A website that allows users to check the current weather and discover top attractions in any city worldwide. By entering a city name, users can instantly view the weather conditions and explore popular attractions in the specified location.
- City Weather: Get real-time weather information for any city around the globe.
- Top Attractions: Discover top attractions and landmarks in the selected city.
- Responsive Design: The website is designed to work seamlessly across devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
- HTML: Used for structuring the website's content.
- CSS: Styles the website to enhance its visual appeal and user experience.
- JavaScript: Powers the interactive features, such as fetching weather data and displaying attractions.
- OpenWeather API: Integrated to retrieve current weather information based on city input.
- Foursquare API: Utilized to fetch top attractions and points of interest for a given city.
- Visit the Wanderlust website.
- Start typing the name of a city in the search bar.
- View the current weather conditions for the selected city, including temperature and weather description.
- Explore top attractions and popular landmarks in the city.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This project was made possible thanks to the following contributors and resources:
- Rahim Guerfi: Lead developer and creator of the Wanderlust website.
- Codecademy: This was a practice project from the Full-Stack program at Codeacademy.
- OpenWeather API: Provides real-time weather data for cities worldwide.
- Foursquare API: Offers information about places and attractions.
- HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript: Essential technologies used for front-end development.
For inquiries, please contact [email protected].