Welcome to the Mindsphere Singapore website Fullstack Project! This application is built using React with Vite and Node.js with Express, designed to deliver a seamless experience while navigating Mindsphere’s range of training and coaching programs.
Ensure you have a .env
file in the root directory. Check the example provided for setting up environment variables for frontend and backend functionality.
- Install dependencies:
- First, navigate to the root directory and run this in the terminal and install the required modules:
npm run setup
- Run the Backend & Frontend Servers concurrently for development:
- To run both the backend and frontend at the same time for development, execute the following command in the root folder:
npm run dev
- Run the Backend & Frontend Servers concurrently for production:
- To run both the backend and frontend at the same time for development, execute the following command in the root folder:
- The difference between this script and 2 is that it installs the required modules and runs the server
npm run production
- Run Frontend Only:
- To run only the frontend, execute this command in the terminal in the root folder:
npm run frontend
- Run Backend Only:
- To run only the backend, execute this command in the terminal in the root folder:
npm run backend
- Terminate the Server:
- To stop the server, press CTRL+C in the terminal.
- API Documentation
- You can view the API Documentation by navigating to localhost:5000/api-docs once the servers are up and running
This application uses a variety of APIs and libraries to enhance functionality:
Google API: Integrated for various application needs, including access to location services, mapping, and authentication as required.
Google Drive API: Utilized to enable seamless integration with Google Drive for data storage, document access, and secure file sharing.
PDFKit: Utilized for creating, editing, and managing PDF documents programmatically, supporting reports, certificates, and downloadable materials.
IBM AI Chatbot: Integrated to provide an interactive, AI-driven chatbot experience, assisting users with inquiries and providing guidance within the platform.
React and Vite - React library for building the user interface, enhanced by Vite for fast builds and hot module replacement.
Node.js and Express - Backend functionality is powered by Node.js and Express, facilitating robust server-side operations.
ESLint - Enforces code consistency and style.
MSSQL - Provides a scalable, high-performance database for backend data handling.