Also you can set the 'Guard' option to choose, which object will used to save metrics. Guard::Cache usually used for distributed OTRS-system (more than 1 machine/virtual-machine) but it is as a rule slower, than Guard::SHM. Guard::SHM using shared memory, so your operating system must support SysV IPC (shared memory and semaphores).
Now it's time to create new web service in OTRS for Prometheus monitoring system. Go to http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminGenericInterfaceWebservice and add new web service. Enter some name('Prometheus' for example), and in block OTRS as provider as network transport choose HTTP::SendText. Save web-service. Now add new operation for Prometheus::MetricGet. Insert name, save and finish.
Then configure network transport (find button 'configure' near 'HTTP::SendText'): for created operation add route by which prometheus will come. Save and finish.
The URL with metrics will looks like this: http://host/otrs/nph-genericinterface.pl/Webservice/$WebserviceName/$OperationRoute.
After uninstalling you should restart your web-server
Go to your package manager (http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminPackageManager). In table find OTRS exporter and press on "uninstall" option. Wait while OTRS uninstalling package. Restart your web-server
If you want to delete early created web-service, go to your web-service manager (http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminGenericInterfaceWebservice), find your created web-service and click on his name. Then at the block 'Actions' click on 'Delete web-service' button'.
Before creating new metrics, please, read Prometheus documetation about metrics https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/
After installing OTRS Exporter you can find item for managing custom metrics at Admin page. If you want to add new metric go to http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminPrometheus and click 'Add new metric'. Fill in required fields. At Cron SQL specify SQL-query by which the metric will be updated. Remember, that last column is always value to update metric. All columns before is labels for metric and they will named automatically.
To change metric you can go to http://localhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminPrometheus and click at name of metric to change. You also can delete this metric using actions block and changing-page
You can clear shared memory to reset all metrics. Be careful, because metrics about daemon processes will be able to update only after otrs.Daemon restart
There are two new console commands:
- Same as clear shared memory at custom-metrics-web-pageMaint::Prometheus::DeleteDiedPIDs
- Delete metrics from died processes ( it's also executing with cron task )
Download prometheus at https://prometheus.io/download/ if you didnt.
This example configuration for job is very simple:
- job_name: 'otrs'
metrics_path: '/otrs/nph-genericinterface.pl/Webservice/Prometheus/metrics'
- targets: ['localhost:80']
As metric path you should speciify the route to our operation. As target you should specify host for otrs
In your web-server for OTRS you can specify auth for metrics route using documetation for your server.
If you did it, you can add to Prometheus configuration file option for basic auth:
[ username: <string> ]
[ password: <secret> ]
[ password_file: <string> ]
With package were installed example dasbhoards for grafana to $OTRS_HOME/doc/GrafanaExamples/
You can import them to your grafana-server