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Unity Convention Handbook

1. Commit message format

  • Commit titles should start with a capital letter and be strictly one sentence long (no fullstop is needed).
  • Commit messages must be phrased in present tense.
  • Additional content should be placed in the commit description.
  • Identifiers and other names should be enclosed in backticks.



Add `PlayerController` script

Complete basic 2D movement and jump.


Added PlayerController script.

2. Commit behavior, size and frequency

  • All commits need to work without further modifications.
  • When someone checkouts a commit (with a detached HEAD), the project should still compile and run mostly free of any problems (semantic or otherwise).
  • Check the build before making any commits and pushes.
  • Commits should be small in size and self-contained.
  • Commits should as best as possible not do more than 1 "big" thing as once.

3. Code horizontal formatting and wrapping behavior

  • A line should be strictly capped at a length of 80 (range: [0, 80]).

  • Manually wrapping is to be done should a line need more than 80 characters, as such:

    • Operator to be left at the previous line.
    • Where L is the original line, L + 1 should have a +1 indent relative to L.
    • When more than 1 round of wrapping is needed, L + 2 and beyond should keep the same indentation level as L + 1.


        veryVeryVeryVerboseArg2, veryVeryVeryVerboseArg3,

4. Access modifiers

  • Explicit access modifier for all declarations, except within interfaces.
  • Unity message methods should always be private.
  • Serialized fields should always be private.
  • Should a public variable be needed, always make it a property.


string _someName = "Name";

void Update()

private void Update()

5. Comments format

  • All comments to start with // (per line needed).
  • Multi-line comments (/* and */) should not be used.
  • The comment must be preceded by strictly 1 space character.
  • The first character after the space should be captialized should it be [a-z].
  • Comment line horizontal length should be around the same as the target code block.
  • If the comment references an identifier in the code surround the identifier in backticks.


// This is a very long and detailed comment as to why I have a bool here
private bool _extraBool = false;

// This is a very long and detailed
// comment as to why I have a bool here
private bool _extraBool = false;
private void Foo()
    // WRONG
    // Call Bar to init ...

    // CORRECT
    // Call `Bar` to init ...

6. Identifiers (top rules takes priority over bottom ones)

  • Source files and Assets: PascalCase.
  • Game object names: PascalCase.
  • Types: PascalCase.
  • Private variables (including serialized ones): _camelCase (note the leading underscore).
  • Functions, properties and public variables: PascalCase.
  • All other identifiers: camelCase.

7. Usings

  • Leave a line between using groups.
  • System usings should be first.
  • Unity usings should be next.
  • TMPro usings belong together with Unity.
  • Order by semantics, then by length.
  • Superfluous using to be removed.


using System;

using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

8. Create Asset Menu attribute

  • Fill in both menu name and file name.


[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Scriptable Object/Entity/Creature",
    fileName = "New Creature")]
public class Creature : Entity

9. Braces format

  • Braces should always be on its own new line, never omit it.


if (condition)

if (condition) ...

if (condition)

10. Attribute format

  • All attributes to have their own line.
  • Rule 3 still applies for attributes.
  • Header attributes should have 1 empty line above and below it, except when the top or bottom is an opening or closing brace.


public bool SomeOtherJunk = true;

[Header("Vitals Drain Rate")]

[Range(0f, 5f)]
private float _hungerDrainPerSec = 1f;

11. Type declarations

  • Keep to 1 type declaration per source file.
  • Nested types can be allowed depending on circumstance.

12. Declaration order

  • Nested types should be first regardless of visibility.

  • Next, variables and properties to be declared in the following order:

    • Properties first then variables.
    • Public (should have 1 empty line above and below it, except when the top or bottom is an opening or closing brace).
    • Private and serialized (whole block should have 1 empty line above and below it, except when the top or bottom is an opening or closing brace).
    • Private and for internal use only (group all together with the whole group having 1 empty line above and below it, except when the top or bottom is an opening or closing brace).
  • Lastly, methods to be declared in the following order:

    • Public.
    • Protected.
    • Private.


public class PlayerVitals : MonoBehaviour
    public class NestedType

    public int IntProp { get; private set; }

    public float StinkyFloat = 0f;

    [Range(0f, 5f)]
    private float _hungerDrainPerSec = 1f;

    private GameReset _gameReset;
    private UIManager _manager;

    public void PublicFunction()

    protected void ProtectedFunction()

    private void Update()

13. Use asserts where appropriate to document assumed predicate(s)

  • An assert message should be present for most of the cases.


private void LoadKeyframes(List<int> indices)
    Assert.IsTrue(indices.Count > 0,
        "`indices` should not be empty as total " +
        "keyframes must be greater than 0");


14. Comment label format

  • Use of labels such as TODO, FIXME, SAFETY and any others where appropriate.
  • Format them as such // NAME_OF_LABEL (NAME_OF_PERSON): Comment description.


// TODO (Cheng Jun): Add descriptive comments here outlining how this works
// FIXME (Chris): A valid input is assumed here, add a validation check
// SAFETY (Brandon): The index is presumed to be in range, due to ...

15. Branch name and usage

  • Branch names should only contain lowercase letters (numbers may be permitted where appropriate) and be delimited by a single dash (-).
  • Main branch should be the dev branch.
  • Do all development on the respective topic or feature branch, else commit to the dev branch.
  • Do not create branches based on members (branch name should not contain anyone's name).
  • main branch should only contain "release ready" builds that have been sufficiently tested.



16. All script components must be at the bottom

  • All built-in and other components should be before script components.

17. Generic argument identifiers

  • Prefer the use of semantic generic argument identifiers


public class StateMachine<T, U>

public class StateMachine<TSelfID, TStateID>


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