After finishing the set up, scroll down to workflow section of the README
to see how to get started coding
- Ensure you have Node on your machine
- Clone this project using
git clone
(option available on top right section) of the projects github page- Command will look like this in the terminal:
git clone https://{url here} tinySEEDS
- Command will look like this in the terminal:
- The project has 2 folders: Frontend and Backend. We will set up both BUT don't worry about the backend too much.
- In terminal (from outside of the tinySEEDS folder) type:
- first to go into the frontend folder:
cd tinySEEDS/frontend
- second to install all dependencies from NPM and make sure the project has everything it needs to run:
npm i
- to run the frontend:
npm run dev
- first to go into the frontend folder:
- Once the app is running, the terminal will print out a url that you can copy and paste into your browser to see the app.
- Make sure each step finishes running before moving on to the next one.
- We already have a few test users in our database that you can sign in as:
- Email:
[email protected]
& Password:test123
- Email:
[email protected]
& Password:test123
- Email:
[email protected]
& Password:test123
- Email:
- To access the admin portal, click on the "Admin" button in the navbar and when prompted, type in
as the password.
- Backend Testing: Curl Commands
- We do not have any curl commands to test the backend:
- Since we don't have a traditional backend and are cloud native.
- Our web application is meant to be tested in the browser with the user stories we've designed for.
- We do not have any curl commands to test the backend:
- SQL Schema:
- We did not use a traditional SQL database. Therefore, there is no SQL schema. However, we did use firebase's realtime database which is essentially a JSON object in the cloud and is therefore document based. The initial version of the document db we used is provided in the main folder on github (outside of the
directory). This can be imported into firebase. The version of the db in firebase can also be exported from there directly and that version will be a more up to date one.
- We did not use a traditional SQL database. Therefore, there is no SQL schema. However, we did use firebase's realtime database which is essentially a JSON object in the cloud and is therefore document based. The initial version of the document db we used is provided in the main folder on github (outside of the
Make sure to ALWAYS follow this whenever you start working on a feature
- After you have set up the project and have a task from trello, in the correct folder (frontend or backend) make sure to use the
git branch
command to make a seperate branch for just your feature. Here's how:- Once your're in the right folder, type:
git checkout -b feature/{yourFeatureNameNoSpacesAndInCamelCase}
- Try not to be too verbose in your feature names (no more than 3 words ideally)
- You can now start coding!
- Once your're in the right folder, type:
Once you've made changes and added a feature you are happy with, in the terminal:
git add .
git commit -m "Your message about the changes here.. make sure to always have a message!"
git push
After this, your changes should officially be on github. But you're not done yet. You have one more step. Which is to create a Pull Request. (Message me on discord about that, we can do an example of that together, I dont want to write that out right now).