Crowd Sourced Composting
After cloning a fork of the project you will need to perform following steps to setup your Meteor installation:
Change into your cloned working directory
Run following to initialize your meteor app (a '.meteor' folder will be created): $ meteor create .
Review files in the client folder. If these files hadn't been present, Meteor would have created files supporting Blaze:
<title>Meteor 1.3x + React 15 + Flow Router</title>main.js:
import '/imports/startup/client'
main.css: nothing to change here for now.
For React we're shifting work to files under 'imports/startup/client'. The main.html provide the one DOM element 'render-target' that React will use.
Installing React with npm (we'll need to keep Blaze around for accounts package support): $ meteor npm install [npm modules we're installing are listed in the project dependencies block in packages.json]
Add react-meteor-data, flow-router, and accounts / login packages: $ meteor add react-meteor-data $ meteor add kadira:flow-router $ meteor add accounts-ui accounts-password [these packages required blaze-html-templates and give us Meteor.user]
Run meteor and confirm the app is available when you point your browser to http://localhost:3000/ $ meteor
Kill the meteor process CTRL+C on Mac