Cast to TV - Gnome Shell Extension v6
This version unfortunately has small bug that makes it unusable on Gnome 3.30+ and will be available for download only here (it should work on Gnome 3.26 and 3.28)
This is a HUGE update (npm modules reinstallation might be needed).
- Chromecast subtitles support (without video transcoding)
- Select subtitles character encoding in settings (supports various alphabets)
- Both Chromecast and webplayer will show song cover when playing music (no more black screen)
- Select and cast multiple files to Chromecast
- Gnome remote now has position slider
- Change tracks using skip buttons
- Switchable repeat button (files will start playing from beginning after last one)
- Webplayer Firefox and other web browsers support
- Turkish translation by @teknomobil
- Reduce stuttering at video beginning by adding small delay (allows Chromecast to buffer a little before start)
- File is send to Chromecast as soon as ffmpeg finishes processing metadata/subtitles
- Fixed playback controls on mobile devices (plays perfectly with touch support on Android Chrome browser)
- Change web browser content without closing tab (page refresh is enough after selecting new file)
- Reworked a lot of code